Santosh Kodicherla 351ca2b629 Add tacker multi vdu tests
Adding testcase for create vnf with multiple vdus

    Closes-Bug: 1510314

Change-Id: I8750e314d0df39d9b8b251d96a7300a2702a2db2
2015-11-10 08:50:30 +00:00
2015-11-10 08:50:30 +00:00
2015-07-10 16:24:50 -07:00
2015-07-10 16:24:50 -07:00

Devstack Integration

This directory contains the files necessary to integrate Tacker with devstack Kilo.

To install tacker into devstack, copy the local.conf.sample under samples directory in to the devstack directory and run ./stack.sh