
185 lines
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(C) 2009 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved
This file definas a single object in global scope:
The controller object is responsible for displaying a menu that
allows users to view schema source and jump to various definitions
in the schema.
// Initialization code...
// Make sure dependecies are defined in the global scope, throw
// an error if they are not.
if ((!window.trc) ||
throw new Error("Require trc/util.js to be loaded.");
// We use YUI to build our controller menu make sure we have the
// proper dependecies loaded, call init when we do...
function InitController()
trc.util.yui.loadYUIDeps (["menu"], InitController);
if (!trc.schema)
trc.schema = new Object();
trc.schema.controller = {
// Internal and external links by type:
// type --> array of links
// possible types include: import, include, element,
// attribute, complextype, simpleType
// each link contains the following properties:
// name : the name of the link
// href : the link itself
// title : a description of the link
links : new Object(),
// A single link that points to the schema index document.
index : null,
// Our initialization function
_init : function() {
// Load the menu...
var controllerDiv = document.getElementById("Controller");
var mainMenu = this._menuMarkup("mainmenu");
for (var linkType in this.links)
var subItem = this._menuItemMarkup(mainMenu, linkType, "#", null);
var subMenu = this._menuMarkup (linkType+"_subMenu");
var items = this.links[linkType];
for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++)
this._menuItemMarkup (subMenu,
subItem.item.appendChild (subMenu.main);
// Toggle view source menu
this._menuItemMarkup (mainMenu, "toggle src view",
"javascript:trc.schema.sampleManager.toggleSrcView()", null);
// Index schema document
if (this.index != null)
this._menuItemMarkup (mainMenu, this.index.name,
this.index.href, this.index.title);
controllerDiv.appendChild (mainMenu.main);
var oMenu = new YAHOO.widget.Menu("mainmenu", {position: "static"});
// Builds menu markup returns the associated divs in the
// properties main, body, header, footer, and list
_menuMarkup : function(id /*Id for main part*/)
// Build our menu div...
var mainDiv = document.createElement("div");
var headerDiv = document.createElement("div");
var bodyDiv = document.createElement("div");
var footerDiv = document.createElement("div");
var listDiv = document.createElement("ul");
mainDiv.setAttribute ("id", id);
trc.util.dom.setClassName (mainDiv, "yuimenu");
trc.util.dom.setClassName (headerDiv, "hd");
trc.util.dom.setClassName (bodyDiv, "bd");
trc.util.dom.setClassName (footerDiv, "ft");
mainDiv.appendChild (headerDiv);
mainDiv.appendChild (bodyDiv);
mainDiv.appendChild (footerDiv);
bodyDiv.appendChild (listDiv);
return {
main : mainDiv,
body : bodyDiv,
header : headerDiv,
footer : footerDiv,
list : listDiv
// Adds a menu item to existing markup.
_menuItemMarkup : function (menu, /*Markup returned from _menuMarkup*/
name, /* String, menu item name */
href, /* String, menu item href */
title /* String, title (tool tip)*/
var listItem = document.createElement ("li");
var link = document.createElement ("a");
trc.util.dom.setClassName (listItem, "yuimenuitem");
trc.util.dom.setClassName (link, "yuimenuitemlabel");
link.setAttribute ("href", href);
if (title != null)
link.setAttribute ("title", title);
link.appendChild (document.createTextNode(name));
listItem.appendChild (link);
return {
item : listItem,
anchor : link