
171 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2021 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import config
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import fm_alarm_utils as alarm_utils
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import fm_subscription_utils as fm_utils
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import http_client
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import lcm_op_occ_utils as lcmocc_utils
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import pm_job_utils
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import subscription_utils as subsc_utils
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import vnfd_utils
from tacker.sol_refactored.nfvo import local_nfvo
from tacker.sol_refactored import objects
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = config.CONF
class NfvoClient(object):
def __init__(self):
self.is_local = True
self.nfvo = local_nfvo.LocalNfvo()
if CONF.v2_nfvo.use_external_nfvo:
self.is_local = False
self.endpoint = CONF.v2_nfvo.endpoint
auth_handle = http_client.OAuth2AuthHandle(
self.client = http_client.HttpClient(auth_handle)
self.grant_api_version = CONF.v2_nfvo.grant_api_version
self.vnfpkgm_api_version = CONF.v2_nfvo.vnfpkgm_api_version
def get_vnf_package_info_vnfd(self, context, vnfd_id):
if self.is_local:
return self.nfvo.onboarded_show(context, vnfd_id)
url = "{}/vnfpkgm/v2/onboarded_vnf_packages/{}".format(
self.endpoint, vnfd_id)
resp, body = self.client.do_request(
url, "GET", expected_status=[200],
LOG.debug("vnfpkg_info_vnfd: %s" % body)
return objects.VnfPkgInfoV2.from_dict(body)
def onboarded_show_vnfd(self, context, vnfd_id):
if self.is_local:
# this is not happen. will raise internal server error.
LOG.error("onboarded_show_vnfd is called.")
url = "{}/vnfpkgm/v2/onboarded_vnf_packages/{}/vnfd".format(
self.endpoint, vnfd_id)
resp, body = self.client.do_request(
url, "GET", expected_status=[200],
return body
def onboarded_package_content(self, context, vnfd_id):
if self.is_local:
# this is not happen. will raise internal server error.
LOG.error("onboarded_package_content is called.")
url = "{}/vnfpkgm/v2/onboarded_vnf_packages/{}/package_content"
url = url.format(self.endpoint, vnfd_id)
resp, body = self.client.do_request(
url, "GET", expected_status=[200],
return body
def grant(self, context, grant_req):
LOG.debug("grant request: %s", grant_req.to_dict())
if self.is_local:
grant_res = self.nfvo.grant(context, grant_req)
url = "{}/grant/v1/grants".format(self.endpoint)
resp, body = self.client.do_request(
url, "POST", expected_status=[201], body=grant_req,
grant_res = objects.GrantV1.from_dict(body)
LOG.debug("grant response: %s", grant_res.to_dict())
return grant_res
def get_vnfd(self, context, vnfd_id, all_contents=False):
if self.is_local:
return self.nfvo.get_vnfd(context, vnfd_id)
if all_contents:
zip_file = self.onboarded_package_content(context, vnfd_id)
zip_file = self.onboarded_show_vnfd(context, vnfd_id)
vnfd = vnfd_utils.Vnfd(vnfd_id)
return vnfd
def send_inst_create_notification(self, context, inst, endpoint):
subscs = subsc_utils.get_inst_create_subscs(context, inst)
for subsc in subscs:
notif_data = subsc_utils.make_create_inst_notif_data(
subsc, inst, endpoint)
subsc_utils.send_notification(subsc, notif_data)
if self.is_local:
self.nfvo.recv_inst_create_notification(context, inst)
def send_inst_delete_notification(self, context, inst, endpoint):
subscs = subsc_utils.get_inst_delete_subscs(context, inst)
for subsc in subscs:
notif_data = subsc_utils.make_delete_inst_notif_data(
subsc, inst, endpoint)
subsc_utils.send_notification(subsc, notif_data)
if self.is_local:
self.nfvo.recv_inst_delete_notification(context, inst)
def send_lcmocc_notification(self, context, lcmocc, inst, endpoint):
subscs = subsc_utils.get_lcmocc_subscs(context, lcmocc, inst)
for subsc in subscs:
notif_data = lcmocc_utils.make_lcmocc_notif_data(
subsc, lcmocc, endpoint)
subsc_utils.send_notification(subsc, notif_data)
if self.is_local:
self.nfvo.recv_lcmocc_notification(context, lcmocc, inst)
def send_alarm_notification(self, context, alarm, inst, endpoint):
subscs = fm_utils.get_alarm_subscs(context, alarm, inst)
for subsc in subscs:
notif_data = alarm_utils.make_alarm_notif_data(
subsc, alarm, endpoint)
fm_utils.send_notification(subsc, notif_data)
def send_pm_job_notification(self, report, pm_job, timestamp, endpoint):
report_object_instance_id = {entry.objectInstanceId
for entry in report.entries}
for instance_id in report_object_instance_id:
sub_instance_ids = [
entry.subObjectInstanceId for entry in report.entries
if (entry.objectInstanceId == instance_id and
notif_data = pm_job_utils.make_pm_notif_data(
instance_id, sub_instance_ids, report.id,
pm_job, timestamp, endpoint)
pm_job_utils.send_notification(pm_job, notif_data)