This patch add a kubernetes cluster for the kubernetes related
functional tests of the VNF LCM in the zuul environment.
There is no impact to the existing jobs because this patch only
add a new job, however we may need to watch the load on the Zuul
environment due to its parallel jobs.
A new node-set consists of four nodes;
* Controller: Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, Cinder, Octavia,
* Controller-tacker: Tacker, Tacker-conductor
* Controller-k8s: kuryr-k8s, kuryr-CNI, k8s-api, kubelet
* Compute: Nova-compute
All kubernetes resources are created on the controller-k8s node.
This patch includes the following changes:
* Added a execution command for the functional test of related
k8s for the VNF LCM in tox.ini.
* Registered a vim of the `kubernetes` type by ansible. Also
added related materials.
* Moved the functional test files for k8s to other new directory.
* Fixed a minor invalid definition in the definition file used
for functional testing.
Change-Id: I1621b904450e94d6793b4c524de6785520f2e805