
557 lines
23 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2019 NTT DATA
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
import hashlib
import os
import re
import shutil
import yaml
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import excutils
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
from toscaparser.prereq.csar import CSAR
from toscaparser.tosca_template import ToscaTemplate
import zipfile
from tacker.common import exceptions
import tacker.conf
from tacker.extensions import vnfm
import urllib.request as urllib2
'sha-224': hashlib.sha224,
'sha-256': hashlib.sha256,
'sha-384': hashlib.sha384,
'sha-512': hashlib.sha512
CONF = tacker.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TOSCA_META = 'TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta'
ARTIFACT_KEYS = ['Source', 'Algorithm', 'Hash']
IMAGE_FORMAT_LIST = ['raw', 'vhd', 'vhdx', 'vmdk', 'vdi', 'iso', 'ploop',
'qcow2', 'aki', 'ari', 'ami', 'img']
def _check_type(custom_def, node_type, type_list):
for node_data_type, node_data_type_value in custom_def.items():
if node_data_type == node_type and node_type in type_list:
return True, node_data_type_value
for k, v in node_data_type_value.items():
if k == 'derived_from':
if v in type_list and node_type == node_data_type:
return True, node_data_type_value
return False, None
def _get_sw_image_artifact(artifacts):
if not artifacts:
for artifact_value in artifacts.values():
if isinstance(artifact_value, dict):
if artifact_value.get('type') == 'tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage':
return artifact_value
elif isinstance(artifact_value, str):
return {'file': artifact_value}
def _update_default_vnfd_data(node_value, node_type_value):
vnf_properties = node_value['properties']
type_properties = node_type_value['properties']
for property_key, property_value in type_properties.items():
if property_key == 'descriptor_id':
# if descriptor_id is parameterized, then get the value from the
# default property and set it in the vnf_properties.
if vnf_properties and isinstance(
vnf_properties.get('descriptor_id'), dict):
vnf_properties['descriptor_id'] = property_value.get("default")
return vnf_properties
def _get_vnf_data(nodetemplates):
type_list = ['tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF']
for nt in nodetemplates:
for node_name, node_value in nt.templates.items():
type_status, node_type_value = _check_type(nt.custom_def,
node_value['type'], type_list)
if type_status and node_type_value:
return _update_default_vnfd_data(node_value, node_type_value)
def _get_instantiation_levels(policies):
if policies:
for policy in policies:
if policy.type_definition.type == \
return policy.properties
def _update_flavour_data_from_vnf(custom_defs, node_tpl, flavour):
type_list = ['tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF']
type_status, _ = _check_type(custom_defs, node_tpl['type'], type_list)
if type_status and node_tpl['properties']:
vnf_properties = node_tpl['properties']
if 'flavour_description' in vnf_properties:
{'flavour_description': vnf_properties[
if 'flavour_id' in vnf_properties and isinstance(
vnf_properties['flavour_id'], str):
flavour.update({'flavour_id': vnf_properties['flavour_id']})
def _get_software_image(custom_defs, nodetemplate_name, node_tpl):
type_list = ['tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute',
type_status, _ = _check_type(custom_defs, node_tpl['type'], type_list)
if type_status:
properties = node_tpl['properties']
sw_image_artifact = _get_sw_image_artifact(node_tpl.get('artifacts'))
if sw_image_artifact:
image_path = sw_image_artifact['file'].lstrip("./")
{'software_image_id': nodetemplate_name,
'image_path': image_path})
sw_image_data = properties['sw_image_data']
if 'metadata' in sw_image_artifact:
return sw_image_data
def _populate_flavour_data(tosca):
flavours = []
if tosca.nested_tosca_templates_with_topology:
for tp in tosca.nested_tosca_templates_with_topology:
sw_image_list = []
# Setting up flavour data
flavour_id = tp.substitution_mappings.properties.get('flavour_id')
if flavour_id:
flavour = {'flavour_id': flavour_id}
tpl_dict = dict()
# get from top-vnfd data
for key, value in tosca.tpl.items():
if key in CONF.vnf_package.get_top_list:
tpl_dict[key] = value
# get from lower-vnfd data
tpl_dict['topology_template'] = dict()
tpl_dict['topology_template']['policies'] = \
tpl_dict['topology_template']['node_templates'] = \
for e_node in CONF.vnf_package.exclude_node:
if tpl_dict['topology_template']['node_templates'].\
del (tpl_dict['topology_template']
tpl_dict['topology_template']['inputs'] = \
for del_input in CONF.vnf_package.del_input_list:
if tpl_dict['topology_template']['inputs'].get(del_input):
del tpl_dict['topology_template']['inputs'][del_input]
if len(tpl_dict['topology_template']['inputs']) < 1:
del tpl_dict['topology_template']['inputs']
flavour.update({'tpl_dict': tpl_dict})
instantiation_levels = _get_instantiation_levels(tp.policies)
if instantiation_levels:
{'instantiation_levels': instantiation_levels})
mgmt_driver = None
for template_name, node_tpl in \
# check the flavour property in vnf data
tp.custom_defs, node_tpl, flavour)
if node_tpl['type'] in CONF.vnf_package.get_lower_list:
if node_tpl['type'] == "tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU.Tacker":
# get mgmt_driver
mgmt_driver_flavour = \
if mgmt_driver_flavour:
if mgmt_driver and \
mgmt_driver_flavour != mgmt_driver:
raise vnfm.MultipleMGMTDriversSpecified()
mgmt_driver = mgmt_driver_flavour
flavour.update({'mgmt_driver': mgmt_driver})
for template_name, node_tpl in \
# Update the software image data
sw_image = _get_software_image(tp.custom_defs,
if sw_image:
# Add software images for flavour
if sw_image_list:
flavour.update({'sw_images': sw_image_list})
if flavour:
_get_flavour_data(tosca.topology_template, flavours)
return flavours
def _get_flavour_data(tp, flavours):
sw_image_list = []
# Setting up flavour data
flavour_id = tp.substitution_mappings.properties.get('flavour_id')
if flavour_id:
if isinstance(flavour_id, dict):
error_msg = "flavour_id should be string and given" \
" {}".format(flavour_id)
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(error_msg)
flavour = {'flavour_id': flavour_id}
flavour = {}
instantiation_levels = _get_instantiation_levels(tp.policies)
if instantiation_levels:
flavour.update({'instantiation_levels': instantiation_levels})
for template_name, node_tpl in tp.tpl.get('node_templates').items():
# check the flavour property in vnf data
_update_flavour_data_from_vnf(tp.custom_defs, node_tpl, flavour)
# Update the software image data
sw_image = _get_software_image(tp.custom_defs, template_name,
if sw_image:
# Add software images for flavour
if sw_image_list:
flavour.update({'sw_images': sw_image_list})
if flavour:
def _get_instantiation_levels_from_policy(tpl_policies):
"""Get defined instantiation levels
Getting instantiation levels defined under policy type
levels = []
for policy in tpl_policies:
for key, value in policy.items():
if value.get('type') == 'tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels'\
and value.get('properties', {}).get('levels', {}):
levels = value.get('properties').get('levels').keys()
default_level = value.get(
if default_level and default_level not in levels:
error_msg = "Level {} not found in defined levels" \
" {}".format(default_level,
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(error_msg)
return levels
def _validate_instantiation_levels(policy, instantiation_levels):
expected_policy_type = ['tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels',
for policy_name, policy_tpl in policy.items():
if policy_tpl.get('type') not in expected_policy_type:
if not instantiation_levels:
msg = ('Policy of type'
' "tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels is not defined.')
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(msg)
if policy_tpl.get('properties'):
levels_in_policy = policy_tpl.get(
if levels_in_policy:
invalid_levels = set(levels_in_policy.keys()) - set(
invalid_levels = set()
if invalid_levels:
error_msg = "Level(s) {} not found in defined levels" \
" {}".format(",".join(sorted(invalid_levels)),
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(error_msg)
def _validate_sw_image_data_for_artifact(node_tpl, template_name):
artifact_names = []
artifacts = node_tpl.get('artifacts')
if not artifacts:
for key, value in artifacts.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
if value.get('type') == 'tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage':
elif isinstance(value, str):
if len(artifact_names) > 1:
error_msg = ('artifacts of type "tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage"'
' is added more than one time for'
' node %(node)s.') % {'node': template_name}
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(error_msg)
if artifact_names and node_tpl.get('properties'):
if not node_tpl.get('properties').get('sw_image_data'):
error_msg = ('Node property "sw_image_data" is missing for'
' artifact %(artifact_name)s for node %(node)s.') % {
'artifact_name': artifact_names[0], 'node': template_name}
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(error_msg)
def _validate_sw_image_data_for_artifacts(tosca):
for tp in tosca.nested_tosca_templates_with_topology:
for template_name, node_tpl in tp.tpl.get('node_templates').items():
_validate_sw_image_data_for_artifact(node_tpl, template_name)
for template in tosca.nodetemplates:
template.entity_tpl, template.name)
def _get_data_from_csar(tosca, context, id):
for tp in tosca.nested_tosca_templates_with_topology:
policies = tp.tpl.get("policies")
if policies:
levels = _get_instantiation_levels_from_policy(policies)
for policy_tpl in policies:
_validate_instantiation_levels(policy_tpl, levels)
vnf_data = _get_vnf_data(tosca.nodetemplates)
if not vnf_data:
error_msg = "VNF properties are mandatory"
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(error_msg)
flavours = _populate_flavour_data(tosca)
if not flavours:
error_msg = "No VNF flavours are available"
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(error_msg)
csar = CSAR(tosca.input_path, tosca.a_file)
vnf_artifacts = []
if csar.validate():
vnf_artifacts = _get_vnf_artifacts(csar)
return vnf_data, flavours, vnf_artifacts
def _get_vnf_artifacts(csar):
vnf_artifacts = []
if csar.is_tosca_metadata:
if csar._get_metadata("ETSI-Entry-Manifest"):
manifest_path = csar._get_metadata("ETSI-Entry-Manifest")
if manifest_path.lower().endswith(".mf"):
manifest_data = csar.zfile.read(manifest_path)
vnf_artifacts = _convert_artifacts(
vnf_artifacts, manifest_data, csar)
invalid_manifest_err_msg = (
('The file "%(manifest)s" in the CSAR "%(csar)s" does not '
'contain valid manifest.') %
{'manifest': manifest_path, 'csar': csar.path})
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(invalid_manifest_err_msg)
tosca_data = csar.zfile.read(TOSCA_META)
vnf_artifacts = _convert_artifacts(vnf_artifacts, tosca_data, csar)
filelist = csar.zfile.namelist()
main_template_file_name = os.path.splitext(
for path in filelist:
if path.lower().endswith(".mf"):
manifest_file_name = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
if manifest_file_name == main_template_file_name:
manifest_data = csar.zfile.read(path)
vnf_artifacts = _convert_artifacts(
vnf_artifacts, manifest_data, csar)
invalid_manifest_err_msg = \
(('The filename "%(manifest)s" is an invalid name.'
'The name must be the same as the main template '
'file name.') %
{'manifest': path})
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(invalid_manifest_err_msg)
# Deduplication
vnf_artifacts = [dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items())
for d in vnf_artifacts])]
return vnf_artifacts
def _convert_artifacts(vnf_artifacts, artifacts_data, csar):
artifacts_data_split = re.split(b'\n\n+', artifacts_data)
for data in artifacts_data_split:
if re.findall(b'.?Name:.?|.?Source:.?|', data):
# validate key's existence
if re.findall(b'.?Algorithm:.?|.?Hash:.?', data):
artifact_data_dict = yaml.safe_load(data)
if 'Name' in artifact_data_dict.keys():
{"Source": artifact_data_dict.pop("Name")})
if 'Content-Type' in artifact_data_dict.keys():
del artifact_data_dict['Content-Type']
if sorted(ARTIFACT_KEYS) != sorted(artifact_data_dict.keys()):
missing_key = list(set(ARTIFACT_KEYS) ^
missing_key = sorted(missing_key)
invalid_artifact_err_msg = \
(('One of the artifact information '
'may not have the key("%(key)s")') %
{'key': missing_key})
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(invalid_artifact_err_msg)
# validate value's existence
for key, value in artifact_data_dict.items():
if not value:
invalid_artifact_err_msg = \
(('One of the artifact information may not have '
'the key value("%(key)s")') % {'key': key})
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(invalid_artifact_err_msg)
artifact_path = artifact_data_dict.get('Source')
if os.path.splitext(artifact_path)[-1][1:] \
algorithm = artifact_data_dict.get('Algorithm')
hash_code = artifact_data_dict.get('Hash')
result = _validate_hash(algorithm, hash_code,
csar, artifact_path)
if result:
invalid_artifact_err_msg = \
(('The hash "%(hash)s" of artifact file '
'"%(artifact)s" is an invalid value.') %
{'hash': hash_code, 'artifact': artifact_path})
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(invalid_artifact_err_msg)
return vnf_artifacts
def _validate_hash(algorithm, hash_code, csar, artifact_path):
z = zipfile.ZipFile(csar.path)
algorithm = algorithm.lower()
# validate Algorithm's value
if algorithm in HASH_DICT.keys():
hash_obj = HASH_DICT[algorithm]()
invalid_artifact_err_msg = (('The algorithm("%(algorithm)s") of '
'artifact("%(artifact_path)s") is '
'an invalid value.') %
{'algorithm': algorithm,
'artifact_path': artifact_path})
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(invalid_artifact_err_msg)
filelist = csar.zfile.namelist()
# validate Source's value
if artifact_path in filelist:
elif ((urlparse(artifact_path).scheme == 'file') or
(bool(urlparse(artifact_path).scheme) and
invalid_artifact_err_msg = (('The path("%(artifact_path)s") of '
'artifact Source is an invalid value.') %
{'artifact_path': artifact_path})
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(invalid_artifact_err_msg)
# validate Hash's value
if hash_code == hash_obj.hexdigest():
return True
return False
def extract_csar_zip_file(file_path, extract_path):
with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, 'r') as zf:
except (RuntimeError, zipfile.BadZipfile) as exp:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error("Error encountered while extracting "
"csar zip file %(path)s. Error: %(error)s.",
{'path': file_path,
'error': encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exp)})
exp.reraise = False
raise exceptions.InvalidZipFile(path=file_path)
def load_csar_data(context, package_uuid, zip_path):
extract_zip_path = os.path.join(CONF.vnf_package.vnf_package_csar_path,
extract_csar_zip_file(zip_path, extract_zip_path)
tosca = ToscaTemplate(zip_path, None, True)
return _get_data_from_csar(tosca, context, package_uuid)
except exceptions.InvalidCSAR as exp:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error("Error processing CSAR file %(path)s for vnf package"
" %(uuid)s: Error: %(error)s. ",
{'path': zip_path, 'uuid': package_uuid,
'error': encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exp)})
except Exception as exp:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error("Tosca parser failed for vnf package %(uuid)s: "
"Error: %(error)s. ", {'uuid': package_uuid,
'error': encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exp)})
exp.reraise = False
raise exceptions.InvalidCSAR(encodeutils.exception_to_unicode
def delete_csar_data(package_uuid):
# Remove zip and folder from the vnf_package_csar_path
csar_zip_temp_path = os.path.join(CONF.vnf_package.vnf_package_csar_path,
csar_path = os.path.join(CONF.vnf_package.vnf_package_csar_path,
package_uuid + ".zip")
except OSError as exc:
exc_message = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc)
msg = _('Failed to delete csar folder: '
'%(csar_path)s, Error: %(exc)s')
LOG.warning(msg, {'csar_path': csar_path, 'exc': exc_message})