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Install via Devstack


Tacker provides some examples, or templates, of local.conf used for Devstack. You can find them in ${TACKER_ROOT}/devstack directory in the tacker repository.

Devstack supports installation from different code branch by specifying branch name in your local.conf as described in below. If you install the latest version, use master branch. On the other hand, if you install specific release, suppose ussuri in this case, branch name must be stable/ussuri.

For installation, stack.sh script in Devstack should be run as a non-root user with sudo enabled. Add a separate user stack and granting relevant privileges is a good way to install via Devstack1.


Devstack expects to be provided local.conf before running install script. The first step of installing tacker is to clone Devstack and prepare your local.conf.

  1. Download DevStack

    Get Devstack via git, with specific branch optionally if you prefer, and go down to the directory.

    $ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack-dev/devstack -b <branch-name>
    $ cd devstack
  2. Enable tacker related Devstack plugins in local.conf file

    local.conf needs to be created by manual, or copied from Tacker repo2 renamed as local.conf. We have two choices for configuration basically. First one is the all-in-one mode that installs full Devstack environment including Tacker in one PC or Laptop. Second, it is standalone mode which only will install only Tacker environment with some mandatory OpenStack services. Nova, Neutron or other essential components are not included in this mode.

    1. All-in-one mode

      There are two examples for all-in-one mode, targetting OpenStack or Kubernetes as VIM.

      local.conf for all-in-one mode with OpenStack3 is shown as below.


      The difference between all-in-one mode with Kubernetes4 is to deploy kuryr-kubernetes and octavia.


    2. Standalone mode

      The local.conf file of standalone mode from5 is shown as below.


  3. Installation

    After saving the local.conf, we can run stack.sh in the terminal to start setting up.

    $ ./stack.sh


  1. https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/↩︎

  2. https://opendev.org/openstack/tacker/src/branch/master/devstack↩︎

  3. https://opendev.org/openstack/tacker/src/branch/master/devstack/local.conf.example↩︎

  4. https://opendev.org/openstack/tacker/src/branch/master/devstack/local.conf.kubernetes↩︎

  5. https://opendev.org/openstack/tacker/src/branch/master/devstack/local.conf.standalone↩︎