Tap as a Service API REFERENCE

This documents is an API REFERENCE for Tap-as-a-Service Neutron extension.

The documents is organized into the following sections:
* TaaS Resources
* API Reference
* TaaS CLI Reference
* Workflow

TaaS Resources

TaaS consists of two resources, TapService and TapFlow.


TapService Represents the port on which the mirrored traffic is delivered.
Any service (VM) that uses the mirrored data is attached to the port.

.. code-block:: python

    'tap_services': {
        'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
               'validate': {'type:uuid': None}, 'is_visible': True,
               'primary_key': True},
        'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
                      'validate': {'type:string': None},
                      'required_by_policy': True, 'is_visible': True},
        'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
                 'validate': {'type:string': None},
                 'is_visible': True, 'default': ''},
        'description': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
                        'validate': {'type:string': None},
                        'is_visible': True, 'default': ''},
        'port_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
                    'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
                    'is_visible': True},


TapFlow Represents the port from which the traffic needs to be mirrored.

.. code-block:: python

    'tap_flows': {
        'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
               'validate': {'type:uuid': None}, 'is_visible': True,
               'primary_key': True},
        'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
                      'validate': {'type:string': None},
                      'required_by_policy': True, 'is_visible': True},
        'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
                 'validate': {'type:string': None},
                 'is_visible': True, 'default': ''},
        'description': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
                        'validate': {'type:string': None},
                        'is_visible': True, 'default': ''},
        'tap_service_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
                           'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
                           'required_by_policy': True, 'is_visible': True},
        'source_port': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
                        'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
                        'required_by_policy': True, 'is_visible': True},
        'direction': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
                      'validate': {'type:values': direction_enum},
                      'is_visible': True}

    direction_enum = ['IN', 'OUT', 'BOTH']

Multiple TapFlow instances can be associated with a single TapService


Below is the list of REST APIs that can be used to interact with TaaS Neutron

1. Create TapService


   **POST        /v2.0/taas/tap_services**


    Json Request:

.. code-block:: python

        "tap_service": {
            "description": "Test_Tap",
            "name": "Test",
            "port_id": "c9beb5a1-21f5-4225-9eaf-02ddccdd50a9",
            "tenant_id": "97e1586d580745d7b311406697aaf097"


    Json Response:

.. code-block:: python

        "tap_service": {
            "description": "Test_Tap",
            "id": "c352f537-ad49-48eb-ab05-1c6b8cb900ff",
            "name": "Test",
            "port_id": "c9beb5a1-21f5-4225-9eaf-02ddccdd50a9",
            "tenant_id": "97e1586d580745d7b311406697aaf097"

2. List TapServices


    **GET        /v2.0/taas/tap_services/{tap_service_uuid}**


    Json Response:

.. code-block:: python

        "tap_services": [
                "description": "Test_Tap",
                "id": "c352f537-ad49-48eb-ab05-1c6b8cb900ff",
                "name": "Test",
                "port_id": "c9beb5a1-21f5-4225-9eaf-02ddccdd50a9",
                "tenant_id": "97e1586d580745d7b311406697aaf097"

3. Delete TapService


    **DELETE        /v2.0/taas/tap_services/{tap_service_uuid}**


4. Create TapFlow


   **POST        /v2.0/taas/tap_flows**


    Json Request:

.. code-block:: python

        "tap_flow": {
            "description": "Test_flow1",
            "direction": "BOTH",
            "name": "flow1",
            "source_port": "775a58bb-e2c6-4529-a918-2f019169b5b1",
            "tap_service_id": "69bd12b2-0e13-45ec-9045-b674fd9f0468",
            "tenant_id": "97e1586d580745d7b311406697aaf097"


    Json Response:

.. code-block:: python

        "tap_flow": {
            "description": "Test_flow1",
            "direction": "BOTH",
            "id": "cc47f881-345f-4e62-ad24-bea79eb28304",
            "name": "flow1",
            "source_port": "775a58bb-e2c6-4529-a918-2f019169b5b1",
            "tap_service_id": "69bd12b2-0e13-45ec-9045-b674fd9f0468",
            "tenant_id": "97e1586d580745d7b311406697aaf097"

5. List TapFlows


    **GET        /v2.0/taas/tap_flows/{tap_flow_uuid}**


    Json Response:

.. code-block:: python

        "tap_flows": [
                "description": "Test_flow1",
                "direction": "BOTH",
                "id": "cc47f881-345f-4e62-ad24-bea79eb28304",
                "name": "flow1",
                "source_port": "775a58bb-e2c6-4529-a918-2f019169b5b1",
                "tap_service_id": "c352f537-ad49-48eb-ab05-1c6b8cb900ff",
                "tenant_id": "97e1586d580745d7b311406697aaf097"

6. Delete TapFlow


    **DELETE        /v2.0/taas/tap_flows/{tap_flow_uuid}**


TaaS CLI Reference
The TaaS commands can be executed using TaaS CLI, which is integrated with neutron.
It can be used to send REST request and interact with the TaaS
extension. Given below are the detail of the CLIs:

- **neutron tap-service-create**: Creates a Tap service.
- **neutron tap-service-list**: Lists all the Tap services.
- **neutron tap-service-show**: Show the details for a Tap service.
- **neutron tap-service-update**: Update the information for a Tap service.
- **neutron tap-service-delete**: Delete an existing Tap service.
- **neutron tap-flow-create**: Creates a Tap flow.
- **neutron tap-flow-list**: Lists all the Tap flows.
- **neutron tap-flow-show**: Show the details for a Tap flow.
- **neutron tap-flow-update**: Update the information for a Tap flow.
- **neutron tap-flow-delete**: Delete an existing Tap flow.

For usage type **--help** after any of the above commands
in the terminal after TaaS has been installed.


In this section we describe a simple sequence of steps to use TaaS.

Workflow Sequence

1. Create a Neutron port with 'port_security_enabled' set to 'false'.

2. Launch a VM (VM on which you want to monitor/receive the mirrored data).
   Associate the Neutron port created in step 1 while creating the VM.

3. Using Neutron Client command for TaaS **neutron tap-service-create** or
   via REST APIs create a Tap Service instance by associating the port
   created in step 1.

4. Using Neutron Client command for TaaS **neutron tap-flow-create** or
   via REST APIs create a Tap Flow instance by associating the Tap Service
   instance created in step 3 and the target Neutron port from which you want
   to mirror traffic (assuming the Neutron port from which the traffic
   needs to be monitored already exists.)
   Mirroring can be done for both incoming and/or outgoing traffic from the
   target Neutron port.

5. Observe the mirrored traffic on the monitoring VM by running tools such as

You can watch our tech talk session which included a live demo for more
information about using TaaS, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cAkRUB3TCE