The following patch allows VF to VF mirroring in Tap-as-a-Service Code-changes are applicable for new tap agent driver for sriov on Intel i40e nic. Vlan Mirror input parameter is part of tap-flow-create API The current TaaS SRIOV driver is based on Intel i40e NIC driver with following requirements:- hardware: Intel Ethernet Network Adapter XXV710 (25GbE) Driver: Intel i40e v4.16.0 Ref Spec: openstack/neutron-specs/specs/rocky/port-mirroring-sriov-vfs.rst Commit: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574477/ Change-Id: Id3aa83d7e1e22ae1806cef0c93e5dd61169c6735
Tap as a Service
Tap-as-a-Service (TaaS) is an extension to the OpenStack network service (Neutron). It provides remote port mirroring capability for tenant virtual networks.
Port mirroring involves sending a copy of packets entering and/or leaving one port to another port, which is usually different from the original destinations of the packets being mirrored.
This service has been primarily designed to help tenants (or the cloud administrator) debug complex virtual networks and gain visibility into their VMs, by monitoring the network traffic associated with them. TaaS honors tenant boundaries and its mirror sessions are capable of spanning across multiple compute and network nodes. It serves as an essential infrastructure component that can be utilized for supplying data to a variety of network analytics and security applications (e.g. IDS).
- Free software: Apache license
- API Reference: https://github.com/openstack/tap-as-a-service/blob/master/API_REFERENCE.rst
- Source: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tap-as-a-service
- Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tap-as-a-service
For installing Tap-as-a-Service with Devstack please read the INSTALL.rst file