15 lines
644 B
15 lines
644 B
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Neutron TaaS is integrated with new TaaS Agent driver (i.e. SRIOV) for
Intel i40e driver backend.
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[`blueprint port-mirroring-sriov-vf <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/port-mirroring-sriov-vf>`_]
* Adds a new TaaS Agent driver (i.e. SRIOV) for Intel i40e driver backend.
* Neutron TaaS Agent is refactored to decouple its tight binding with ovs
driver. This prepares the taas agent code-base for addition of a new
TaaS Agent driver (SRIOV).
* Adds a new API extension, i.e. taas-vlan-filter for adding a new
attribute (vlan_filter) in tap-flow data model.