Refactor parts of the periodic worker
Perform some adjustments to the periodic worker type to make it easier to later change and make it better in the future. These changes hopefully also reduce complexity and increase understandability. In part this deprecates providing a tombstone via __init__() since that will restrict future enhancements we can make (in retrospect we need more internal control over that argument & type to build better workers). Change-Id: I1965e157c303c2a45b9950e9f4a921c638f57fd1
This commit is contained in:
@ -533,23 +533,21 @@ class PeriodicTest(test.TestCase):
def test_periodic_single(self):
barrier = latch.Latch(5)
capture = []
tombstone = tu.Event()
def callee():
if barrier.needed == 0:
w = periodic.PeriodicWorker([callee], tombstone=tombstone)
w = periodic.PeriodicWorker([callee])
t = tu.daemon_thread(target=w.start)
self.assertEqual(0, barrier.needed)
self.assertEqual(5, sum(capture))
def test_immediate(self):
capture = []
@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
import collections
import inspect
import random
import string
import time
import six
import testscenarios
from taskflow import test
from taskflow.utils import misc
@ -192,6 +194,22 @@ class TestSequenceMinus(test.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(result, [2, 1])
class TestReversedEnumerate(testscenarios.TestWithScenarios, test.TestCase):
scenarios = [
('ten', {'sample': [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]}),
('empty', {'sample': []}),
('negative', {'sample': [-1, -2, -3]}),
('one', {'sample': [1]}),
('abc', {'sample': ['a', 'b', 'c']}),
('ascii_letters', {'sample': list(string.ascii_letters)}),
def test_sample_equivalence(self):
expected = list(reversed(list(enumerate(self.sample))))
actual = list(misc.reverse_enumerate(self.sample))
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
class TestCountdownIter(test.TestCase):
def test_expected_count(self):
upper = 100
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from oslo_utils import reflection
import six
from taskflow import logging
from taskflow.utils import deprecation
from taskflow.utils import misc
from taskflow.utils import threading_utils as tu
@ -64,6 +65,51 @@ def periodic(spacing, run_immediately=True):
return wrapper
class _Schedule(object):
"""Internal heap-based structure that maintains the schedule/ordering."""
def __init__(self):
self._ordering = []
def push(self, next_run, index):
heapq.heappush(self._ordering, (next_run, index))
def push_next(self, cb, index, now=None):
if now is None:
now = _now()
self.push(now + cb._periodic_spacing, index)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._ordering)
def pop(self):
return heapq.heappop(self._ordering)
def _build(callables):
schedule = _Schedule()
now = None
immediates = []
# Reverse order is used since these are later popped off (and to
# ensure the popping order is first -> last we need to append them
# in the opposite ordering last -> first).
for i, cb in misc.reverse_enumerate(callables):
if cb._periodic_run_immediately:
if now is None:
now = _now()
schedule.push_next(cb, i, now=now)
return immediates, schedule
def _safe_call(cb, kind):
except Exception:
LOG.warn("Failed to call %s '%r'", kind, cb, exc_info=True)
class PeriodicWorker(object):
"""Calls a collection of callables periodically (sleeping as needed...).
@ -96,54 +142,29 @@ class PeriodicWorker(object):
return cls(callables)
@deprecation.removed_kwarg('tombstone', version="0.8", removal_version="?")
def __init__(self, callables, tombstone=None):
if tombstone is None:
self._tombstone = tu.Event()
# Allows someone to share an event (if they so want to...)
self._tombstone = tombstone
almost_callables = list(callables)
for cb in almost_callables:
self._callables = []
for cb in callables:
if not six.callable(cb):
raise ValueError("Periodic callback must be callable")
for attr_name in _PERIODIC_ATTRS:
if not hasattr(cb, attr_name):
raise ValueError("Periodic callback missing required"
" attribute '%s'" % attr_name)
self._callables = tuple((cb, reflection.get_callable_name(cb))
for cb in almost_callables)
self._schedule = []
now = _now()
for i, (cb, cb_name) in enumerate(self._callables):
spacing = cb._periodic_spacing
next_run = now + spacing
heapq.heappush(self._schedule, (next_run, i))
self._immediates = self._fetch_immediates(self._callables)
if cb._periodic:
self._immediates, self._schedule = _build(self._callables)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._callables)
def _fetch_immediates(callables):
immediates = []
# Reverse order is used since these are later popped off (and to
# ensure the popping order is first -> last we need to append them
# in the opposite ordering last -> first).
for (cb, cb_name) in reversed(callables):
if cb._periodic_run_immediately:
immediates.append((cb, cb_name))
return immediates
def _safe_call(cb, cb_name, kind='periodic'):
except Exception:
LOG.warn("Failed to call %s callable '%s'",
kind, cb_name, exc_info=True)
def start(self):
"""Starts running (will not stop/return until the tombstone is set).
"""Starts running (will not return until :py:meth:`.stop` is called).
NOTE(harlowja): If this worker has no contained callables this raises
a runtime error and does not run since it is impossible to periodically
@ -154,29 +175,30 @@ class PeriodicWorker(object):
" without any callables")
while not self._tombstone.is_set():
if self._immediates:
cb, cb_name = self._immediates.pop()
LOG.debug("Calling immediate callable '%s'", cb_name)
self._safe_call(cb, cb_name, kind='immediate')
# Run & schedule its next execution.
index = self._immediates.pop()
cb = self._callables[index]
LOG.blather("Calling immediate '%r'", cb)
_safe_call(cb, 'immediate')
self._schedule.push_next(cb, index)
# Figure out when we should run next (by selecting the
# minimum item from the heap, where the minimum should be
# the callable that needs to run next and has the lowest
# next desired run time).
now = _now()
next_run, i = heapq.heappop(self._schedule)
next_run, index = self._schedule.pop()
when_next = next_run - now
if when_next <= 0:
cb, cb_name = self._callables[i]
spacing = cb._periodic_spacing
LOG.debug("Calling periodic callable '%s' (it runs every"
" %s seconds)", cb_name, spacing)
self._safe_call(cb, cb_name)
# Run again someday...
next_run = now + spacing
heapq.heappush(self._schedule, (next_run, i))
# Run & schedule its next execution.
cb = self._callables[index]
LOG.blather("Calling periodic '%r' (it runs every"
" %s seconds)", cb, cb._periodic_spacing)
_safe_call(cb, 'periodic')
self._schedule.push_next(cb, index, now=now)
# Gotta wait...
heapq.heappush(self._schedule, (next_run, i))
self._schedule.push(next_run, index)
def stop(self):
@ -186,4 +208,4 @@ class PeriodicWorker(object):
def reset(self):
"""Resets the tombstone and re-queues up any immediate executions."""
self._immediates = self._fetch_immediates(self._callables)
self._immediates, self._schedule = _build(self._callables)
@ -101,6 +101,12 @@ def countdown_iter(start_at, decr=1):
start_at -= decr
def reverse_enumerate(items):
"""Like reversed(enumerate(items)) but with less copying/cloning..."""
for i in countdown_iter(len(items)):
yield i - 1, items[i - 1]
def merge_uri(uri, conf):
"""Merges a parsed uri into the given configuration dictionary.
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
oslotest>=1.2.0 # Apache-2.0
# Used for testing the WBE engine.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user