diff --git a/taskflow/patterns/linear_workflow.py b/taskflow/patterns/linear_workflow.py
index 98de8febe..6658f777f 100644
--- a/taskflow/patterns/linear_workflow.py
+++ b/taskflow/patterns/linear_workflow.py
@@ -18,12 +18,9 @@
 import collections as dict_provider
 import copy
+import functools
 import logging
-# OrderedDict is only in 2.7 or greater :-(
-if not hasattr(dict_provider, 'OrderedDict'):
-    import ordereddict as dict_provider
 from taskflow.openstack.common import excutils
 from taskflow import exceptions as exc
 from taskflow import states
@@ -38,16 +35,14 @@ class Workflow(object):
     def __init__(self, name, tolerant=False, parents=None):
         # The tasks which have been applied will be collected here so that they
         # can be reverted in the correct order on failure.
-        self.reversions = []
+        self._reversions = []
         self.name = name
         # If this chain can ignore individual task reversion failure then this
         # should be set to true, instead of the default value of false.
         self.tolerant = tolerant
-        # Ordered dicts are used so that we can nicely refer to the tasks by
-        # name and easily fetch there results but also allow for the running
-        # of said tasks to happen in a linear order.
-        self.tasks = dict_provider.OrderedDict()
-        self.results = dict_provider.OrderedDict()
+        # Tasks and there results are stored here...
+        self.tasks = []
+        self.results = []
         # If this workflow has a parent workflow/s which need to be reverted if
         # this workflow fails then please include them here to allow this child
         # to call the parents...
@@ -69,71 +64,83 @@ class Workflow(object):
         # The state of this flow.
         self.state = states.PENDING
-    def __setitem__(self, name, task):
-        self.tasks[name] = task
-    def __getitem__(self, name):
-        return self.results[name]
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
     def run(self, context, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.state != states.PENDING:
+            raise exc.InvalidStateException("Unable to run linear flow when "
+                                            "in state %s" % (self.state))
+        if self.result_fetcher:
+            result_fetcher = functools.partial(self.result_fetcher, context)
+        else:
+            result_fetcher = None
         self.state = states.STARTED
-        for (name, task) in self.tasks.iteritems():
+        for task in self.tasks:
-                self._on_task_start(context, task, name)
-                # See if we have already ran this...
+                # See if we have already ran this.
                 result = None
                 has_result = False
-                if self.result_fetcher:
-                    (has_result, result) = self.result_fetcher(context,
-                                                               name, self)
+                if result_fetcher:
+                    (has_result, result) = result_fetcher(context, self, task)
+                if not has_result:
+                    self.state = state.RUNNING
+                else:
+                    self.state = state.RESUMING
+                self._on_task_start(context, task)
                 if not has_result:
                     result = task.apply(context, *args, **kwargs)
-                # Keep a pristine copy of the result in the results table
+                # Keep a pristine copy of the result
                 # so that if said result is altered by other further states
-                # the one here will not be.
-                self.results[name] = copy.deepcopy(result)
-                self._on_task_finish(context, task, name, result)
-                self.state = states.SUCCESS
+                # the one here will not be. This ensures that if rollback
+                # occurs that the task gets exactly the result it returned
+                # and not a modified one.
+                self.results.append((task, copy.deepcopy(result)))
+                self._on_task_finish(context, task, result)
             except Exception as ex:
+                self.state = states.FAILURE
                 with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
-                    self.state = states.FAILURE
-                        self._on_task_error(context, task, name)
+                        self._on_task_error(context, task)
                     except Exception:
                         LOG.exception("Dropping exception catched when"
                                       " notifying about existing task"
                                       " exception.")
                     self.state = states.REVERTING
-                    self.rollback(context,
-                                  exc.TaskException(task, name, self, ex))
+                    self.rollback(context, exc.TaskException(task, self, ex))
+                    self.state = states.FAILURE
+        # Only gets here if everything went successfully.
+        self.state = states.SUCCESS
-    def _on_task_error(self, context, task, name):
+    def _on_task_error(self, context, task):
         # Notify any listeners that the task has errored.
         for i in self.listeners:
-            i.notify(context, states.FAILURE, self, task, name)
+            i.notify(context, states.FAILURE, self, task)
-    def _on_task_start(self, context, task, name):
+    def _on_task_start(self, context, task):
         # Notify any listeners that we are about to start the given task.
         for i in self.listeners:
-            i.notify(context, states.STARTED, self, task, name)
+            i.notify(context, states.STARTED, self, task)
-    def _on_task_finish(self, context, task, name, result):
+    def _on_task_finish(self, context, task, result):
         # Notify any listeners that we are finishing the given task.
-        self.reversions.append((name, task))
+        self._reversions.append((task, result))
         for i in self.listeners:
-            i.notify(context, states.SUCCESS, self, task, name, result=result)
+            i.notify(context, states.SUCCESS, self, task, result=result)
     def rollback(self, context, cause):
-        for (i, (name, task)) in enumerate(reversed(self.reversions)):
+        for (i, (task, result)) in enumerate(reversed(self._reversions)):
-                task.revert(context, self.results[name], cause)
+                task.revert(context, result, cause)
             except Exception:
                 # Ex: WARN: Failed rolling back stage 1 (validate_request) of
                 #           chain validation due to Y exception.
-                msg = ("Failed rolling back stage %(index)s (%(name)s)"
+                msg = ("Failed rolling back stage %(index)s (%(task)s)"
                        " of workflow %(workflow)s, due to inner exception.")
-                LOG.warn(msg % {'index': (i + 1), 'stage': name,
-                         'workflow': self.name})
+                LOG.warn(msg % {'index': (i + 1), 'task': task,
+                         'workflow': self})
                 if not self.tolerant:
                     # NOTE(harlowja): LOG a msg AND re-raise the exception if
                     # the chain does not tolerate exceptions happening in the
diff --git a/tools/pip-requires b/tools/pip-requires
index 2f2e7a9f4..c15e57adf 100644
--- a/tools/pip-requires
+++ b/tools/pip-requires
@@ -1,2 +1 @@