----- Types ----- .. note:: Even though these types **are** made for public consumption and usage should be encouraged/easily possible it should be noted that these may be moved out to new libraries at various points in the future (for example the ``FSM`` code *may* move to its own oslo supported ``automaton`` library at some point in the future [#f1]_). If you are using these types **without** using the rest of this library it is **strongly** encouraged that you be a vocal proponent of getting these made into *isolated* libraries (as using these types in this manner is not the expected and/or desired usage). Cache ===== .. automodule:: taskflow.types.cache Failure ======= .. automodule:: taskflow.types.failure FSM === .. automodule:: taskflow.types.fsm Futures ======= .. automodule:: taskflow.types.futures Graph ===== .. automodule:: taskflow.types.graph Notifier ======== .. automodule:: taskflow.types.notifier Periodic ======== .. automodule:: taskflow.types.periodic Table ===== .. automodule:: taskflow.types.table Timing ====== .. automodule:: taskflow.types.timing Tree ==== .. automodule:: taskflow.types.tree .. [#f1] See: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141961 for a proposal to do this.