Joshua Harlow 7efb839f47 Add debug logging showing what is flattened
To make it easier to debug what the flattening
process is doing add a decorator that shows the
result of the translation of tasks/flows into
graphs (and prints a useful summary of what is
in the graph after flattening).

Change-Id: I865bda00a0f192c2497cc35537d8ab654d6e8235
2013-10-17 11:11:54 -07:00

163 lines
5.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2013 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import logging
import networkx as nx
from taskflow import exceptions
from taskflow.patterns import graph_flow as gf
from taskflow.patterns import linear_flow as lf
from taskflow.patterns import unordered_flow as uf
from taskflow import task
from taskflow.utils import graph_utils as gu
from taskflow.utils import misc
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Use the 'flatten' attribute as the need to add an edge here, which is useful
# for doing later analysis of the edges (to determine why the edges were
# created).
'flatten': True,
def _graph_name(flow):
return "F:%s" % flow.name
def _log_flatten(func):
def wrapper(item, flattened):
graph = func(item, flattened)
# NOTE(harlowja): this one can be expensive to calculate (especially
# the cycle detection), so only do it if we know debugging is enabled
# and not under all cases.
if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
LOG.debug("Translated '%s' into a graph:", item)
for line in gu.pformat(graph).splitlines():
# Indent it so that it's slightly offset from the above line.
LOG.debug(" %s", line)
return graph
return wrapper
def _flatten_linear(flow, flattened):
graph = nx.DiGraph(name=_graph_name(flow))
previous_nodes = []
for f in flow:
subgraph = _flatten(f, flattened)
graph = gu.merge_graphs([graph, subgraph])
# Find nodes that have no predecessor, make them have a predecessor of
# the previous nodes so that the linearity ordering is maintained. Find
# the ones with no successors and use this list to connect the next
# subgraph (if any).
for n in gu.get_no_predecessors(subgraph):
# NOTE(harlowja): give each edge its own copy so that if its later
# modified that the same copy isn't modified.
graph.add_edges_from(((n2, n, FLATTEN_EDGE_DATA.copy())
for n2 in previous_nodes
if not graph.has_edge(n2, n)))
# There should always be someone without successors, otherwise we have
# a cycle A -> B -> A situation, which should not be possible.
previous_nodes = list(gu.get_no_successors(subgraph))
return graph
def _flatten_unordered(flow, flattened):
graph = nx.DiGraph(name=_graph_name(flow))
for f in flow:
graph = gu.merge_graphs([graph, _flatten(f, flattened)])
return graph
def _flatten_task(task):
graph = nx.DiGraph(name='T:%s' % (task))
return graph
def _flatten_graph(flow, flattened):
graph = nx.DiGraph(name=_graph_name(flow))
subgraph_map = {}
# Flatten all nodes
for n in flow.graph.nodes_iter():
subgraph = _flatten(n, flattened)
subgraph_map[n] = subgraph
graph = gu.merge_graphs([graph, subgraph])
# Reconnect all nodes to there corresponding subgraphs
for (u, v) in flow.graph.edges_iter():
# Retain and update the original edge attributes.
u_v_attrs = gu.get_edge_attrs(flow.graph, u, v)
if not u_v_attrs:
u_v_attrs = FLATTEN_EDGE_DATA.copy()
u_no_succ = list(gu.get_no_successors(subgraph_map[u]))
# Connect the ones with no predecessors in v to the ones with no
# successors in u (thus maintaining the edge dependency).
for n in gu.get_no_predecessors(subgraph_map[v]):
# NOTE(harlowja): give each edge its own copy so that if its later
# modified that the same copy isn't modified.
graph.add_edges_from(((n2, n, copy.deepcopy(u_v_attrs))
for n2 in u_no_succ
if not graph.has_edge(n2, n)))
return graph
def _flatten(item, flattened):
"""Flattens a item (task/flow+subflows) into an execution graph."""
if item in flattened:
raise ValueError("Already flattened item: %s" % (item))
if isinstance(item, lf.Flow):
f = _flatten_linear(item, flattened)
elif isinstance(item, uf.Flow):
f = _flatten_unordered(item, flattened)
elif isinstance(item, gf.Flow):
f = _flatten_graph(item, flattened)
elif isinstance(item, task.BaseTask):
f = _flatten_task(item)
raise TypeError("Unknown item: %r, %s" % (type(item), item))
return f
def _post_flatten(graph):
dup_names = misc.get_duplicate_keys(graph.nodes_iter(),
key=lambda node: node.name)
if dup_names:
raise exceptions.InvariantViolationException(
"Tasks with duplicate names found: %s"
% ', '.join(sorted(dup_names)))
return graph
def flatten(item, freeze=True):
"""Flattens a item (a task or flow) into a single execution graph."""
graph = _post_flatten(_flatten(item, set()))
if freeze:
# Frozen graph can't be modified...
return nx.freeze(graph)
return graph