From 4c9f84e4c4f47ab540ace762c5c4113bff7727c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jizilian <>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 08:35:34 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Enable LBaaS V2 for Ceilometer

Based on the neutron LBaaS api doc[1], LBaaS v1 is deprecated in
Mitaka release. And Ceilometer doesn't support the LBaaS v2.

This blueprint is used to solve this problem to enable the LBaaS
v2 api for ceilometer.


Change-Id: I1642947f9da917b8974ccf71663d1b5e8e9e4ba9
blueprint: lbaas-v2-enablement
 specs/mitaka/lbaas-v2-enablement.rst | 238 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 238 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 specs/mitaka/lbaas-v2-enablement.rst

diff --git a/specs/mitaka/lbaas-v2-enablement.rst b/specs/mitaka/lbaas-v2-enablement.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f771426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/mitaka/lbaas-v2-enablement.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
+ License.
+Enable LBaaS V2 for Ceilometer
+The goal of this blueprint is to support LBaaS v2 to poll the LoadBalancer
+data in ceilometer.
+Problem description
+According to the Neutron api documentations[4], the LBaaS v1 has been
+deprecated in the release Mitaka.
+Based on the neutron LBaaS v2 documentation[1] and LBaaS v2 blueprints,
+LBaaS v2 apis are supported. LBaaS v1 and LBaaS v2 can not be run in the
+same time. The users can only choose one version of LBaaS to run in their
+According to the ceilometer admin guide[3], Ceilometer support to collect
+the data of LBaaS from Juno release.
+When the users choose to use LBaaS v2 in their environment, they will
+meet the problem to use the ceilometer to collect LBaaS meters for the
+LBaaS v2 api is different from LBaaS v1.
+For LBaaS v1 has been deprecated from the release Mitaka, Ceilometer will
+lost the function to collect the LBaaS meters if Ceilometer doesn't support
+the LBaaS v2.
+The design of LBaaS v1 and LBaaS v2 is different. LBaaS v2 introduces the
+meter 'loadbalancer' and it contains 'vip', so the meter 'vip' is not
+important to the LBaaS v2 users. And LBaaS v2 has not supplied with the
+APIs to achieve the data of the vips directly.
+Meters are supported by LBaaS v1 and not supported by LBaaS v2.
+Name                                  Type                Unit               Gauge               vip        Delta               vip        Delta               vip
+All the LBaaS APIs have changed in the version 2. We need to use the new APIs
+to collect the data.
+The difference of APIs between LBaaS v1 and LBaaS v2.
+Meter_Name                                v1 API                  /v2.0/lb/pools                /v2.0/lb/members        /v2.0/lb/health_monitors     /v2.0/lb/pools/%s/stats    /v2.0/lb/pools/%s/stats        /v2.0/lb/pools/%s/stats        /v2.0/lb/pools/%s/stats
+Meter_Name                                v2 API                  /v2.0/lbaas/pools                /v2.0/lbaas/pool/%s/members        /v2.0/lbaas/pools     /v2.0/lbaas/loadbalancers/%s/stats    /v2.0/lbaas/loadbalancers/%s/stats        /v2.0/lbaas/loadbalancers/%s/stats        /v2.0/lbaas/loadbalancers/%s/stats
+The difference of neutron client methods we use to collect the LBaaS between
+LBaaS v1 and LBaaS v2.
+Meter_Name                                v1 method                  list_pools                list_members        list_health_monitors     retrieve_pool_stats    retrieve_pool_stats        retrieve_pool_stats        retrieve_pool_stats
+Meter_Name                                v2 method                  list_lbaas_pools                list_lbaas_members        list_lbaas_healthmonitors     retrieve_loadbalancer_stats    retrieve_loadbalancer_stats        retrieve_loadbalancer_stats        retrieve_loadbalancer_stats
+Proposed change
+In order that the user can switch the LBaaS api version in current situation,
+A new entry will be added in the configuration file to specify the api
+version of LBaaS.
+When the user chooses to use the LBaaS api v1, the meters supported by LBaaS
+v1 will be collected. But LBaaS api v1 has been deprecated in the release
+Mitaka, we should suggest the user should not choose to use LBaaS api v1.
+When the user chooses to use the LBaaS api v2, the meters supported by LBaaS
+v2 will be collected. But some meters will not be supported by LBaaS v2,
+including '', '',
+''. we will add some error messages in the log
+files to identify these meters can not be supported by LbaaS v2. And The
+meters are supported both by LBaaS v1 and LBaaS v2, we will switch to use
+the new neutron client methods to achieve the data of them. In the neutorn
+client[5], the new LBaaS v2 apis have characters '*lbaas*'.
+These change will not change the data model. It just switches to use the
+LBaaS v2 api in the client.
+New meters are introduced and supported by LBaaS v2.
+* Metric Definitions:
+Name                                       Type      Unit           Origin           g         loadbalancer   p               g         listener       p    d         loadbalancer   n    d         loadbalancer   n        d         listener       n        d         listener       n
+loadbalancer: existence of a loadbalancer
+listener    : existence of a listener
+g           : gauge
+d           : delta
+p           : pollster
+n           : notification
+* Metadata:
+We extract the data from the response of calling neutron client to constitute
+the metadata of sample. The fields of metadata we use are fixed in the code.
+After checking the response of LBaaS v2 apis, most of the fields are still in
+the response. Only the field 'status_description' is not in the response. But
+the relationship between field 'status' and 'status_description' are list in
+the documentation[5], we can use the valute of field 'status' to set the value
+of the field 'status_description'.
+Basd on the above reason, the structure of metadata has not changed. We will
+not meet the problem when both the data collected by LBaaS v1 and LBaaS v2
+are in the same database.
+Option one:
+Add the limitation in the admin guide[3], let the users to know the ceilometer
+can not support the LBaaS v2. But the LBaaS v2 is more powerful and more safe
+than v1, more and more users will choose to use LBaaS v2 in the future. And the
+LBaaS v1 is deprecated in Mitaka release. So this limitation is not satisfied.
+Data model impact
+REST API impact
+Security impact
+Pipeline impact
+Other end user impact
+Performance/Scalability Impacts
+Other deployer impact
+Developer impact
+Primary assignee:
+Other contributors:
+Ongoing maintainer:
+Work Items
+a. Add the new entry in the configration file to specify the version of
+b. Use the LBaaS v2 api in ceilometer neutron client when the user decide
+to use the LBaaS v2
+c. Add the new UT test cases
+Future lifecycle
+Ongoing maintenance will be handled by the Ceilometer team, myself
+Unit and integration Tests will be added to cover the necessary metrics
+and validate samples generated.
+Documentation Impact
+Need to update the doc about LBaaS v2 support.