- job: name: devstack-tempest parent: devstack description: | Base Tempest job. This Tempest job provides the base for both the single and multi-node test setup. To run a multi-node test inherit from devstack-tempest and set the nodeset to a multi-node one. required-projects: &base_required-projects - opendev.org/openstack/tempest timeout: 7200 roles: &base_roles - zuul: opendev.org/openstack/devstack vars: &base_vars devstack_localrc: IMAGE_URLS: http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.6.2/cirros-0.6.2-x86_64-disk.img, http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.6.1/cirros-0.6.1-x86_64-disk.img devstack_services: tempest: true devstack_local_conf: test-config: $TEMPEST_CONFIG: compute: min_compute_nodes: "{{ groups['compute'] | default(['controller']) | length }}" test_results_stage_name: test_results zuul_copy_output: '/var/log/openvswitch': logs '/var/log/ovn': logs '{{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest/etc/tempest.conf': logs '{{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest/etc/accounts.yaml': logs '{{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest/tempest.log': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/{{ test_results_stage_name }}.subunit': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/{{ test_results_stage_name }}.html': logs '{{ stage_dir }}/stackviz': logs extensions_to_txt: conf: true log: true yaml: true yml: true run: playbooks/devstack-tempest.yaml post-run: playbooks/post-tempest.yaml - job: name: devstack-tempest-ipv6 parent: devstack-ipv6 description: | Base Tempest IPv6 job. This job is derived from 'devstack-ipv6' which set the IPv6-only setting for OpenStack services. As part of run phase, this job will verify the IPv6 setting and check the services endpoints and listen addresses are IPv6. Basically it will run the script ./tool/verify-ipv6-only-deployments.sh Child jobs of this job can run their own set of tests and can add post-run playebooks to extend the IPv6 verification specific to their deployed services. Check the wiki page for more details about project jobs setup - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Goal-IPv6-only-deployments-and-testing required-projects: *base_required-projects timeout: 7200 roles: *base_roles vars: *base_vars run: playbooks/devstack-tempest-ipv6.yaml post-run: playbooks/post-tempest.yaml - job: name: tempest-multinode-full-base parent: devstack-tempest description: | Base multinode integration test with Neutron networking and py27. Former names for this job were: * neutron-tempest-multinode-full * legacy-tempest-dsvm-neutron-multinode-full * gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-multinode-full-ubuntu-xenial-nv This job includes two nodes, controller / tempest plus a subnode, but it can be used with different topologies, as long as a controller node and a tempest one exist. timeout: 10800 vars: # This job run multinode and smoke tests. tox_envlist: multinode devstack_localrc: FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE: false NOVA_ALLOW_MOVE_TO_SAME_HOST: false LIVE_MIGRATION_AVAILABLE: true USE_BLOCK_MIGRATION_FOR_LIVE_MIGRATION: true group-vars: peers: devstack_localrc: NOVA_ALLOW_MOVE_TO_SAME_HOST: false LIVE_MIGRATION_AVAILABLE: true USE_BLOCK_MIGRATION_FOR_LIVE_MIGRATION: true