# NOTE(gmann): This file includes all integrated jobs definition which # are supposed to be run by Tempest and other projects as # integrated testing. - job: name: tempest-all parent: devstack-tempest description: | Integration test that runs all tests. Former name for this job was: * legacy-periodic-tempest-dsvm-all-master timeout: 10800 vars: tox_envlist: all tempest_test_regex: tempest devstack_localrc: MYSQL_REDUCE_MEMORY: true # TODO(gmann): Enable File injection tests once nova bug is fixed # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1882421 # ENABLE_FILE_INJECTION: true run_tempest_cleanup: true run_tempest_cleanup_resource_list: true devstack_local_conf: test-config: $TEMPEST_CONFIG: DEFAULT: record_resources: true - job: name: tempest-ipv6-only parent: devstack-tempest-ipv6 description: | Integration test of IPv6-only deployments. This job runs smoke and IPv6 relates tests only. Basic idea is to test whether OpenStack Services listen on IPv6 address or not. timeout: 10800 vars: tox_envlist: ipv6-only - job: name: tempest-extra-tests parent: tempest-full-py3 description: | This job runs the extra tests mentioned in tools/tempest-extra-tests-list.txt. vars: tox_envlist: extra-tests run_tempest_cleanup: true run_tempest_cleanup_resource_list: true run_tempest_dry_cleanup: true devstack_local_conf: test-config: $TEMPEST_CONFIG: DEFAULT: record_resources: true - job: name: tempest-full-py3 parent: devstack-tempest # This job version is with swift enabled on py3 # as swift is ready on py3 from stable/ussuri onwards. # As this use 'integrated-full' tox env which is not # available in old tempest used till stable/wallaby, # this job definition is only for stable/xena onwards # and separate job definition until stable/wallaby branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true # NOTE(sean-k-mooney): this job and its descendants frequently times out # run on rax-* providers with a timeout of 2 hours. temporary increase # the timeout to 2.5 hours. timeout: 9000 description: | Base integration test with Neutron networking, horizon, swift enable, and py3. Former names for this job where: * legacy-tempest-dsvm-py35 * gate-tempest-dsvm-py35 required-projects: - openstack/horizon vars: # NOTE(gmann): Default concurrency is higher (number of cpu -2) which # end up 6 in upstream CI. Higher concurrency means high parallel # requests to services and can cause more oom issues. To avoid the # oom issue, setting the concurrency to 4 in this job. # NOTE(sean-k-mooney): now that we use zswap we should be able to # increase the concurrency to 6. tempest_concurrency: 4 tox_envlist: integrated-full devstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE: true ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH: true GLANCE_USE_IMPORT_WORKFLOW: True devstack_plugins: neutron: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron devstack_services: # Enable horizon so that we can run horizon test. horizon: true - job: name: tempest-full-centos-9-stream parent: tempest-full-py3 nodeset: devstack-single-node-centos-9-stream # centos-9-stream is supported from yoga release onwards branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby|xena)$ negate: true description: | Base integration test on CentOS 9 stream vars: # Required until bug/1949606 is resolved when using libvirt and QEMU # >=5.0.0 with a [libvirt]virt_type of qemu (TCG). configure_swap_size: 4096 tox_envlist: full - job: name: tempest-integrated-networking parent: devstack-tempest description: | This job runs integration tests for networking. This is subset of 'tempest-full-py3' job and run only Neutron and Nova related tests. This is meant to be run on neutron gate only. vars: tox_envlist: integrated-network devstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE: true devstack_services: s-account: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false c-bak: false - job: name: tempest-integrated-compute parent: devstack-tempest description: | This job runs integration tests for compute. This is subset of 'tempest-full-py3' job and run Nova, Neutron, Cinder (except backup tests) and Glance related tests. This is meant to be run on Nova gate only. # NOTE(sean-k-mooney): this job and its descendants frequently times out # when run on rax-* providers, recent optimizations have reduced the # runtime of the job but it still times out. temporary increase the # timeout to 2.5 hours. timeout: 9000 vars: # NOTE(gmann): Default concurrency is higher (number of cpu -2) which # end up 6 in upstream CI. Higher concurrency means high parallel # requests to services and can cause more oom issues. To avoid the # oom issue, setting the concurrency to 4 in this job. # NOTE(sean-k-mooney): now that we use zswap we should be able to # increase the concurrency to 6. tempest_concurrency: 4 tox_envlist: integrated-compute tempest_exclude_regex: "" devstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE: true ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH: true devstack_services: s-account: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false c-bak: false - job: name: tempest-integrated-compute-centos-9-stream parent: tempest-integrated-compute nodeset: devstack-single-node-centos-9-stream # centos-9-stream is supported from yoga release onwards branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby|xena)$ negate: true description: | This job runs integration tests for compute. This is subset of 'tempest-full-py3' job and run Nova, Neutron, Cinder (except backup tests) and Glance related tests. This is meant to be run on Nova gate only. This version of the job also uses CentOS 9 stream. vars: # Required until bug/1949606 is resolved when using libvirt and QEMU # >=5.0.0 with a [libvirt]virt_type of qemu (TCG). configure_swap_size: 4096 - job: name: tempest-integrated-placement parent: devstack-tempest description: | This job runs integration tests for placement. This is subset of 'tempest-full-py3' job and run Nova and Neutron related tests. This is meant to be run on Placement gate only. vars: # NOTE(gmann): Default concurrency is higher (number of cpu -2) which # end up 6 in upstream CI. Higher concurrency means high parallel # requests to services and can cause more oom issues. To avoid the # oom issue, setting the concurrency to 4 in this job. tempest_concurrency: 4 tox_envlist: integrated-placement devstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE: true ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH: true devstack_services: s-account: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false c-bak: false - job: name: tempest-integrated-storage parent: devstack-tempest description: | This job runs integration tests for image & block storage. This is subset of 'tempest-full-py3' job and run Cinder, Glance, Swift and Nova related tests. This is meant to be run on Cinder and Glance gate only. vars: tox_envlist: integrated-storage devstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE: true ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH: true GLANCE_USE_IMPORT_WORKFLOW: True - job: name: tempest-integrated-object-storage parent: devstack-tempest description: | This job runs integration tests for object storage. This is subset of 'tempest-full-py3' job and run Swift, Cinder and Glance related tests. This is meant to be run on Swift gate only. vars: tox_envlist: integrated-object-storage devstack_localrc: # NOTE(gmann): swift is not ready on python3 yet and devstack # install it on python2.7 only. But setting the USE_PYTHON3 # for future once swift is ready on py3. USE_PYTHON3: true - job: name: tempest-with-latest-microversion parent: tempest-full-py3 description: | This job runs compute, placement and volume API tests with 'latest' API microversion (This can be extended to other services having API microversion concept). vars: tox_envlist: api-microversion-tests devstack_localrc: TEMPEST_COMPUTE_MIN_MICROVERSION: 'latest' TEMPEST_VOLUME_MIN_MICROVERSION: 'latest' TEMPEST_PLACEMENT_MIN_MICROVERSION: 'latest' - job: name: tempest-multinode-full-py3 parent: tempest-multinode-full-base nodeset: openstack-two-node-jammy # This job runs on ubuntu Jammy and after unmaintained/zed. branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby|xena|yoga|zed)$ negate: true vars: # NOTE(gmann): Default concurrency is higher (number of cpu -2) which # end up 6 in upstream CI. Higher concurrency means high parallel # requests to services and can cause more oom issues. To avoid the # oom issue, setting the concurrency to 4 in this job. tempest_concurrency: 4 tempest_set_src_dest_host: true devstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true devstack_plugins: neutron: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron devstack_services: neutron-trunk: true br-ex-tcpdump: true br-int-flows: true group-vars: subnode: devstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true devstack_services: br-ex-tcpdump: true br-int-flows: true - job: name: tempest-slow parent: tempest-multinode-full description: | This multinode integration job will run all the tests tagged as slow. It enables the lvm multibackend setup to cover few scenario tests. This job will run only slow tests (API or Scenario) serially. Former names for this job were: * legacy-tempest-dsvm-neutron-scenario-multinode-lvm-multibackend * tempest-scenario-multinode-lvm-multibackend timeout: 10800 vars: tox_envlist: slow-serial devstack_localrc: CINDER_ENABLED_BACKENDS: lvm:lvmdriver-1,lvm:lvmdriver-2 ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH: true devstack_plugins: neutron: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron devstack_services: neutron-placement: true neutron-qos: true group-vars: # NOTE(mriedem): The ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH variable is used on both # the controller and subnode prior to Rocky so we have to make sure the # variable is set in both locations. subnode: devstack_localrc: ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH: true - job: name: tempest-slow-py3 parent: tempest-multinode-full-py3 # This job version is with swift enabled on py3 # as swift is ready on py3 from stable/ussuri onwards. timeout: 10800 # As the 'slow' tox env which is not available in old tempest used # till stable/wallaby, this job definition is only for stable/xena # onwards and separate job definition until stable/wallaby branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true vars: tox_envlist: slow devstack_localrc: CINDER_ENABLED_BACKENDS: lvm:lvmdriver-1,lvm:lvmdriver-2 ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH: true GLANCE_ENFORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT: false devstack_plugins: neutron: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron devstack_services: neutron-placement: true neutron-qos: true group-vars: # NOTE(mriedem): The ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH variable is used on both # the controller and subnode prior to Rocky so we have to make sure the # variable is set in both locations. subnode: devstack_localrc: ENABLE_VOLUME_MULTIATTACH: true - job: name: tempest-cinder-v2-api parent: devstack-tempest # NOTE(gmann): Cinder v2 APIs are available until # stable/wallaby only. override-checkout: stable/wallaby description: | This job runs the cinder API test against v2 endpoint. vars: tox_envlist: all tempest_test_regex: api.*volume devstack_localrc: TEMPEST_VOLUME_TYPE: volumev2 - job: name: tempest-centos9-stream-fips parent: devstack-tempest description: | Integration testing for a FIPS enabled Centos 9 system timeout: 10800 nodeset: devstack-single-node-centos-9-stream vars: tox_envlist: full configure_swap_size: 4096 nslookup_target: 'opendev.org' enable_fips: True - job: name: tempest-pg-full parent: tempest-full-py3 description: | Base integration test with Neutron networking and PostgreSQL. Former name for this job was legacy-tempest-dsvm-neutron-pg-full. vars: devstack_localrc: # TODO(gmann): Enable File injection tests once nova bug is fixed # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1882421 # ENABLE_FILE_INJECTION: true DATABASE_TYPE: postgresql - job: name: tempest-full-enforce-scope-new-defaults parent: tempest-full-py3 description: | This job runs the Tempest tests with scope and new defaults enabled. vars: devstack_localrc: KEYSTONE_ENFORCE_SCOPE: true CINDER_ENFORCE_SCOPE: true PLACEMENT_ENFORCE_SCOPE: true - job: name: tempest-all-rbac-old-defaults parent: tempest-all description: | Integration test that runs all tests on RBAC old defaults. vars: devstack_localrc: # NOTE(gmann): Nova, Glance, and Neutron have enabled the new defaults # and scope by default in devstack so we need some jobs keep testing # the old defaults until they are removed from service side. NOVA_ENFORCE_SCOPE: false GLANCE_ENFORCE_SCOPE: false NEUTRON_ENFORCE_SCOPE: false - project-template: name: integrated-gate-networking description: | Run the python3 Tempest network integration tests (Nova and Neutron related) in check and gate for the neutron integrated gate. This is meant to be run on neutron gate only. check: jobs: - grenade # NOTE(gmann): These template are generic and used on stable branch # as well as master testing. So grenade-skip-level on stable/2023.1 # which test stable/yoga to stable/2023.1 upgrade is non-voting. - grenade-skip-level: voting: false branches: - stable/2023.1 # on stable/2024.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level is voting which test # stable/2023.1 to stable/2024.1 upgrade. This is supposed to run on # SLURP release only. - grenade-skip-level: branches: - ^.*/2024.1 # on current master 2025.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level-always is voting # which test stable/2024.1 to 2025.1 upgrade. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - master - tempest-integrated-networking # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true gate: jobs: - grenade - tempest-integrated-networking # on stable/2024.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level is voting which test # stable/2023.1 to stable/2024.1 upgrade. This is supposed to run on # SLURP release only. - grenade-skip-level: branches: - ^.*/2024.1 # on current master 2025.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level-always is voting # which test stable/2024.1 to 2025.1 upgrade. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - master # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true - project-template: name: integrated-gate-compute description: | Run the python3 Tempest compute integration tests (Nova, Neutron, Cinder and Glance related) in check and gate for the Nova integrated gate. This is meant to be run on Nova gate only. # NOTE(gmann): This template is used for stable branches also so when we # add/remove jobs here we need to make sure we should not change the # behaviour for stable branches. For example, with branch variant we need # to make sure old job keep running on stable branches and the new one run # only from master(or the branch it was meant to run). check: jobs: # NOTE(gmann): These template are generic and used on stable branch # as well as master testing. So grenade-skip-level on stable/2023.1 # which test stable/yoga to stable/2023.1 upgrade is non-voting. - grenade-skip-level: voting: false branches: - stable/2023.1 # NOTE(gmann): Nova decided to run grenade skip level testing always # (on SLURP as well as non SLURP release) so we are adding grenade-skip-level-always # job in integrated gate and we do not need to update skip level job # here until Nova change the decision. # This is added from 2023.2 release cycle onwards so we need to use branch variant # to make sure we do not run this job on older than 2023.2 gate. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - ^.*/2023.2 - ^.*/2024.1 - ^.*/2024.2 - master - tempest-integrated-compute # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true gate: jobs: - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - ^.*/2023.2 - ^.*/2024.1 - ^.*/2024.2 - master - tempest-integrated-compute - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true periodic-weekly: jobs: # centos-9-stream is tested from zed release onwards - tempest-integrated-compute-centos-9-stream: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby|xena|yoga)$ negate: true - project-template: name: integrated-gate-placement description: | Run the python3 Tempest placement integration tests (Nova and Neutron related) in check and gate for the Placement integrated gate. This is meant to be run on Placement gate only. check: jobs: - grenade # NOTE(gmann): These template are generic and used on stable branch # as well as master testing. So grenade-skip-level on stable/2023.1 # which test stable/yoga to stable/2023.1 upgrade is non-voting. - grenade-skip-level: voting: false branches: - stable/2023.1 # on stable/2024.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level is voting which test # stable/2023.1 to stable/2024.1 upgrade. This is supposed to run on # SLURP release only. - grenade-skip-level: branches: - ^.*/2024.1 # on current master 2025.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level-always is voting # which test stable/2024.1 to 2025.1 upgrade. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - master - tempest-integrated-placement # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true gate: jobs: - grenade - tempest-integrated-placement # on stable/2024.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level is voting which test # stable/2023.1 to stable/2024.1 upgrade. This is supposed to run on # SLURP release only. - grenade-skip-level: branches: - ^.*/2024.1 # on current master 2025.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level-always is voting # which test stable/2024.1 to 2025.1 upgrade. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - master # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true - project-template: name: integrated-gate-storage description: | Run the python3 Tempest image & block storage integration tests (Cinder, Glance, Swift and Nova related) in check and gate for the neutron integrated gate. This is meant to be run on Cinder and Glance gate only. check: jobs: - grenade # NOTE(gmann): These template are generic and used on stable branch # as well as master testing. So grenade-skip-level on stable/2023.1 # which test stable/yoga to stable/2023.1 upgrade is non-voting. - grenade-skip-level: voting: false branches: - stable/2023.1 # on stable/2024.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level is voting which test # stable/2023.1 to stable/2024.1 upgrade. This is supposed to run on # SLURP release only. - grenade-skip-level: branches: - ^.*/2024.1 # on current master 2025.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level-always is voting # which test stable/2024.1 to 2025.1 upgrade. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - master - tempest-integrated-storage # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true gate: jobs: - grenade # on stable/2024.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level is voting which test # stable/2023.1 to stable/2024.1 upgrade. This is supposed to run on # SLURP release only. - grenade-skip-level: branches: - ^.*/2024.1 # on current master 2025.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level-always is voting # which test stable/2024.1 to 2025.1 upgrade. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - master - tempest-integrated-storage # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true - project-template: name: integrated-gate-object-storage description: | Run the python3 Tempest object storage integration tests (Swift, Cinder and Glance related) in check and gate for the swift integrated gate. This is meant to be run on swift gate only. check: jobs: - grenade # on stable/2024.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level is voting which test # stable/2023.1 to stable/2024.1 upgrade. This is supposed to run on # SLURP release only. - grenade-skip-level: branches: - ^.*/2024.1 # on current master 2025.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level-always is voting # which test stable/2024.1 to 2025.1 upgrade. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - master - tempest-integrated-object-storage # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true gate: jobs: - grenade # on stable/2024.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level is voting which test # stable/2023.1 to stable/2024.1 upgrade. This is supposed to run on # SLURP release only. - grenade-skip-level: branches: - ^.*/2024.1 # on current master 2025.1(SLURP) grenade-skip-level-always is voting # which test stable/2024.1 to 2025.1 upgrade. - grenade-skip-level-always: branches: - master - tempest-integrated-object-storage # Do not run it on ussuri until below issue is fixed # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010057 # and job is broken up to wallaby branch due to the issue # described in https://review.opendev.org/872341 - openstacksdk-functional-devstack: branches: regex: ^.*/(victoria|wallaby)$ negate: true