# Copyright 2014 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils from tempest_lib import exceptions as lib_exc from tempest.api.compute import base from tempest import test LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class AgentsAdminTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest): """ Tests Agents API """ @classmethod def setup_clients(cls): super(AgentsAdminTestJSON, cls).setup_clients() cls.client = cls.os_adm.agents_client def setUp(self): super(AgentsAdminTestJSON, self).setUp() params = self._param_helper( hypervisor='common', os='linux', architecture='x86_64', version='7.0', url='xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx', md5hash='add6bb58e139be103324d04d82d8f545') body = self.client.create_agent(**params) self.agent_id = body['agent_id'] def tearDown(self): try: self.client.delete_agent(self.agent_id) except lib_exc.NotFound: pass except Exception: LOG.exception('Exception raised deleting agent %s', self.agent_id) super(AgentsAdminTestJSON, self).tearDown() def _param_helper(self, **kwargs): rand_key = 'architecture' if rand_key in kwargs: # NOTE: The rand_name is for avoiding agent conflicts. # If you try to create an agent with the same hypervisor, # os and architecture as an exising agent, Nova will return # an HTTPConflict or HTTPServerError. kwargs[rand_key] = data_utils.rand_name(kwargs[rand_key]) return kwargs @test.attr(type='gate') @test.idempotent_id('1fc6bdc8-0b6d-4cc7-9f30-9b04fabe5b90') def test_create_agent(self): # Create an agent. params = self._param_helper( hypervisor='kvm', os='win', architecture='x86', version='7.0', url='xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx', md5hash='add6bb58e139be103324d04d82d8f545') body = self.client.create_agent(**params) self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_agent, body['agent_id']) for expected_item, value in params.items(): self.assertEqual(value, body[expected_item]) @test.attr(type='gate') @test.idempotent_id('dc9ffd51-1c50-4f0e-a820-ae6d2a568a9e') def test_update_agent(self): # Update an agent. params = self._param_helper( version='8.0', url='xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx2', md5hash='add6bb58e139be103324d04d82d8f547') body = self.client.update_agent(self.agent_id, **params) for expected_item, value in params.items(): self.assertEqual(value, body[expected_item]) @test.attr(type='gate') @test.idempotent_id('470e0b89-386f-407b-91fd-819737d0b335') def test_delete_agent(self): # Delete an agent. self.client.delete_agent(self.agent_id) # Verify the list doesn't contain the deleted agent. agents = self.client.list_agents() self.assertNotIn(self.agent_id, map(lambda x: x['agent_id'], agents)) @test.attr(type='gate') @test.idempotent_id('6a326c69-654b-438a-80a3-34bcc454e138') def test_list_agents(self): # List all agents. agents = self.client.list_agents() self.assertTrue(len(agents) > 0, 'Cannot get any agents.(%s)' % agents) self.assertIn(self.agent_id, map(lambda x: x['agent_id'], agents)) @test.attr(type='gate') @test.idempotent_id('eabadde4-3cd7-4ec4-a4b5-5a936d2d4408') def test_list_agents_with_filter(self): # List the agent builds by the filter. params = self._param_helper( hypervisor='xen', os='linux', architecture='x86', version='7.0', url='xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx1', md5hash='add6bb58e139be103324d04d82d8f546') agent_xen = self.client.create_agent(**params) self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_agent, agent_xen['agent_id']) agent_id_xen = agent_xen['agent_id'] params_filter = {'hypervisor': agent_xen['hypervisor']} agents = self.client.list_agents(params_filter) self.assertTrue(len(agents) > 0, 'Cannot get any agents.(%s)' % agents) self.assertIn(agent_id_xen, map(lambda x: x['agent_id'], agents)) self.assertNotIn(self.agent_id, map(lambda x: x['agent_id'], agents))