import ConfigParser import logging import os LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NovaConfig(object): """Provides configuration information for connecting to Nova.""" def __init__(self, conf): """Initialize a Nova-specific configuration object""" self.conf = conf def get(self, item_name, default_value): try: return self.conf.get("nova", item_name) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): return default_value @property def host(self): """Host IP for making Nova API requests. Defaults to ''.""" return self.get("host", "127.0.1") @property def port(self): """Listen port of the Nova service.""" return self.get("port", "8773") @property def apiVer(self): """Version of the API""" return self.get("apiVer", "v1.1") @property def path(self): """Path of API request""" return self.get("path", "/") def params(self): """Parameters to be passed with the API request""" return self.get("params", "") @property def username(self): """Username to use for Nova API requests. Defaults to 'admin'.""" return self.get("user", "admin") @property def tenant_name(self): """Tenant name to use for Nova API requests. Defaults to 'admin'.""" return self.get("tenant_name", "admin") @property def api_key(self): """API key to use when authenticating. Defaults to 'admin_key'.""" return self.get("api_key", "admin_key") @property def build_interval(self): """Time in seconds between build status checks.""" return float(self.get("build_interval", 10)) @property def ssh_timeout(self): """Timeout in seconds to use when connecting via ssh.""" return float(self.get("ssh_timeout", 300)) @property def build_timeout(self): """Timeout in seconds to wait for an entity to build.""" return float(self.get("build_timeout", 300)) class EnvironmentConfig(object): def __init__(self, conf): """Initialize a Environment-specific configuration object.""" self.conf = conf def get(self, item_name, default_value): try: return self.conf.get("environment", item_name) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): return default_value @property def image_ref(self): """Valid imageRef to use """ return self.get("image_ref", 3) @property def image_ref_alt(self): """Valid imageRef to rebuild images with""" return self.get("image_ref_alt", 3) @property def flavor_ref(self): """Valid flavorRef to use""" return self.get("flavor_ref", 1) @property def flavor_ref_alt(self): """Valid flavorRef to resize images with""" return self.get("flavor_ref_alt", 2) @property def resize_available(self): """ Does the test environment support resizing """ return self.get("resize_available", 'false') != 'false' @property def create_image_enabled(self): """ Does the test environment support resizing """ return self.get("create_image_enabled", 'false') != 'false' @property def authentication(self): """ What auth method does the environment use (basic|keystone) """ return self.get("authentication", 'keystone') class StormConfig(object): """Provides OpenStack configuration information.""" def __init__(self, conf_dir, conf_file): """ Initialize a configuration from a conf directory and conf file. :param conf_dir: Directory to look for config files :param conf_file: Name of config file to use """ path = os.path.join(conf_dir, conf_file) if not os.path.exists(path): msg = "Config file %(path)s not found" % locals() raise RuntimeError(msg) self._conf = self.load_config(path) self.nova = NovaConfig(self._conf) self.env = EnvironmentConfig(self._conf) def load_config(self, path): """Read configuration from given path and return a config object.""" config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() return config