# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 OpenStack, LLC # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import ConfigParser import logging import os from tempest.common.utils import data_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseConfig(object): SECTION_NAME = None def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf def get(self, item_name, default_value=None): try: return self.conf.get(self.SECTION_NAME, item_name, raw=True) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): return default_value def getboolean(self, item_name, default_value=None): try: return self.conf.getboolean(self.SECTION_NAME, item_name) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): return default_value class IdentityConfig(BaseConfig): """Provides configuration information for authenticating with Keystone.""" SECTION_NAME = "identity" @property def catalog_type(self): """Catalog type of the Identity service.""" return self.get("catalog_type", 'identity') @property def host(self): """Host IP for making Identity API requests.""" return self.get("host", "") @property def port(self): """Port for the Identity service.""" return self.get("port", "8773") @property def api_version(self): """Version of the Identity API""" return self.get("api_version", "v1.1") @property def path(self): """Path of API request""" return self.get("path", "/") @property def auth_url(self): """The Identity URL (derived)""" auth_url = data_utils.build_url(self.host, self.port, self.api_version, self.path, use_ssl=self.use_ssl) return auth_url @property def use_ssl(self): """Specifies if we are using https.""" return self.get("use_ssl", 'false').lower() != 'false' @property def strategy(self): """Which auth method does the environment use? (basic|keystone)""" return self.get("strategy", 'keystone') class IdentityAdminConfig(BaseConfig): SECTION_NAME = "identity-admin" @property def username(self): """Username to use for Identity Admin API requests""" return self.get("username", "admin") @property def tenant_name(self): """Tenant name to use for Identity Admin API requests""" return self.get("tenant_name", "admin") @property def password(self): """API key to use for Identity Admin API requests""" return self.get("password", "pass") class ComputeConfig(BaseConfig): SECTION_NAME = "compute" @property def allow_tenant_isolation(self): """ Allows test cases to create/destroy tenants and users. This option enables isolated test cases and better parallel execution, but also requires that OpenStack Identity API admin credentials are known. """ return self.get("allow_tenant_isolation", 'false').lower() != 'false' @property def allow_tenant_reuse(self): """ If allow_tenant_isolation is True and a tenant that would be created for a given test already exists (such as from a previously-failed run), re-use that tenant instead of failing because of the conflict. Note that this would result in the tenant being deleted at the end of a subsequent successful run. """ return self.get("allow_tenant_reuse", 'true').lower() != 'false' @property def username(self): """Username to use for Nova API requests.""" return self.get("username", "demo") @property def tenant_name(self): """Tenant name to use for Nova API requests.""" return self.get("tenant_name", "demo") @property def password(self): """API key to use when authenticating.""" return self.get("password", "pass") @property def alt_username(self): """Username of alternate user to use for Nova API requests.""" return self.get("alt_username") @property def alt_tenant_name(self): """Alternate user's Tenant name to use for Nova API requests.""" return self.get("alt_tenant_name") @property def alt_password(self): """API key to use when authenticating as alternate user.""" return self.get("alt_password") @property def image_ref(self): """Valid primary image to use in tests.""" return self.get("image_ref", "{$IMAGE_ID}") @property def image_ref_alt(self): """Valid secondary image reference to be used in tests.""" return self.get("image_ref_alt", "{$IMAGE_ID_ALT}") @property def flavor_ref(self): """Valid primary flavor to use in tests.""" return self.get("flavor_ref", 1) @property def flavor_ref_alt(self): """Valid secondary flavor to be used in tests.""" return self.get("flavor_ref_alt", 2) @property def resize_available(self): """Does the test environment support resizing?""" return self.get("resize_available", 'false').lower() != 'false' @property def live_migration_available(self): return self.get( "live_migration_available", 'false').lower() == 'true' @property def use_block_migration_for_live_migration(self): return self.get( "use_block_migration_for_live_migration", 'false' ).lower() == 'true' @property def change_password_available(self): """Does the test environment support changing the admin password?""" return self.get("change_password_available", 'false').lower() != \ 'false' @property def create_image_enabled(self): """Does the test environment support snapshots?""" return self.get("create_image_enabled", 'false').lower() != 'false' @property def build_interval(self): """Time in seconds between build status checks.""" return float(self.get("build_interval", 10)) @property def build_timeout(self): """Timeout in seconds to wait for an instance to build.""" return float(self.get("build_timeout", 300)) @property def run_ssh(self): """Does the test environment support snapshots?""" return self.get("run_ssh", 'false').lower() != 'false' @property def ssh_user(self): """User name used to authenticate to an instance.""" return self.get("ssh_user", "root") @property def ssh_timeout(self): """Timeout in seconds to wait for authentcation to succeed.""" return float(self.get("ssh_timeout", 300)) @property def network_for_ssh(self): """Network used for SSH connections.""" return self.get("network_for_ssh", "public") @property def ip_version_for_ssh(self): """IP version used for SSH connections.""" return int(self.get("ip_version_for_ssh", 4)) @property def catalog_type(self): """Catalog type of the Compute service.""" return self.get("catalog_type", 'compute') @property def log_level(self): """Level for logging compute API calls.""" return self.get("log_level", 'ERROR') @property def whitebox_enabled(self): """Does the test environment support whitebox tests for Compute?""" return self.get("whitebox_enabled", 'false').lower() != 'false' @property def db_uri(self): """Connection string to the database of Compute service""" return self.get("db_uri", None) @property def source_dir(self): """Path of nova source directory""" return self.get("source_dir", "/opt/stack/nova") @property def config_path(self): """Path of nova configuration file""" return self.get("config_path", "/etc/nova/nova.conf") @property def bin_dir(self): """Directory containing nova binaries such as nova-manage""" return self.get("bin_dir", "/usr/local/bin/") @property def path_to_private_key(self): """Path to a private key file for SSH access to remote hosts""" return self.get("path_to_private_key") class ComputeAdminConfig(BaseConfig): SECTION_NAME = "compute-admin" @property def username(self): """Administrative Username to use for Nova API requests.""" return self.get("username", "admin") @property def tenant_name(self): """Administrative Tenant name to use for Nova API requests.""" return self.get("tenant_name", "admin") @property def password(self): """API key to use when authenticating as admin.""" return self.get("password", "pass") class ImagesConfig(BaseConfig): """ Provides configuration information for connecting to an OpenStack Images service. """ SECTION_NAME = "image" @property def host(self): """Host IP for making Images API requests. Defaults to ''.""" return self.get("host", "") @property def port(self): """Listen port of the Images service.""" return int(self.get("port", "9292")) @property def api_version(self): """Version of the API""" return self.get("api_version", "1") @property def username(self): """Username to use for Images API requests. Defaults to 'demo'.""" return self.get("username", "demo") @property def password(self): """Password for user""" return self.get("password", "pass") @property def tenant_name(self): """Tenant to use for Images API requests. Defaults to 'demo'.""" return self.get("tenant_name", "demo") class NetworkConfig(BaseConfig): """Provides configuration information for connecting to an OpenStack Network Service. """ SECTION_NAME = "network" @property def catalog_type(self): """Catalog type of the Quantum service.""" return self.get("catalog_type", 'network') @property def api_version(self): """Version of Quantum API""" return self.get("api_version", "v1.1") class VolumeConfig(BaseConfig): """Provides configuration information for connecting to an OpenStack Block Storage Service. """ SECTION_NAME = "volume" @property def build_interval(self): """Time in seconds between volume availability checks.""" return float(self.get("build_interval", 10)) @property def build_timeout(self): """Timeout in seconds to wait for a volume to become available.""" return float(self.get("build_timeout", 300)) @property def catalog_type(self): """Catalog type of the Volume Service""" return self.get("catalog_type", 'volume') class ObjectStorageConfig(BaseConfig): SECTION_NAME = "object-storage" @property def username(self): """Username to use for Object-Storage API requests.""" return self.get("username", "admin") @property def tenant_name(self): """Tenant name to use for Object-Storage API requests.""" return self.get("tenant_name", "admin") @property def password(self): """API key to use when authenticating.""" return self.get("password", "password") @property def catalog_type(self): """Catalog type of the Object-Storage service.""" return self.get("catalog_type", 'object-store') class BotoConfig(BaseConfig): """Provides configuration information for connecting to EC2/S3.""" SECTION_NAME = "boto" @property def ec2_url(self): """EC2 URL""" return self.get("ec2_url", "http://localhost:8773/services/Cloud") @property def s3_url(self): """S3 URL""" return self.get("s3_url", "http://localhost:8080") @property def aws_secret(self): """AWS Secret Key""" return self.get("aws_secret") @property def aws_access(self): """AWS Access Key""" return self.get("aws_access") @property def aws_region(self): """AWS Region""" return self.get("aws_region", "RegionOne") @property def s3_materials_path(self): return self.get("s3_materials_path", "/opt/stack/devstack/files/images/" "s3-materials/cirros-0.3.0") @property def ari_manifest(self): """ARI Ramdisk Image manifest""" return self.get("ari_manifest", "cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-initrd.manifest.xml") @property def ami_manifest(self): """AMI Machine Image manifest""" return self.get("ami_manifest", "cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank.img.manifest.xml") @property def aki_manifest(self): """AKI Kernel Image manifest""" return self.get("aki_manifest", "cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-vmlinuz.manifest.xml") @property def instance_type(self): """Instance type""" return self.get("Instance type", "m1.tiny") @property def http_socket_timeout(self): """boto Http socket timeout""" return self.get("http_socket_timeout", "3") @property def build_timeout(self): """status change timeout""" return float(self.get("build_timeout", "60")) @property def build_interval(self): """status change test interval""" return float(self.get("build_interval", 1)) # TODO(jaypipes): Move this to a common utils (not data_utils...) def singleton(cls): """Simple wrapper for classes that should only have a single instance""" instances = {} def getinstance(): if cls not in instances: instances[cls] = cls() return instances[cls] return getinstance @singleton class TempestConfig: """Provides OpenStack configuration information.""" DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = os.path.join( os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(__file__))), "etc") DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "tempest.conf" def __init__(self): """Initialize a configuration from a conf directory and conf file.""" # Environment variables override defaults... conf_dir = os.environ.get('TEMPEST_CONFIG_DIR', self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR) conf_file = os.environ.get('TEMPEST_CONFIG', self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) path = os.path.join(conf_dir, conf_file) LOG.info("Using tempest config file %s" % path) if not os.path.exists(path): msg = "Config file %(path)s not found" % locals() raise RuntimeError(msg) self._conf = self.load_config(path) self.compute = ComputeConfig(self._conf) self.compute_admin = ComputeAdminConfig(self._conf) self.identity = IdentityConfig(self._conf) self.identity_admin = IdentityAdminConfig(self._conf) self.images = ImagesConfig(self._conf) self.network = NetworkConfig(self._conf) self.volume = VolumeConfig(self._conf) self.object_storage = ObjectStorageConfig(self._conf) self.boto = BotoConfig(self._conf) def load_config(self, path): """Read configuration from given path and return a config object.""" config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.read(path) return config