#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Javelin is a tool for creating, verifying, and deleting a small set of resources in a declarative way. Javelin is meant to be used as a way to validate quickly that resources can survive an upgrade process. Authentication -------------- Javelin will be creating (and removing) users and tenants so it needs the admin credentials of your cloud to operate properly. The corresponding info can be given the usual way, either through CLI options or environment variables. You're probably familiar with these, but just in case:: +----------+------------------+----------------------+ | Param | CLI | Environment Variable | +----------+------------------+----------------------+ | Username | --os-username | OS_USERNAME | | Password | --os-password | OS_PASSWORD | | Tenant | --os-tenant-name | OS_TENANT_NAME | +----------+------------------+----------------------+ Runtime Arguments ----------------- **-m/--mode**: (Required) Has to be one of 'check', 'create' or 'destroy'. It indicates which actions javelin is going to perform. **-r/--resources**: (Required) The path to a YAML file describing the resources used by Javelin. **-d/--devstack-base**: (Required) The path to the devstack repo used to retrieve artefacts (like images) that will be referenced in the resource files. **-c/--config-file**: (Optional) The path to a valid Tempest config file describing your cloud. Javelin may use this to determine if certain services are enabled and modify its behavior accordingly. Resource file ------------- The resource file is a valid YAML file describing the resources that will be created, checked and destroyed by javelin. Here's a canonical example of a resource file:: tenants: - javelin - discuss users: - name: javelin pass: gungnir tenant: javelin - name: javelin2 pass: gungnir2 tenant: discuss # resources that we want to create images: - name: javelin_cirros owner: javelin file: cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-blank.img disk_format: ami container_format: ami aki: cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-vmlinuz ari: cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-initrd servers: - name: peltast owner: javelin flavor: m1.small image: javelin_cirros floating_ip_pool: public - name: hoplite owner: javelin flavor: m1.medium image: javelin_cirros An important piece of the resource definition is the *owner* field, which is the user (that we've created) that is the owner of that resource. All operations on that resource will happen as that regular user to ensure that admin level access does not mask issues. The check phase will act like a unit test, using well known assert methods to verify that the correct resources exist. """ import argparse import collections import datetime import os import sys import unittest import netaddr from oslo_log import log as logging import six import yaml from tempest.common import identity from tempest.common import waiters from tempest import config from tempest.lib import auth from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc from tempest.lib.services.compute import flavors_client from tempest.lib.services.compute import floating_ips_client from tempest.lib.services.compute import security_group_rules_client from tempest.lib.services.compute import security_groups_client from tempest.lib.services.compute import servers_client from tempest.lib.services.network import networks_client from tempest.lib.services.network import ports_client from tempest.lib.services.network import routers_client from tempest.lib.services.network import subnets_client from tempest.services.identity.v2.json import identity_client from tempest.services.identity.v2.json import roles_client from tempest.services.identity.v2.json import tenants_client from tempest.services.identity.v2.json import users_client from tempest.services.image.v2.json import images_client from tempest.services.object_storage import container_client from tempest.services.object_storage import object_client from tempest.services.volume.v1.json import volumes_client CONF = config.CONF OPTS = {} USERS = {} RES = collections.defaultdict(list) LOG = None JAVELIN_START = datetime.datetime.utcnow() class OSClient(object): _creds = None identity = None servers = None def __init__(self, user, pw, tenant): default_params = { 'disable_ssl_certificate_validation': CONF.identity.disable_ssl_certificate_validation, 'ca_certs': CONF.identity.ca_certificates_file, 'trace_requests': CONF.debug.trace_requests } default_params_with_timeout_values = { 'build_interval': CONF.compute.build_interval, 'build_timeout': CONF.compute.build_timeout } default_params_with_timeout_values.update(default_params) compute_params = { 'service': CONF.compute.catalog_type, 'region': CONF.compute.region or CONF.identity.region, 'endpoint_type': CONF.compute.endpoint_type, 'build_interval': CONF.compute.build_interval, 'build_timeout': CONF.compute.build_timeout } compute_params.update(default_params) object_storage_params = { 'service': CONF.object_storage.catalog_type, 'region': CONF.object_storage.region or CONF.identity.region, 'endpoint_type': CONF.object_storage.endpoint_type } object_storage_params.update(default_params) _creds = auth.KeystoneV2Credentials( username=user, password=pw, tenant_name=tenant) auth_provider_params = { 'disable_ssl_certificate_validation': CONF.identity.disable_ssl_certificate_validation, 'ca_certs': CONF.identity.ca_certificates_file, 'trace_requests': CONF.debug.trace_requests } _auth = auth.KeystoneV2AuthProvider( _creds, CONF.identity.uri, **auth_provider_params) self.identity = identity_client.IdentityClient( _auth, CONF.identity.catalog_type, CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type='adminURL', **default_params_with_timeout_values) self.tenants = tenants_client.TenantsClient( _auth, CONF.identity.catalog_type, CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type='adminURL', **default_params_with_timeout_values) self.roles = roles_client.RolesClient( _auth, CONF.identity.catalog_type, CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type='adminURL', **default_params_with_timeout_values) self.users = users_client.UsersClient( _auth, CONF.identity.catalog_type, CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type='adminURL', **default_params_with_timeout_values) self.servers = servers_client.ServersClient(_auth, **compute_params) self.flavors = flavors_client.FlavorsClient(_auth, **compute_params) self.floating_ips = floating_ips_client.FloatingIPsClient( _auth, **compute_params) self.secgroups = security_groups_client.SecurityGroupsClient( _auth, **compute_params) self.secrules = security_group_rules_client.SecurityGroupRulesClient( _auth, **compute_params) self.objects = object_client.ObjectClient(_auth, **object_storage_params) self.containers = container_client.ContainerClient( _auth, **object_storage_params) self.images = images_client.ImagesClient( _auth, CONF.image.catalog_type, CONF.image.region or CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type=CONF.image.endpoint_type, build_interval=CONF.image.build_interval, build_timeout=CONF.image.build_timeout, **default_params) self.volumes = volumes_client.VolumesClient( _auth, CONF.volume.catalog_type, CONF.volume.region or CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type=CONF.volume.endpoint_type, build_interval=CONF.volume.build_interval, build_timeout=CONF.volume.build_timeout, **default_params) self.networks = networks_client.NetworksClient( _auth, CONF.network.catalog_type, CONF.network.region or CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type=CONF.network.endpoint_type, build_interval=CONF.network.build_interval, build_timeout=CONF.network.build_timeout, **default_params) self.ports = ports_client.PortsClient( _auth, CONF.network.catalog_type, CONF.network.region or CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type=CONF.network.endpoint_type, build_interval=CONF.network.build_interval, build_timeout=CONF.network.build_timeout, **default_params) self.routers = routers_client.RoutersClient( _auth, CONF.network.catalog_type, CONF.network.region or CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type=CONF.network.endpoint_type, build_interval=CONF.network.build_interval, build_timeout=CONF.network.build_timeout, **default_params) self.subnets = subnets_client.SubnetsClient( _auth, CONF.network.catalog_type, CONF.network.region or CONF.identity.region, endpoint_type=CONF.network.endpoint_type, build_interval=CONF.network.build_interval, build_timeout=CONF.network.build_timeout, **default_params) def load_resources(fname): """Load the expected resources from a yaml file.""" return yaml.load(open(fname, 'r')) def keystone_admin(): return OSClient(OPTS.os_username, OPTS.os_password, OPTS.os_tenant_name) def client_for_user(name): LOG.debug("Entering client_for_user") if name in USERS: user = USERS[name] LOG.debug("Created client for user %s" % user) return OSClient(user['name'], user['pass'], user['tenant']) else: LOG.error("%s not found in USERS: %s" % (name, USERS)) ################### # # TENANTS # ################### def create_tenants(tenants): """Create tenants from resource definition. Don't create the tenants if they already exist. """ admin = keystone_admin() body = admin.tenants.list_tenants()['tenants'] existing = [x['name'] for x in body] for tenant in tenants: if tenant not in existing: admin.tenants.create_tenant(tenant)['tenant'] else: LOG.warning("Tenant '%s' already exists in this environment" % tenant) def destroy_tenants(tenants): admin = keystone_admin() for tenant in tenants: tenant_id = identity.get_tenant_by_name(admin.tenant, tenant)['id'] admin.tenants.delete_tenant(tenant_id) ############## # # USERS # ############## def _users_for_tenant(users, tenant): u_for_t = [] for user in users: for n in user: if user[n]['tenant'] == tenant: u_for_t.append(user[n]) return u_for_t def _tenants_from_users(users): tenants = set() for user in users: for n in user: tenants.add(user[n]['tenant']) return tenants def _assign_swift_role(user, swift_role): admin = keystone_admin() roles = admin.roles.list_roles() role = next(r for r in roles if r['name'] == swift_role) LOG.debug(USERS[user]) try: admin.roles.assign_user_role( USERS[user]['tenant_id'], USERS[user]['id'], role['id']) except lib_exc.Conflict: # don't care if it's already assigned pass def create_users(users): """Create tenants from resource definition. Don't create the tenants if they already exist. """ global USERS LOG.info("Creating users") admin = keystone_admin() for u in users: try: tenant = identity.get_tenant_by_name(admin.tenants, u['tenant']) except lib_exc.NotFound: LOG.error("Tenant: %s - not found" % u['tenant']) continue try: identity.get_user_by_username(admin.tenants, tenant['id'], u['name']) LOG.warning("User '%s' already exists in this environment" % u['name']) except lib_exc.NotFound: admin.users.create_user( u['name'], u['pass'], tenant['id'], "%s@%s" % (u['name'], tenant['id']), enabled=True) def destroy_users(users): admin = keystone_admin() for user in users: tenant_id = identity.get_tenant_by_name(admin.tenants, user['tenant'])['id'] user_id = identity.get_user_by_username(admin.tenants, tenant_id, user['name'])['id'] admin.users.delete_user(user_id) def collect_users(users): global USERS LOG.info("Collecting users") admin = keystone_admin() for u in users: tenant = identity.get_tenant_by_name(admin.tenants, u['tenant']) u['tenant_id'] = tenant['id'] USERS[u['name']] = u body = identity.get_user_by_username(admin.tenants, tenant['id'], u['name']) USERS[u['name']]['id'] = body['id'] class JavelinCheck(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, users, resources): super(JavelinCheck, self).__init__() self.users = users self.res = resources def runTest(self, *args): pass def _ping_ip(self, ip_addr, count, namespace=None): if namespace is None: ping_cmd = "ping -c1 " + ip_addr else: ping_cmd = "sudo ip netns exec %s ping -c1 %s" % (namespace, ip_addr) for current in range(count): return_code = os.system(ping_cmd) if return_code is 0: break self.assertNotEqual(current, count - 1, "Server is not pingable at %s" % ip_addr) def check(self): self.check_users() self.check_objects() self.check_servers() self.check_volumes() self.check_secgroups() # validate neutron is enabled and ironic disabled: # Tenant network isolation is not supported when using ironic. # "admin" has set up a neutron flat network environment within a shared # fixed network for all tenants to use. # In this case, network/subnet/router creation can be skipped and the # server booted the same as nova network. if (CONF.service_available.neutron and not CONF.baremetal.driver_enabled): self.check_networking() def check_users(self): """Check that the users we expect to exist, do. We don't use the resource list for this because we need to validate that things like tenantId didn't drift across versions. """ LOG.info("checking users") for name, user in six.iteritems(self.users): client = keystone_admin() found = client.users.show_user(user['id'])['user'] self.assertEqual(found['name'], user['name']) self.assertEqual(found['tenantId'], user['tenant_id']) # also ensure we can auth with that user, and do something # on the cloud. We don't care about the results except that it # remains authorized. client = client_for_user(user['name']) client.servers.list_servers() def check_objects(self): """Check that the objects created are still there.""" if not self.res.get('objects'): return LOG.info("checking objects") for obj in self.res['objects']: client = client_for_user(obj['owner']) r, contents = client.objects.get_object( obj['container'], obj['name']) source = _file_contents(obj['file']) self.assertEqual(contents, source) def check_servers(self): """Check that the servers are still up and running.""" if not self.res.get('servers'): return LOG.info("checking servers") for server in self.res['servers']: client = client_for_user(server['owner']) found = _get_server_by_name(client, server['name']) self.assertIsNotNone( found, "Couldn't find expected server %s" % server['name']) found = client.servers.show_server(found['id'])['server'] # validate neutron is enabled and ironic disabled: if (CONF.service_available.neutron and not CONF.baremetal.driver_enabled): _floating_is_alive = False for network_name, body in found['addresses'].items(): for addr in body: ip = addr['addr'] # Use floating IP, fixed IP or other type to # reach the server. # This is useful in multi-node environment. if CONF.validation.connect_method == 'floating': if addr.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type', 'floating') == 'floating': self._ping_ip(ip, 60) _floating_is_alive = True elif CONF.validation.connect_method == 'fixed': if addr.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type', 'fixed') == 'fixed': namespace = _get_router_namespace(client, network_name) self._ping_ip(ip, 60, namespace) else: self._ping_ip(ip, 60) # If CONF.validation.connect_method is floating, validate # that the floating IP is attached to the server and the # the server is pingable. if CONF.validation.connect_method == 'floating': self.assertTrue(_floating_is_alive, "Server %s has no floating IP." % server['name']) else: addr = found['addresses']['private'][0]['addr'] self._ping_ip(addr, 60) def check_secgroups(self): """Check that the security groups still exist.""" LOG.info("Checking security groups") for secgroup in self.res['secgroups']: client = client_for_user(secgroup['owner']) found = _get_resource_by_name(client.secgroups, 'security_groups', secgroup['name']) self.assertIsNotNone( found, "Couldn't find expected secgroup %s" % secgroup['name']) def check_volumes(self): """Check that the volumes are still there and attached.""" if not self.res.get('volumes'): return LOG.info("checking volumes") for volume in self.res['volumes']: client = client_for_user(volume['owner']) vol_body = _get_volume_by_name(client, volume['name']) self.assertIsNotNone( vol_body, "Couldn't find expected volume %s" % volume['name']) # Verify that a volume's attachment retrieved server_id = _get_server_by_name(client, volume['server'])['id'] attachment = client.volumes.get_attachment_from_volume(vol_body) self.assertEqual(vol_body['id'], attachment['volume_id']) self.assertEqual(server_id, attachment['server_id']) def check_networking(self): """Check that the networks are still there.""" for res_type in ('networks', 'subnets', 'routers'): for res in self.res[res_type]: client = client_for_user(res['owner']) found = _get_resource_by_name(client.networks, res_type, res['name']) self.assertIsNotNone( found, "Couldn't find expected resource %s" % res['name']) ####################### # # OBJECTS # ####################### def _file_contents(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as f: return f.read() def create_objects(objects): if not objects: return LOG.info("Creating objects") for obj in objects: LOG.debug("Object %s" % obj) swift_role = obj.get('swift_role', 'Member') _assign_swift_role(obj['owner'], swift_role) client = client_for_user(obj['owner']) client.containers.create_container(obj['container']) client.objects.create_object( obj['container'], obj['name'], _file_contents(obj['file'])) def destroy_objects(objects): for obj in objects: client = client_for_user(obj['owner']) r, body = client.objects.delete_object(obj['container'], obj['name']) if not (200 <= int(r['status']) < 299): raise ValueError("unable to destroy object: [%s] %s" % (r, body)) ####################### # # IMAGES # ####################### def _resolve_image(image, imgtype): name = image[imgtype] fname = os.path.join(OPTS.devstack_base, image['imgdir'], name) return name, fname def _get_image_by_name(client, name): body = client.images.list_images() for image in body: if name == image['name']: return image return None def create_images(images): if not images: return LOG.info("Creating images") for image in images: client = client_for_user(image['owner']) # DEPRECATED: 'format' was used for ami images # Use 'disk_format' and 'container_format' instead if 'format' in image: LOG.warning("Deprecated: 'format' is deprecated for images " "description. Please use 'disk_format' and 'container_" "format' instead.") image['disk_format'] = image['format'] image['container_format'] = image['format'] # only upload a new image if the name isn't there if _get_image_by_name(client, image['name']): LOG.info("Image '%s' already exists" % image['name']) continue # special handling for 3 part image extras = {} if image['disk_format'] == 'ami': name, fname = _resolve_image(image, 'aki') aki = client.images.create_image( 'javelin_' + name, 'aki', 'aki') client.images.store_image_file(aki.get('id'), open(fname, 'r')) extras['kernel_id'] = aki.get('id') name, fname = _resolve_image(image, 'ari') ari = client.images.create_image( 'javelin_' + name, 'ari', 'ari') client.images.store_image_file(ari.get('id'), open(fname, 'r')) extras['ramdisk_id'] = ari.get('id') _, fname = _resolve_image(image, 'file') body = client.images.create_image( image['name'], image['container_format'], image['disk_format'], **extras) image_id = body.get('id') client.images.store_image_file(image_id, open(fname, 'r')) def destroy_images(images): if not images: return LOG.info("Destroying images") for image in images: client = client_for_user(image['owner']) response = _get_image_by_name(client, image['name']) if not response: LOG.info("Image '%s' does not exist" % image['name']) continue client.images.delete_image(response['id']) ####################### # # NETWORKS # ####################### def _get_router_namespace(client, network): network_id = _get_resource_by_name(client.networks, 'networks', network)['id'] n_body = client.routers.list_routers() for router in n_body['routers']: router_id = router['id'] r_body = client.ports.list_ports(device_id=router_id) for port in r_body['ports']: if port['network_id'] == network_id: return "qrouter-%s" % router_id def _get_resource_by_name(client, resource, name): get_resources = getattr(client, 'list_%s' % resource) if get_resources is None: raise AttributeError("client doesn't have method list_%s" % resource) # Until all tempest client methods are changed to return only one value, # we cannot assume they all have the same signature so we need to discard # the unused response first value it two values are being returned. body = get_resources() if isinstance(body, tuple): body = body[1] if isinstance(body, dict): body = body[resource] for res in body: if name == res['name']: return res raise ValueError('%s not found in %s resources' % (name, resource)) def create_networks(networks): LOG.info("Creating networks") for network in networks: client = client_for_user(network['owner']) # only create a network if the name isn't here body = client.networks.list_networks() if any(item['name'] == network['name'] for item in body['networks']): LOG.warning("Duplicated network name: %s" % network['name']) continue client.networks.create_network(name=network['name']) def destroy_networks(networks): LOG.info("Destroying subnets") for network in networks: client = client_for_user(network['owner']) network_id = _get_resource_by_name(client.networks, 'networks', network['name'])['id'] client.networks.delete_network(network_id) def create_subnets(subnets): LOG.info("Creating subnets") for subnet in subnets: client = client_for_user(subnet['owner']) network = _get_resource_by_name(client.networks, 'networks', subnet['network']) ip_version = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['range']).version # ensure we don't overlap with another subnet in the network try: client.networks.create_subnet(network_id=network['id'], cidr=subnet['range'], name=subnet['name'], ip_version=ip_version) except lib_exc.BadRequest as e: is_overlapping_cidr = 'overlaps with another subnet' in str(e) if not is_overlapping_cidr: raise def destroy_subnets(subnets): LOG.info("Destroying subnets") for subnet in subnets: client = client_for_user(subnet['owner']) subnet_id = _get_resource_by_name(client.subnets, 'subnets', subnet['name'])['id'] client.subnets.delete_subnet(subnet_id) def create_routers(routers): LOG.info("Creating routers") for router in routers: client = client_for_user(router['owner']) # only create a router if the name isn't here body = client.routers.list_routers() if any(item['name'] == router['name'] for item in body['routers']): LOG.warning("Duplicated router name: %s" % router['name']) continue client.networks.create_router(name=router['name']) def destroy_routers(routers): LOG.info("Destroying routers") for router in routers: client = client_for_user(router['owner']) router_id = _get_resource_by_name(client.networks, 'routers', router['name'])['id'] for subnet in router['subnet']: subnet_id = _get_resource_by_name(client.networks, 'subnets', subnet)['id'] client.routers.remove_router_interface(router_id, subnet_id=subnet_id) client.routers.delete_router(router_id) def add_router_interface(routers): for router in routers: client = client_for_user(router['owner']) router_id = _get_resource_by_name(client.networks, 'routers', router['name'])['id'] for subnet in router['subnet']: subnet_id = _get_resource_by_name(client.networks, 'subnets', subnet)['id'] # connect routers to their subnets client.routers.add_router_interface(router_id, subnet_id=subnet_id) # connect routers to external network if set to "gateway" if router['gateway']: if CONF.network.public_network_id: ext_net = CONF.network.public_network_id client.routers.update_router( router_id, set_enable_snat=True, external_gateway_info={"network_id": ext_net}) else: raise ValueError('public_network_id is not configured.') ####################### # # SERVERS # ####################### def _get_server_by_name(client, name): body = client.servers.list_servers() for server in body['servers']: if name == server['name']: return server return None def _get_flavor_by_name(client, name): body = client.flavors.list_flavors()['flavors'] for flavor in body: if name == flavor['name']: return flavor return None def create_servers(servers): if not servers: return LOG.info("Creating servers") for server in servers: client = client_for_user(server['owner']) if _get_server_by_name(client, server['name']): LOG.info("Server '%s' already exists" % server['name']) continue image_id = _get_image_by_name(client, server['image'])['id'] flavor_id = _get_flavor_by_name(client, server['flavor'])['id'] # validate neutron is enabled and ironic disabled kwargs = dict() if (CONF.service_available.neutron and not CONF.baremetal.driver_enabled and server.get('networks')): get_net_id = lambda x: (_get_resource_by_name( client.networks, 'networks', x)['id']) kwargs['networks'] = [{'uuid': get_net_id(network)} for network in server['networks']] body = client.servers.create_server( name=server['name'], imageRef=image_id, flavorRef=flavor_id, **kwargs)['server'] server_id = body['id'] client.servers.wait_for_server_status(server_id, 'ACTIVE') # create security group(s) after server spawning for secgroup in server['secgroups']: client.servers.add_security_group(server_id, name=secgroup) if CONF.validation.connect_method == 'floating': floating_ip_pool = server.get('floating_ip_pool') floating_ip = client.floating_ips.create_floating_ip( pool_name=floating_ip_pool)['floating_ip'] client.floating_ips.associate_floating_ip_to_server( floating_ip['ip'], server_id) def destroy_servers(servers): if not servers: return LOG.info("Destroying servers") for server in servers: client = client_for_user(server['owner']) response = _get_server_by_name(client, server['name']) if not response: LOG.info("Server '%s' does not exist" % server['name']) continue # TODO(EmilienM): disassociate floating IP from server and release it. client.servers.delete_server(response['id']) waiters.wait_for_server_termination(client.servers, response['id'], ignore_error=True) def create_secgroups(secgroups): LOG.info("Creating security groups") for secgroup in secgroups: client = client_for_user(secgroup['owner']) # only create a security group if the name isn't here # i.e. a security group may be used by another server # only create a router if the name isn't here body = client.secgroups.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] if any(item['name'] == secgroup['name'] for item in body): LOG.warning("Security group '%s' already exists" % secgroup['name']) continue body = client.secgroups.create_security_group( name=secgroup['name'], description=secgroup['description'])['security_group'] secgroup_id = body['id'] # for each security group, create the rules for rule in secgroup['rules']: ip_proto, from_port, to_port, cidr = rule.split() client.secrules.create_security_group_rule( parent_group_id=secgroup_id, ip_protocol=ip_proto, from_port=from_port, to_port=to_port, cidr=cidr) def destroy_secgroups(secgroups): LOG.info("Destroying security groups") for secgroup in secgroups: client = client_for_user(secgroup['owner']) sg_id = _get_resource_by_name(client.secgroups, 'security_groups', secgroup['name']) # sg rules are deleted automatically client.secgroups.delete_security_group(sg_id['id']) ####################### # # VOLUMES # ####################### def _get_volume_by_name(client, name): body = client.volumes.list_volumes()['volumes'] for volume in body: if name == volume['display_name']: return volume return None def create_volumes(volumes): if not volumes: return LOG.info("Creating volumes") for volume in volumes: client = client_for_user(volume['owner']) # only create a volume if the name isn't here if _get_volume_by_name(client, volume['name']): LOG.info("volume '%s' already exists" % volume['name']) continue size = volume['gb'] v_name = volume['name'] body = client.volumes.create_volume(size=size, display_name=v_name)['volume'] waiters.wait_for_volume_status(client.volumes, body['id'], 'available') def destroy_volumes(volumes): for volume in volumes: client = client_for_user(volume['owner']) volume_id = _get_volume_by_name(client, volume['name'])['id'] client.volumes.detach_volume(volume_id) client.volumes.delete_volume(volume_id) def attach_volumes(volumes): for volume in volumes: client = client_for_user(volume['owner']) server_id = _get_server_by_name(client, volume['server'])['id'] volume_id = _get_volume_by_name(client, volume['name'])['id'] device = volume['device'] client.volumes.attach_volume(volume_id, instance_uuid=server_id, mountpoint=device) ####################### # # MAIN LOGIC # ####################### def create_resources(): LOG.info("Creating Resources") # first create keystone level resources, and we need to be admin # for this. create_tenants(RES['tenants']) create_users(RES['users']) collect_users(RES['users']) # next create resources in a well known order create_objects(RES['objects']) create_images(RES['images']) # validate neutron is enabled and ironic is disabled if CONF.service_available.neutron and not CONF.baremetal.driver_enabled: create_networks(RES['networks']) create_subnets(RES['subnets']) create_routers(RES['routers']) add_router_interface(RES['routers']) create_secgroups(RES['secgroups']) create_volumes(RES['volumes']) # Only attempt attaching the volumes if servers are defined in the # resource file if 'servers' in RES: create_servers(RES['servers']) attach_volumes(RES['volumes']) def destroy_resources(): LOG.info("Destroying Resources") # Destroy in inverse order of create destroy_servers(RES['servers']) destroy_images(RES['images']) destroy_objects(RES['objects']) destroy_volumes(RES['volumes']) if CONF.service_available.neutron and not CONF.baremetal.driver_enabled: destroy_routers(RES['routers']) destroy_subnets(RES['subnets']) destroy_networks(RES['networks']) destroy_secgroups(RES['secgroups']) destroy_users(RES['users']) destroy_tenants(RES['tenants']) LOG.warning("Destroy mode incomplete") def get_options(): global OPTS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create and validate a fixed set of OpenStack resources') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', metavar='', required=True, help=('One of (create, check, destroy)')) parser.add_argument('-r', '--resources', required=True, metavar='resourcefile.yaml', help='Resources definition yaml file') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--devstack-base', required=True, metavar='/opt/stack/old', help='Devstack base directory for retrieving artifacts') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config-file', metavar='/etc/tempest.conf', help='path to javelin2(tempest) config file') # auth bits, letting us also just source the devstack openrc parser.add_argument('--os-username', metavar='', default=os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME'), help=('Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].')) parser.add_argument('--os-password', metavar='', default=os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD'), help=('Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].')) parser.add_argument('--os-tenant-name', metavar='', default=os.environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME'), help=('Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].')) OPTS = parser.parse_args() if OPTS.mode not in ('create', 'check', 'destroy'): print("ERROR: Unknown mode -m %s\n" % OPTS.mode) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if OPTS.config_file: config.CONF.set_config_path(OPTS.config_file) def setup_logging(): global LOG logging.setup(CONF, __name__) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def main(): print("Javelin is deprecated and will be removed from Tempest in the " "future.") global RES get_options() setup_logging() RES.update(load_resources(OPTS.resources)) if OPTS.mode == 'create': create_resources() # Make sure the resources we just created actually work checker = JavelinCheck(USERS, RES) checker.check() elif OPTS.mode == 'check': collect_users(RES['users']) checker = JavelinCheck(USERS, RES) checker.check() elif OPTS.mode == 'destroy': collect_users(RES['users']) destroy_resources() else: LOG.error('Unknown mode %s' % OPTS.mode) return 1 LOG.info('javelin2 successfully finished') return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())