# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import atexit import os import sys import debtcollector.moves import fixtures from oslo_log import log as logging import six import testtools from tempest import clients from tempest.common import credentials_factory as credentials from tempest.common import utils from tempest import config from tempest.lib.common import fixed_network from tempest.lib.common import validation_resources as vr from tempest.lib import decorators from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = config.CONF # TODO(oomichi): This test.idempotent_id should be removed after all projects # switch to use decorators.idempotent_id. idempotent_id = debtcollector.moves.moved_function( decorators.idempotent_id, 'idempotent_id', __name__, version='Mitaka', removal_version='?') attr = debtcollector.moves.moved_function( decorators.attr, 'attr', __name__, version='Pike', removal_version='?') services = debtcollector.moves.moved_function( utils.services, 'services', __name__, version='Pike', removal_version='?') requires_ext = debtcollector.moves.moved_function( utils.requires_ext, 'requires_ext', __name__, version='Pike', removal_version='?') is_extension_enabled = debtcollector.moves.moved_function( utils.is_extension_enabled, 'is_extension_enabled', __name__, version='Pike', removal_version='?') at_exit_set = set() def validate_tearDownClass(): if at_exit_set: LOG.error( "tearDownClass does not call the super's " "tearDownClass in these classes: \n" + str(at_exit_set)) atexit.register(validate_tearDownClass) class BaseTestCase(testtools.testcase.WithAttributes, testtools.TestCase): """The test base class defines Tempest framework for class level fixtures. `setUpClass` and `tearDownClass` are defined here and cannot be overwritten by subclasses (enforced via hacking rule T105). Set-up is split in a series of steps (setup stages), which can be overwritten by test classes. Set-up stages are: - skip_checks - setup_credentials - setup_clients - resource_setup Tear-down is also split in a series of steps (teardown stages), which are stacked for execution only if the corresponding setup stage had been reached during the setup phase. Tear-down stages are: - clear_credentials (defined in the base test class) - resource_cleanup """ # NOTE(andreaf) credentials holds a list of the credentials to be allocated # at class setup time. Credential types can be 'primary', 'alt', 'admin' or # a list of roles - the first element of the list being a label, and the # rest the actual roles credentials = [] # Track if setUpClass was invoked __setupclass_called = False # Network resources to be provisioned for the requested test credentials. # Only used with the dynamic credentials provider. _network_resources = {} # Stack of resource cleanups _class_cleanups = [] # Resources required to validate a server using ssh _validation_resources = {} # NOTE(sdague): log_format is defined inline here instead of using the oslo # default because going through the config path recouples config to the # stress tests too early, and depending on testr order will fail unit tests log_format = ('%(asctime)s %(process)d %(levelname)-8s ' '[%(name)s] %(message)s') # Client manager class to use in this test case. client_manager = clients.Manager # A way to adjust slow test classes TIMEOUT_SCALING_FACTOR = 1 @classmethod def _reset_class(cls): cls.__setup_credentials_called = False cls.__resource_cleanup_called = False cls.__skip_checks_called = False # Stack of callable to be invoked in reverse order cls._class_cleanups = [] # Stack of (name, callable) to be invoked in reverse order at teardown cls._teardowns = [] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.__setupclass_called = True # Reset state cls._reset_class() # It should never be overridden by descendants if hasattr(super(BaseTestCase, cls), 'setUpClass'): super(BaseTestCase, cls).setUpClass() # All the configuration checks that may generate a skip cls.skip_checks() if not cls.__skip_checks_called: raise RuntimeError("skip_checks for %s did not call the super's " "skip_checks" % cls.__name__) try: # Allocation of all required credentials and client managers cls._teardowns.append(('credentials', cls.clear_credentials)) cls.setup_credentials() if not cls.__setup_credentials_called: raise RuntimeError("setup_credentials for %s did not call the " "super's setup_credentials" % cls.__name__) # Shortcuts to clients cls.setup_clients() # Additional class-wide test resources cls._teardowns.append(('resources', cls.resource_cleanup)) cls.resource_setup() except Exception: etype, value, trace = sys.exc_info() LOG.info("%s raised in %s.setUpClass. Invoking tearDownClass.", etype, cls.__name__) cls.tearDownClass() try: six.reraise(etype, value, trace) finally: del trace # to avoid circular refs @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): # insert pdb breakpoint when pause_teardown is enabled if CONF.pause_teardown: cls.insert_pdb_breakpoint() at_exit_set.discard(cls) # It should never be overridden by descendants if hasattr(super(BaseTestCase, cls), 'tearDownClass'): super(BaseTestCase, cls).tearDownClass() # Save any existing exception, we always want to re-raise the original # exception only etype, value, trace = sys.exc_info() # If there was no exception during setup we shall re-raise the first # exception in teardown re_raise = (etype is None) while cls._teardowns: name, teardown = cls._teardowns.pop() # Catch any exception in tearDown so we can re-raise the original # exception at the end try: teardown() if name == 'resources': if not cls.__resource_cleanup_called: raise RuntimeError( "resource_cleanup for %s did not call the " "super's resource_cleanup" % cls.__name__) except Exception as te: sys_exec_info = sys.exc_info() tetype = sys_exec_info[0] # TODO(andreaf): Resource cleanup is often implemented by # storing an array of resources at class level, and cleaning # them up during `resource_cleanup`. # In case of failure during setup, some resource arrays might # not be defined at all, in which case the cleanup code might # trigger an AttributeError. In such cases we log # AttributeError as info instead of exception. Once all # cleanups are migrated to addClassResourceCleanup we can # remove this. if tetype is AttributeError and name == 'resources': LOG.info("tearDownClass of %s failed: %s", name, te) else: LOG.exception("teardown of %s failed: %s", name, te) if not etype: etype, value, trace = sys_exec_info # If exceptions were raised during teardown, and not before, re-raise # the first one if re_raise and etype is not None: try: six.reraise(etype, value, trace) finally: del trace # to avoid circular refs def tearDown(self): super(BaseTestCase, self).tearDown() # insert pdb breakpoint when pause_teardown is enabled if CONF.pause_teardown: BaseTestCase.insert_pdb_breakpoint() @classmethod def insert_pdb_breakpoint(cls): """Add pdb breakpoint. This can help in debugging process, cleaning of resources is paused, so they can be examined. """ import pdb pdb.set_trace() @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): """Class level skip checks. Subclasses verify in here all conditions that might prevent the execution of the entire test class. Skipping here prevents any other class fixture from being executed i.e. no credentials or other resource allocation will happen. Tests defined in the test class will no longer appear in test results. The `setUpClass` for the entire test class will be marked as SKIPPED instead. At this stage no test credentials are available, so skip checks should rely on configuration alone. This is deliberate since skips based on the result of an API call are discouraged. The following checks are implemented in `test.py` already: - check that alt credentials are available when requested by the test - check that admin credentials are available when requested by the test - check that the identity version specified by the test is marked as enabled in the configuration Overriders of skip_checks must always invoke skip_check on `super` first. Example:: @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): super(Example, cls).skip_checks() if not CONF.service_available.my_service: skip_msg = ("%s skipped as my_service is not available") raise cls.skipException(skip_msg % cls.__name__) """ cls.__skip_checks_called = True identity_version = cls.get_identity_version() # setting force_tenant_isolation to True also needs admin credentials. if ('admin' in cls.credentials or getattr(cls, 'force_tenant_isolation', False)): if not credentials.is_admin_available( identity_version=identity_version): raise cls.skipException( "Missing Identity Admin API credentials in configuration.") if 'alt' in cls.credentials and not credentials.is_alt_available( identity_version=identity_version): msg = "Missing a 2nd set of API credentials in configuration." raise cls.skipException(msg) if hasattr(cls, 'identity_version'): if cls.identity_version == 'v2': if not CONF.identity_feature_enabled.api_v2: raise cls.skipException("Identity api v2 is not enabled") elif cls.identity_version == 'v3': if not CONF.identity_feature_enabled.api_v3: raise cls.skipException("Identity api v3 is not enabled") @classmethod def setup_credentials(cls): """Allocate credentials and create the client managers from them. `setup_credentials` looks for the content of the `credentials` attribute in the test class. If the value is a non-empty collection, a credentials provider is setup, and credentials are provisioned or allocated based on the content of the collection. Every set of credentials is associated to an object of type `cls.client_manager`. The client manager is accessible by tests via class attribute `os_[type]`: Valid values in `credentials` are: - 'primary': A normal user is provisioned. It can be used only once. Multiple entries will be ignored. Clients are available at os_primary. - 'alt': A normal user other than 'primary' is provisioned. It can be used only once. Multiple entries will be ignored. Clients are available at os_alt. - 'admin': An admin user is provisioned. It can be used only once. Multiple entries will be ignored. Clients are available at os_admin. - A list in the format ['any_label', 'role1', ... , 'roleN']: A client with roles [1:] is provisioned. It can be used multiple times, with unique labels. Clients are available at os_roles_[0]. By default network resources are allocated (in case of dynamic credentials). Tests that do not need network or that require a custom network setup must specify which network resources shall be provisioned using the `set_network_resources()` method (note that it must be invoked before the `setup_credentials` is invoked on super). Example:: class TestWithCredentials(test.BaseTestCase): credentials = ['primary', 'admin', ['special', 'special_role1']] @classmethod def setup_credentials(cls): # set_network_resources must be called first cls.set_network_resources(network=True) super(TestWithCredentials, cls).setup_credentials() @classmethod def setup_clients(cls): cls.servers = cls.os_primary.compute.ServersClient() cls.admin_servers = cls.os_admin.compute.ServersClient() # certain API calls may require a user with a specific # role assigned. In this example `special_role1` is # assigned to the user in `cls.os_roles_special`. cls.special_servers = ( cls.os_roles_special.compute.ServersClient()) def test_special_servers(self): # Do something with servers pass """ cls.__setup_credentials_called = True for credentials_type in cls.credentials: # This may raise an exception in case credentials are not available # In that case we want to let the exception through and the test # fail accordingly if isinstance(credentials_type, six.string_types): manager = cls.get_client_manager( credential_type=credentials_type) setattr(cls, 'os_%s' % credentials_type, manager) # NOTE(jordanP): Tempest should use os_primary, os_admin # and os_alt throughout its code base but we keep the aliases # around for a while for Tempest plugins. Aliases should be # removed eventually. # Setup some common aliases if credentials_type == 'primary': cls.os = debtcollector.moves.moved_read_only_property( 'os', 'os_primary', version='Pike', removal_version='Queens') cls.manager =\ debtcollector.moves.moved_read_only_property( 'manager', 'os_primary', version='Pike', removal_version='Queens') if credentials_type == 'admin': cls.os_adm = debtcollector.moves.moved_read_only_property( 'os_adm', 'os_admin', version='Pike', removal_version='Queens') cls.admin_manager =\ debtcollector.moves.moved_read_only_property( 'admin_manager', 'os_admin', version='Pike', removal_version='Queens') if credentials_type == 'alt': cls.alt_manager =\ debtcollector.moves.moved_read_only_property( 'alt_manager', 'os_alt', version='Pike', removal_version='Queens') elif isinstance(credentials_type, list): manager = cls.get_client_manager(roles=credentials_type[1:], force_new=True) setattr(cls, 'os_roles_%s' % credentials_type[0], manager) @classmethod def setup_clients(cls): """Create aliases to the clients in the client managers. `setup_clients` is invoked after the credential provisioning step. Client manager objects are available to tests already. The purpose of this helper is to setup shortcuts to specific clients that are useful for the tests implemented in the test class. Its purpose is mostly for code readability, however it should be used carefully to avoid doing exactly the opposite, i.e. making the code unreadable and hard to debug. If aliases are defined in a super class it won't be obvious what they refer to, so it's good practice to define all aliases used in the class. Aliases are meant to be shortcuts to be used in tests, not shortcuts to avoid helper method attributes. If an helper method starts relying on a client alias and a subclass overrides that alias, it will become rather difficult to understand what the helper method actually does. Example:: class TestDoneItRight(test.BaseTestCase): credentials = ['primary', 'alt'] @classmethod def setup_clients(cls): super(TestDoneItRight, cls).setup_clients() cls.servers = cls.os_primary.ServersClient() cls.servers_alt = cls.os_alt.ServersClient() def _a_good_helper(self, clients): # Some complex logic we're going to use many times servers = clients.ServersClient() vm = servers.create_server(...) def delete_server(): test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc( servers.delete_server, vm['id']) self.addCleanup(self.delete_server) return vm def test_with_servers(self): vm = self._a_good_helper(os.primary) vm_alt = self._a_good_helper(os.alt) cls.servers.show_server(vm['id']) cls.servers_alt.show_server(vm_alt['id']) """ pass @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): """Class level resource setup for test cases. `resource_setup` is invoked once all credentials (and related network resources have been provisioned and after client aliases - if any - have been defined. The use case for `resource_setup` is test optimization: provisioning of project-specific "expensive" resources that are not dirtied by tests and can thus safely be re-used by multiple tests. System wide resources shared by all tests could instead be provisioned only once, before the test run. Resources provisioned here must be cleaned up during `resource_cleanup`. This is best achieved by scheduling a cleanup via `addClassResourceCleanup`. Some test resources have an asynchronous delete process. It's best practice for them to schedule a wait for delete via `addClassResourceCleanup` to avoid having resources in process of deletion when we reach the credentials cleanup step. Example:: @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(MyTest, cls).resource_setup() servers = cls.os_primary.compute.ServersClient() # Schedule delete and wait so that we can first delete the # two servers and then wait for both to delete # Create server 1 cls.shared_server = servers.create_server() # Create server 2. If something goes wrong we schedule cleanup # of server 1 anyways. try: cls.shared_server2 = servers.create_server() # Wait server 2 cls.addClassResourceCleanup( waiters.wait_for_server_termination, servers, cls.shared_server2['id'], ignore_error=False) finally: # Wait server 1 cls.addClassResourceCleanup( waiters.wait_for_server_termination, servers, cls.shared_server['id'], ignore_error=False) # Delete server 1 cls.addClassResourceCleanup( test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc, servers.delete_server, cls.shared_server['id']) # Delete server 2 (if it was created) if hasattr(cls, 'shared_server2'): cls.addClassResourceCleanup( test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc, servers.delete_server, cls.shared_server2['id']) """ pass @classmethod def resource_cleanup(cls): """Class level resource cleanup for test cases. Resource cleanup processes the stack of cleanups produced by `addClassResourceCleanup` and then cleans up validation resources if any were provisioned. All cleanups are processed whatever the outcome. Exceptions are accumulated and re-raised as a `MultipleExceptions` at the end. In most cases test cases won't need to override `resource_cleanup`, but if they do they must invoke `resource_cleanup` on super. Example:: class TestWithReallyComplexCleanup(test.BaseTestCase): @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): # provision resource A cls.addClassResourceCleanup(delete_resource, A) # provision resource B cls.addClassResourceCleanup(delete_resource, B) @classmethod def resource_cleanup(cls): # It's possible to override resource_cleanup but in most # cases it shouldn't be required. Nothing that may fail # should be executed before the call to super since it # might cause resource leak in case of error. super(TestWithReallyComplexCleanup, cls).resource_cleanup() # At this point test credentials are still available but # anything from the cleanup stack has been already deleted. """ cls.__resource_cleanup_called = True cleanup_errors = [] while cls._class_cleanups: try: fn, args, kwargs = cls._class_cleanups.pop() fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: cleanup_errors.append(sys.exc_info()) if cleanup_errors: raise testtools.MultipleExceptions(*cleanup_errors) @classmethod def addClassResourceCleanup(cls, fn, *arguments, **keywordArguments): """Add a cleanup function to be called during resource_cleanup. Functions added with addClassResourceCleanup will be called in reverse order of adding at the beginning of resource_cleanup, before any credential, networking or validation resources cleanup is processed. If a function added with addClassResourceCleanup raises an exception, the error will be recorded as a test error, and the next cleanup will then be run. Cleanup functions are always called during the test class tearDown fixture, even if an exception occured during setUp or tearDown. """ cls._class_cleanups.append((fn, arguments, keywordArguments)) def setUp(self): super(BaseTestCase, self).setUp() if not self.__setupclass_called: raise RuntimeError("setUpClass does not calls the super's" "setUpClass in the " + self.__class__.__name__) at_exit_set.add(self.__class__) test_timeout = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', 0) try: test_timeout = int(test_timeout) * self.TIMEOUT_SCALING_FACTOR except ValueError: test_timeout = 0 if test_timeout > 0: self.useFixture(fixtures.Timeout(test_timeout, gentle=True)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == '1'): stdout = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stdout')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', stdout)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == '1'): stderr = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stderr')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stderr', stderr)) if (os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') != 'False' and os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') != '0'): self.useFixture(fixtures.LoggerFixture(nuke_handlers=False, format=self.log_format, level=None)) @property def credentials_provider(self): return self._get_credentials_provider() @classmethod def get_identity_version(cls): """Returns the identity version used by the test class""" identity_version = getattr(cls, 'identity_version', None) return identity_version or CONF.identity.auth_version @classmethod def _get_credentials_provider(cls): """Returns a credentials provider If no credential provider exists yet creates one. It always use the configuration value from identity.auth_version, since we always want to provision accounts with the current version of the identity API. """ if (not hasattr(cls, '_creds_provider') or not cls._creds_provider or not cls._creds_provider.name == cls.__name__): force_tenant_isolation = getattr(cls, 'force_tenant_isolation', False) cls._creds_provider = credentials.get_credentials_provider( name=cls.__name__, network_resources=cls._network_resources, force_tenant_isolation=force_tenant_isolation) return cls._creds_provider @classmethod def get_client_manager(cls, credential_type=None, roles=None, force_new=None): """Returns an OpenStack client manager Returns an OpenStack client manager based on either credential_type or a list of roles. If neither is specified, it defaults to credential_type 'primary' :param credential_type: string - primary, alt or admin :param roles: list of roles :returns: the created client manager :raises skipException: if the requested credentials are not available """ if all([roles, credential_type]): msg = "Cannot get credentials by type and roles at the same time" raise ValueError(msg) if not any([roles, credential_type]): credential_type = 'primary' cred_provider = cls._get_credentials_provider() if roles: for role in roles: if not cred_provider.is_role_available(role): skip_msg = ( "%s skipped because the configured credential provider" " is not able to provide credentials with the %s role " "assigned." % (cls.__name__, role)) raise cls.skipException(skip_msg) params = dict(roles=roles) if force_new is not None: params.update(force_new=force_new) creds = cred_provider.get_creds_by_roles(**params) else: credentials_method = 'get_%s_creds' % credential_type if hasattr(cred_provider, credentials_method): creds = getattr(cred_provider, credentials_method)() else: raise lib_exc.InvalidCredentials( "Invalid credentials type %s" % credential_type) manager = cls.client_manager(credentials=creds.credentials) # NOTE(andreaf) Ensure credentials have user and project id fields. # It may not be the case when using pre-provisioned credentials. manager.auth_provider.set_auth() return manager @classmethod def clear_credentials(cls): """Clears creds if set""" if hasattr(cls, '_creds_provider'): cls._creds_provider.clear_creds() @staticmethod def _validation_resources_params_from_conf(): return dict( keypair=(CONF.validation.auth_method.lower() == "keypair"), floating_ip=(CONF.validation.connect_method.lower() == "floating"), security_group=CONF.validation.security_group, security_group_rules=CONF.validation.security_group_rules, use_neutron=CONF.service_available.neutron, ethertype='IPv' + str(CONF.validation.ip_version_for_ssh), floating_network_id=CONF.network.public_network_id, floating_network_name=CONF.network.floating_network_name) @classmethod def get_class_validation_resources(cls, os_clients): """Provision validation resources according to configuration This is a wrapper around `create_validation_resources` from `tempest.common.validation_resources` that passes parameters from Tempest configuration. Only one instance of class level validation resources is managed by the helper, so If resources were already provisioned before, existing ones will be returned. Resources are returned as a dictionary. They are also scheduled for automatic cleanup during class teardown using `addClassResourcesCleanup`. If `CONF.validation.run_validation` is False no resource will be provisioned at all. @param os_clients: Clients to be used to provision the resources. """ if not CONF.validation.run_validation: return if os_clients in cls._validation_resources: return cls._validation_resources[os_clients] if (CONF.validation.ip_version_for_ssh not in (4, 6) and CONF.service_available.neutron): msg = "Invalid IP version %s in ip_version_for_ssh. Use 4 or 6" raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration( msg % CONF.validation.ip_version_for_ssh) resources = vr.create_validation_resources( os_clients, **cls._validation_resources_params_from_conf()) cls.addClassResourceCleanup( vr.clear_validation_resources, os_clients, use_neutron=CONF.service_available.neutron, **resources) cls._validation_resources[os_clients] = resources return resources def get_test_validation_resources(self, os_clients): """Returns a dict of validation resources according to configuration Initialise a validation resources fixture based on configuration. Start the fixture and returns the validation resources. If `CONF.validation.run_validation` is False no resource will be provisioned at all. @param os_clients: Clients to be used to provision the resources. """ params = {} # Test will try to use the fixture, so for this to be useful # we must return a fixture. If validation is disabled though # we don't need to provision anything, which is the default # behavior for the fixture. if CONF.validation.run_validation: params = self._validation_resources_params_from_conf() validation = self.useFixture( vr.ValidationResourcesFixture(os_clients, **params)) return validation.resources @classmethod def set_network_resources(cls, network=False, router=False, subnet=False, dhcp=False): """Specify which network resources should be created The dynamic credentials provider by default provisions network resources for each user/project that is provisioned. This behavior can be altered using this method, which allows tests to define which specific network resources to be provisioned - none if no parameter is specified. This method is designed so that only the network resources set on the leaf class are honoured. Credentials are provisioned as part of the class setup fixture, during the `setup_credentials` step. For this to be effective this helper must be invoked before super's `setup_credentials` is executed. @param network @param router @param subnet @param dhcp Example:: @classmethod def setup_credentials(cls): # Do not setup network resources for this test cls.set_network_resources() super(MyTest, cls).setup_credentials() """ # If this is invoked after the credentials are setup, it won't take # any effect. To avoid this situation, fail the test in case this was # invoked too late in the test lifecycle. if cls.__setup_credentials_called: raise RuntimeError( "set_network_resources invoked after setup_credentials on the " "super class has been already invoked. For " "set_network_resources to have effect please invoke it before " "the call to super().setup_credentials") # Network resources should be set only once from callers # in order to ensure that even if it's called multiple times in # a chain of overloaded methods, the attribute is set only # in the leaf class. if not cls._network_resources: cls._network_resources = { 'network': network, 'router': router, 'subnet': subnet, 'dhcp': dhcp} @classmethod def get_tenant_network(cls, credentials_type='primary'): """Get the network to be used in testing :param credentials_type: The type of credentials for which to get the tenant network :return: network dict including 'id' and 'name' """ # Get a manager for the given credentials_type, but at least # always fall back on getting the manager for primary credentials if isinstance(credentials_type, six.string_types): manager = cls.get_client_manager(credential_type=credentials_type) elif isinstance(credentials_type, list): manager = cls.get_client_manager(roles=credentials_type[1:]) else: manager = cls.get_client_manager() # Make sure cred_provider exists and get a network client networks_client = manager.compute_networks_client cred_provider = cls._get_credentials_provider() # In case of nova network, isolated tenants are not able to list the # network configured in fixed_network_name, even if they can use it # for their servers, so using an admin network client to validate # the network name if (not CONF.service_available.neutron and credentials.is_admin_available( identity_version=cls.get_identity_version())): admin_creds = cred_provider.get_admin_creds() admin_manager = clients.Manager(admin_creds.credentials) networks_client = admin_manager.compute_networks_client return fixed_network.get_tenant_network( cred_provider, networks_client, CONF.compute.fixed_network_name) def assertEmpty(self, items, msg=None): """Asserts whether a sequence or collection is empty :param items: sequence or collection to be tested :param msg: message to be passed to the AssertionError :raises AssertionError: when items is not empty """ if msg is None: msg = "sequence or collection is not empty: %s" % items self.assertFalse(items, msg) def assertNotEmpty(self, items, msg=None): """Asserts whether a sequence or collection is not empty :param items: sequence or collection to be tested :param msg: message to be passed to the AssertionError :raises AssertionError: when items is empty """ if msg is None: msg = "sequence or collection is empty." self.assertTrue(items, msg)