.. _installation: Installation ============ .. _assumptions: Assumptions ----------- Some assumptions that are made about the configuration of your system are noted below. It is assumed that... * ...you already have an OpenStack cloud deployed, for which... * ...the host from which Tenks is executed (*localhost*) has access to the OpenStack APIs. These are used for Ironic node enrolment and Nova flavor registration. * ...the OpenStack *OS_\** authentication variables are present in *localhost*'s environment. These can typically be sourced from your *openrc* file. * ... a distinct network device (interface or bridge) is present for each physical network that a hypervisor is connected to. Pre-Requisites -------------- Currently, Tenks supports the following OS distributions on the hypervisor: * CentOS Stream 8 * Debian Bullseye (11) * Ubuntu Focal 20.04 * Ubuntu Jammy 22.04 To avoid conflicts with Python packages installed by the system package manager it is recommended to install Tenks in a virtualenv. Ensure that the ``virtualenv`` Python module is available. For cloning and working with the Tenks source code repository, Git is required. These pre-requisites can be installed with a command such as:: $ yum install --assumeyes python-virtualenv git If using Open vSwitch for networking, it must be installed and running. Please see the `Open vSwitch docs `_ for more details. Tenks Installation ------------------ Create a virtualenv for Tenks. For example:: $ virtualenv tenks Activate the virtualenv and update pip:: $ source tenks/bin/activate (tenks) $ pip install --upgrade pip Obtain the Tenks source code and change into the directory. For example:: (tenks) $ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/tenks.git (tenks) $ cd tenks Install Tenks and its requirements using the source code checkout:: (tenks) $ pip install . Tenks has dependencies on Ansible roles that are hosted by Ansible Galaxy. These can be installed by a command such as:: (tenks) $ ansible-galaxy install --role-file=requirements.yml --roles-path=ansible/roles/ If you now wish to run Tenks (see :ref:`run`), keep your virtualenv active. If not, deactivate it:: (tenks) $ deactivate