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# Copyright (c) 2018 StackHPC Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
module: wait_for_resources
short_description: Waits for a set of resources to become available in
author: Will Szumski(will@stackhpc.com)
- option-name: resources
description: List of dictionaries describing the resources that should
be available. Each dictionary should contain the keys: resource_class,
amount, and optionally, a list of traits that the provider needs to provide
before it is considered to provide the resource.
required: True
type: list
- option-name: venv
description: Path to a virtualenv containing the OpenStack CLI. It is a
requirement for the placement api plugin (osc-placement) to be installed.
required: False
type: string
- option-name: maximum_retries
description: The maximum number of iterations to poll for the resources
required: False
type: int
- option-name: delay
description: Delay between each iteration of the polling loop in seconds
required: False
type: int
- python-openstackclient
- osc-placement
- name: Wait for resources to become available
resources: {'resource_class: CUSTOM_TEST_RC, 'traits': [], 'amount': 2}
delay: 10
maximum_retries: 15
venv: /path/to/venv
RETURN = """
description: The Number of iterations required before the resource became
returned: success
type: int
sample: 9
# Need to disable PEP8, as it wants all imports at top of file
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule # noqa
from collections import namedtuple # noqa
import six # noqa
import os # noqa
import time # noqa
_RETRY_LIMIT_FAILURE_TEMPLATE = "exceeded retry limit of {max_retries} " \
"whilst waiting for resources to become " \
Specifier = namedtuple("Specifier", "name traits")
Provider = namedtuple("Provider", "uuid inventory_list traits")
# Store a list of import errors to report to the user.
import json
except Exception as e:
def meets_criteria(actual, requested):
"""For each resource, determines whether the total satisfies the amount
requested, ignoring any unrequested resource_classes"""
for specifier in requested.keys():
if specifier not in actual:
return False
if actual[specifier] < requested[specifier]:
return False
return True
def get_openstack_binary_path(module):
"""Returns the path to the openstack binary taking into account the
virtualenv that was specified (if available)"""
venv = module.params["venv"]
if venv:
return os.path.join(venv, "bin", "openstack")
# use openstack in PATH
return "openstack"
def get_inventory(module, provider_uuid):
Gets inventory of resources for a give provider UUID
:param module: ansible module
:param provider_uuid: provider to query
:return: list of dictionaries of the form:
"allocation_ratio": 16.0,
"total": 24,
"reserved": 0,
"resource_class": "VCPU",
"step_size": 1,
"min_unit": 1,
"max_unit": 24
cmd = "{openstack} resource provider inventory list {uuid} -f json" \
rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
if rc != 0:
msg = "{} failed with return code: {}, stderr: {}".format(cmd, rc, err)
return json.loads(out)
def get_providers(module):
Gets a list of resource providers
:param module: ansible module
:return: list of dictionaries of the form:
"generation": 2,
"uuid": "657c4ab0-de82-4def-b7b0-d13ce672bfd0",
"name": "kayobe-will-master"
cmd = "{openstack} resource provider list -f json".format(
rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
if rc != 0:
msg = "{} failed with return code: {}, stderr: {}".format(cmd, rc, err)
return json.loads(out)
def get_traits(module, provider_uuid):
Gets a list of traits for a resource provider
:param provider_uuid: the uuid of the provider
:param module: ansible module
:return: set of traits of the form:
cmd = "{openstack} resource provider trait list {uuid} " \
"--os-placement-api-version 1.6 -f json " \
rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
if rc != 0:
msg = "{} failed with return code: {}, stderr: {}".format(cmd, rc, err)
raw = json.loads(out)
return set([x["name"] for x in raw])
def merge(x, y, f):
""" Merges two dictionaries. If a key appears in both dictionaries, the
common values are merged using the function ``f``"""
# Start with symmetric difference; keys either in A or B, but not both
merged = {k: x.get(k, y.get(k)) for k in six.viewkeys(x) ^ six.viewkeys(y)}
# Update with `f()` applied to the intersection
{k: f(x[k], y[k]) for k in six.viewkeys(x) & six.viewkeys(y)})
return merged
def collect(specifiers, provider):
"""Given a specifier and a provider, gets the amount of resource that is
available for that given provider"""
inventory = {}
# we want to be able to look up items by resource_class
for item in provider.inventory_list:
inventory[item["resource_class"]] = item
result = {}
for specifier in specifiers:
if specifier.traits != provider.traits:
if specifier.name in inventory:
reserved = inventory[specifier.name]["reserved"]
total_available = inventory[specifier.name]["total"]
result[specifier] = total_available - reserved
return result
def get_totals(specifiers, providers):
"""Loops over the providers adding up all of the resources that
are available"""
totals = {}
for specifier in specifiers:
# initialise totals so the combine function does not blow up
totals[specifier] = 0
for provider in providers:
current = collect(specifiers, provider)
totals = merge(totals, current, lambda x, y: x + y)
return totals
def are_resources_available(module, specifiers, expected):
Determines whether or not a set of resources are available
:param module: Ansible module
:param specifiers: tuples of the form: (resource_class, traits)
:param expected: dictionary of the form:
{(resource_class, traits): amount }
:return: True if resource available, otherwise False
providers_raw = get_providers(module)
providers = []
for provider in providers_raw:
uuid = provider["uuid"]
traits = get_traits(module, uuid)
# Don't include traits assigned by the nova compute driver.
traits = {t for t in traits if not t.startswith('COMPUTE_')}
inventory = get_inventory(module, uuid)
provider = Provider(
actual = get_totals(specifiers, providers)
return meets_criteria(actual, expected)
def wait_for_resources(module):
Waits for a set of resources to become available
:param module: Ansible module
:return: the number of attempts needed
max_retries = module.params["maximum_retries"]
delay = module.params["delay"]
resources = module.params["resources"]
expected = {}
specifiers = []
for resource in resources:
# default value for traits
traits = resource["traits"] if resource["traits"] else []
specifier = Specifier(name=resource["resource_class"],
expected[specifier] = resource["amount"]
for i in range(max_retries):
if are_resources_available(module, specifiers, expected):
return i + 1
def validate_spec(module, resource, field, type_):
check_resource_msg = (
"Please check the dictionaries in your resources list meet the "
"required specification.")
unset_field_msg = (
"One of your resources does not have the field, {field}, set."
field_type_msg = (
"The field, {field}, should be type {type}."
if field not in resource:
msg = "{} {}".format(unset_field_msg, check_resource_msg)
elif not isinstance(resource[field], type_):
msg = "{} {}".format(field_type_msg, check_resource_msg)
module.fail_json(msg=msg.format(field=field, type=type_.__name__))
def validate_resources(module, specs):
resources = module.params["resources"]
for resource in resources:
for spec in specs:
validate_spec(module, resource, spec["field"], type_=spec["type"])
def get_module():
"""Creates and returns an Ansible module"""
module = AnsibleModule(
resources=dict(required=True, type='list'),
maximum_retries=dict(required=False, type='int', default=15),
delay=dict(required=False, type='int', default=10),
venv=dict(required=False, type='str', default="")
# note(wszumski): amount seems to get converted back to a string
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/18095
resources = module.params["resources"]
for resource in resources:
if 'amount' not in resource:
amount = resource["amount"]
if isinstance(amount, str):
amount_int = int(amount)
resource["amount"] = amount_int
except ValueError:
# this will get picked up in validate_resources
# Validate resources list
resources_specs = [
'field': 'resource_class',
'type': str
'field': 'traits',
'type': list
'field': 'amount',
'type': int
validate_resources(module, resources_specs)
# Fail if there were any exceptions when importing modules.
module.fail_json(msg="Import errors: %s" %
", ".join([repr(e) for e in IMPORT_ERRORS]))
return module
def main():
module = get_module()
attempts_needed = 0
# In check mode, only perform validation of parameters
if not module.check_mode:
attempts_needed = wait_for_resources(module)
# This module doesn't really change anything, it just waits for
# something to change externally
result = {
"changed": False,
"iterations": attempts_needed
if __name__ == '__main__':