#!/bin/bash set -e ZOO_CONF=/etc/zookeeper ZOO_DIR=/usr/share/zookeeper ZOO_BIN=$ZOO_DIR/bin ZOO_TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/ZOO-TMP-XXXXX) mkdir $ZOO_TMP_DIR/bin function clean_exit(){ local error_code="$?" if [ -d $ZOO_CONF ]; then stop_zookeeper_server fi rm -rf ${ZOO_TMP_DIR} return $error_code } function start_zookeeper_server(){ #Copy zookeeper scripts in temporary directory cp $ZOO_BIN/* $ZOO_TMP_DIR/bin #Copy zookeeper conf and set dataDir variable to the zookeeper temporary #directory cp $ZOO_CONF/conf/zoo.cfg $ZOO_TMP_DIR sed -i -r "s@(dataDir *= *).*@\1$ZOO_TMP_DIR@" $ZOO_TMP_DIR/zoo.cfg #Replace some variables by the zookeeper temporary directory sed -i -r "s@(ZOOCFGDIR *= *).*@\1$ZOO_TMP_DIR@" $ZOO_TMP_DIR/bin/zkEnv.sh mkdir $ZOO_TMP_DIR/log sed -i -r "s@(ZOO_LOG_DIR *= *).*@\1$ZOO_TMP_DIR/log@" $ZOO_TMP_DIR/bin/zkEnv.sh $ZOO_TMP_DIR/bin/zkServer.sh start } function stop_zookeeper_server(){ $ZOO_TMP_DIR/bin/zkServer.sh stop } trap "clean_exit" EXIT if [ -d $ZOO_CONF ]; then start_zookeeper_server fi python setup.py testr --slowest