# This bash library contains the main function that creates the base disk. function vm_install_base { local base_disk_name=$(get_base_disk_name) local vm_name=base echo >&2 "$(date) osbash vm_install starts." if virsh_uses_kvm; then echo -e "${CInfo:-}KVM support is available.${CReset:-}" else echo -e "${CError:-}No KVM support available. Using qemu.${CReset:-}" fi vm_delete "$vm_name" if [ -z "${INSTALL_ISO-}" ]; then if [ -z "$ISO_URL" ]; then echo -e >&2 "${CMissing:-}Either ISO URL or name needed (ISO_URL, INSTALL_ISO).${CReset:-}" exit 1 fi find_install-iso INSTALL_ISO=$ISO_DIR/$(get_iso_name) fi echo >&2 -e "${CInfo:-}Install ISO:\n\t${CData:-}$INSTALL_ISO${CReset:-}" check_md5 "$INSTALL_ISO" "$ISO_MD5" # Configure autostart autostart_reset autostart osbash/base_fixups.sh # By default, set by lib/osbash/lib.* to something like scripts.ubuntu_base autostart_from_config "$BASE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS" autostart zero_empty.sh shutdown.sh disk_create "$base_disk_name" "${BASE_DISK_SIZE:=10000}" local console_type if [ "$VM_UI" = "headless" ]; then console_type="--noautoconsole" elif [ "$VM_UI" = "vnc" ]; then console_type="--graphics vnc,listen=" else # gui option: should open a console viewer console_type="" fi # Boot VM into distribution installer ( source "$CONFIG_DIR/config.$vm_name" $VIRT_INSTALL \ --disk "vol=$KVM_VOL_POOL/$base_disk_name,cache=none" \ --cdrom "$INSTALL_ISO" \ --name $vm_name \ --os-type linux \ --ram "${VM_MEM}" \ --vcpus 1 \ --virt-type kvm \ $console_type \ --wait=-1 \ & ) local delay=10 echo >&2 "Waiting $delay seconds for VM \"$vm_name\" to come up." conditional_sleep "$delay" distro_start_installer "$vm_name" echo -e >&2 "${CStatus:-}Installing operating system; waiting for reboot.${CReset:-}" # Prevent "time stamp from the future" due to race between two sudos in # VIRT_INSTALL (background) above and VIRSH below sleep 1 echo >&2 "Waiting for VM to be defined." until vm_is_running "$vm_name"; do sleep 1 echo -n . done SSH_IP=$(node_to_ip "$vm_name") echo >&2 "Waiting for ping returning from $SSH_IP." while ! ping -c1 "$SSH_IP" > /dev/null; do echo -n . sleep 1 done # Wait for ssh connection and execute scripts in autostart directory ssh_process_autostart "$vm_name" & # After reboot wait_for_autofiles echo -e >&2 "${CStatus:-}Installation done for VM ${CData:-}$vm_name${CReset:-}" vm_wait_for_shutdown "$vm_name" disk_compress "$base_disk_name" # Just undefine the VM without deleting the base disk $VIRSH undefine "$vm_name" echo -e >&2 "${CStatus:-}Base disk created${CReset:-}" echo >&2 -e "${CData:-}$(date) ${CStatus:-}osbash vm_install ends\n${CReset:-}" } # vim: set ai ts=4 sw=4 et ft=sh: