======================== Team and repository tags ======================== .. image:: http://governance.openstack.org/badges/training-labs.svg :target: http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/index.html .. Change things from this point on ============= Training labs ============= About ----- Provide an automated way to deploy Vanilla OpenStack and closely follow `OpenStack Install Guide `_. We strove to give easy way to setup OpenStack cluster which should be a good starting point for beginners to learn OpenStack, and for advanced users to test out new features, check out different capabilities of OpenStack. On top of that training-labs will also be a good way to test the install guides on a regular basis. Training-labs is a project under OpenStack Documentation. For more information see the `OpenStack wiki `_. * Free software: Apache license * Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/training-labs * Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/training-labs * Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/labs OpenStack Release ----------------- The current release is master which usually means that we are developing for the next OpenStack release. The current one is ``OpenStack Newton``. For non-development purposes (training etc.) please checkout the stable branches. Assuming that ``$remote`` is your remote branch (usually origin) and ``$release`` is the release version. $ git checkout $remote/stable/$release Pre-requisite ------------- * Download and install `VirtualBox `_. How to run the scripts ---------------------- Clone the training-labs repository: $ git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/training-labs.git Change directory: $ cd training-labs/labs/osbash/ Run the script by: $ ./osbash.sh -g gui -b cluster What the script installs ------------------------ Running this will automatically spin up 3 virtual machines in VirtualBox/KVM: * Controller node * Network node * Compute node Now you have a multi-node deployment of OpenStack running with the below services installed. OpenStack services installed on Controller node: * Keystone * Horizon * Glance * Nova * nova-api * nova-scheduler * nova-consoleauth * nova-cert * nova-novncproxy * python-novaclient * Neutron * neutron-server * Cinder Openstack services installed on Network node: * Neutron * neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent * neutron-l3-agent * neutron-dhcp-agent * neutron-metadata-agent Openstack Services installed on Compute node: * Nova * nova-compute * Neutron * neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent How to access the services -------------------------- There are two ways to access the services: * OpenStack Dashboard (horizon) You can access the dashboard at: Admin Login: * Username: ``admin`` * Password: ``admin_pass`` Demo User Login: * Username: ``demo`` * Password: ``demo_pass`` You can ssh to each of the nodes by:: # Controller node $ ssh osbash@ # Network node $ ssh osbash@ # Compute node $ ssh osbash@ Credentials for all nodes: * Username: ``osbash`` * Password: ``osbash`` After you have ssh access, you need to source the OpenStack credentials in order to access the services. Two credential files are present on each of the nodes: * ``demo-openstackrc.sh`` * ``admin-openstackrc.sh`` Source the following credential files For Admin user privileges:: $ source admin-openstackrc.sh For Demo user privileges:: $ source demo-openstackrc.sh Now you can access the OpenStack services via CLI. Specs ----- To review specifications, see http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/liberty/traininglabs.html Mailing lists, IRC ------------------ To contribute, join the IRC channel, ``#openstack-doc``, on IRC freenode or write an e-mail to the OpenStack Documentation Mailing List ``openstack-docs@lists.openstack.org``. Please use ``[training-labs]`` tag in the subject of the email message. You might consider `registering on the OpenStack Documentation Mailing List `_ if you want to post your e-mail instantly. It may take some time for unregistered users, as it requires an administrator's approval. Sub-team leads -------------- Feel free to ping Roger or Pranav on the IRC channel ``#openstack-doc`` regarding any queries about the Labs section. * Roger Luethi * Email: ``rl@patchworkscience.org`` * IRC: ``rluethi`` * Pranav Salunke * Email: ``dguitarbite@gmail.com`` * IRC: ``dguitarbite`` Meetings -------- Team meeting for training-labs is on alternating Thursdays on Google Hangouts. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/training-labs#Meeting_Information Wiki ---- Follow various links on training-labs here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/training-labs#Meeting_Information