#!/usr/bin/env python # Force Python 2 to use float division even for ints from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from time import sleep import logging import os import re import subprocess import sys import stacktrain.config.general as conf import stacktrain.core.helpers as hf import stacktrain.core.cond_sleep as cs import stacktrain.batch_for_windows as wb logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) vm_group = "labs" conf.vbox_ostype = None def init(): output = vbm("--version") # We only get an output if we are actually building the cluster if conf.do_build: logger.debug("VBoxManage version: %s", output) if re.search("kernel module is not load", output, flags=re.MULTILINE): logger.error("Kernel module for VirtualBox is not loaded." " Aborting.") sys.exit(1) def vbm_log(call_args, err_code=None): log_file = os.path.join(conf.log_dir, "vboxmanage.log") msg = ' '.join(call_args) if err_code: msg = "FAILURE ({}): ".format(err_code) + msg with open(log_file, 'a') as logf: if conf.do_build: logf.write("%s\n" % msg) else: logf.write("(not executed) %s\n" % msg) def vbm(*args, **kwargs): # wbatch parameter can override conf.wbatch setting wbatch = kwargs.pop('wbatch', conf.wbatch) if wbatch: wb.wbatch_log_vbm(args) # FIXME caller expectations: where should stderr go (console, logfile) show_err = kwargs.pop('show_err', True) if show_err: errout = subprocess.STDOUT else: errout = open(os.devnull, 'w') vbm_exe = "VBoxManage" call_args = [vbm_exe] + list(args) vbm_log(call_args) if not conf.do_build: return try: output = subprocess.check_output(call_args, stderr=errout) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: if show_err: vbm_log(call_args, err_code=err.returncode) logger.warn("%s call failed.", vbm_exe) logger.warn(' '.join(call_args)) logger.warn("call_args: %s", call_args) logger.warn("rc: %s", err.returncode) logger.warn("output:\n%s", err.output) logger.exception("Exception") logger.warn("--------------------------------------------------") import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(45) else: logger.debug("%s call failed.", vbm_exe) logger.debug(' '.join(call_args)) logger.debug("call_args: %s", call_args) logger.debug("rc: %s", err.returncode) logger.debug("output:\n%s", err.output) raise EnvironmentError return output # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VM status # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def vm_exists(vm_name): output = vbm("list", "vms", wbatch=False) return True if re.search('"' + vm_name + '"', output) else False def get_vm_state(vm_name): state = None try: output = vbm("showvminfo", "--machinereadable", vm_name, wbatch=False, show_err=False) except EnvironmentError: # VBoxManage returns error status while the machine is changing # state (e.g., shutting down) logger.debug("Ignoring exceptions when checking for VM state.") else: ma = re.search(r'VMState="(.*)"', output) if ma: state = ma.group(1) logger.debug("get_vm_vmstate: %s", state) return state def vm_is_running(vm_name): vm_state = get_vm_state(vm_name) if vm_state in ("running", "stopping"): logger.debug("vm_is_running: ;%s;", vm_state) return True else: return False def vm_is_shut_down(vm_name): vm_state = get_vm_state(vm_name) if vm_state == "poweroff": logger.debug("vm_is_shut_down: ;%s;", vm_state) return True else: return False # TODO move vm_wait_for_shutdown to functions_host def vm_wait_for_shutdown(vm_name, timeout=None): if conf.wbatch: wb.wbatch_wait_poweroff(vm_name) cs.conditional_sleep(1) if not conf.do_build: return logger.info("Waiting for shutdown of VM %s.", vm_name) sec = 0 while True: if vm_is_shut_down(vm_name): logger.info("Machine powered off.") break if timeout and sec > timeout: logger.info("Timeout reached, giving up.") break print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() delay = 1 sleep(delay) sec += delay def vm_power_off(vm_name): if vm_is_running(vm_name): logger.info("Powering off VM %s", vm_name) try: vbm("controlvm", vm_name, "poweroff") except EnvironmentError: logger.debug("vm_power_off got an error, hoping for the best.") # Give VirtualBox time to sort out whatever happened sleep(5) vm_wait_for_shutdown(vm_name, timeout=10) if vm_is_running(vm_name): logger.error("VM %s does not power off. Aborting.", vm_name) sys.exit(1) # VirtualBox VM needs a break before taking new commands cs.conditional_sleep(1) def vm_acpi_shutdown(vm_name): logger.info("Shutting down VM %s.", vm_name) vbm("controlvm", vm_name, "acpipowerbutton") # VirtualBox VM needs a break before taking new commands cs.conditional_sleep(1) # Shut down all VMs in group VM_GROUP # Note: This function must be called when no Windows batch file is open for # writing (wbatch_write will ignore all these calls). def stop_running_cluster_vms(): # Get VM ID from a line looking like this: # "My VM" {0a13e26d-9543-460d-82d6-625fa657b7c4} output = vbm("list", "runningvms") if not output: return for runvm in output.splitlines(): mat = re.match(r'".*" {(\S+)}', runvm) if mat: vm_id = mat.group(1) output = vbm("showvminfo", "--machinereadable", vm_id) for line in output.splitlines(): if re.match('groups="/{}'.format(vm_group), line): # We may have waited quite some time for other VMs # to shut down if vm_is_running(vm_id): logger.info("Shutting down VM %s.", vm_id) vm_acpi_shutdown(vm_id) vm_wait_for_shutdown(vm_id, timeout=5) if vm_is_running(vm_id): logger.info("VM will not shut down, powering it" " off.") vm_power_off(vm_id) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Host-only network functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def hostonlyif_in_use(if_name): output = vbm("list", "-l", "runningvms", wbatch=False) return re.search("NIC.*Host-only Interface '{}'".format(if_name), output, flags=re.MULTILINE) def ip_to_hostonlyif(ip): ip_net_address = hf.ip_to_net_address(ip) if not conf.do_build: # Add placeholders for wbatch code for index, (net_name, net_address) in enumerate( conf.networks.iteritems()): if net_address == ip_net_address: if_name = "vboxnet{}".format(index) logger.debug("%s %s %s", net_address, net_name, if_name) return if_name output = vbm("list", "hostonlyifs", wbatch=False) host_net_address = None for line in output.splitlines(): ma = re.match(r"Name:\s+(\S+)", line) if ma: if_name = ma.group(1) continue ma = re.match(r"IPAddress:\s+(\S+)", line) if ma: host_ip = ma.group(1) host_net_address = hf.ip_to_net_address(host_ip) if host_net_address == ip_net_address: return if_name def create_hostonlyif(): output = vbm("hostonlyif", "create", wbatch=False) # output is something like "Interface 'vboxnet3' was successfully created" ma = re.search(r"^Interface '(\S+)' was successfully created", output, flags=re.MULTILINE) if ma: if_name = ma.group(1) else: logger.error("Host-only interface creation failed.") raise EnvironmentError return if_name def create_network(net_name, ip_address): # The host-side interface is the default gateway of the network if_name = ip_to_hostonlyif(ip_address) if if_name: if hostonlyif_in_use(if_name): logger.info("Host-only interface %s (%s) in use. Using it, too.", if_name, ip_address) # else: TODO destroy network if not in use? else: logger.info("Creating host-only interface.") if_name = create_hostonlyif() logger.info("Configuring host-only network %s with gw address %s (%s).", net_name, ip_address, if_name) vbm("hostonlyif", "ipconfig", if_name, "--ip", ip_address, "--netmask", "", wbatch=False) return if_name # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VM create and configure # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def vm_mem(vm_config): # Default RAM allocation is 512 MB per VM mem = vm_config.vm_mem or 512 vbm("modifyvm", vm_config.vm_name, "--memory", str(mem)) def vm_cpus(vm_config): # Default RAM allocation is 512 MB per VM cpus = vm_config.vm_cpus or 1 vbm("modifyvm", vm_config.vm_name, "--cpus", str(cpus)) def vm_port(vm_name, desc, hostport, guestport): natpf1_arg = "{},tcp,,{},,{}".format(desc, hostport, guestport) vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--natpf1", natpf1_arg) def vm_nic_base(vm_name, index): # We start counting interfaces at 0, but VirtualBox starts NICs at 1 nic = index + 1 vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--nictype{}".format(nic), "virtio", "--nic{}".format(nic), "nat") def vm_nic_std(vm_name, iface, index): # We start counting interfaces at 0, but VirtualBox starts NICs at 1 nic = index + 1 hostif = ip_to_hostonlyif(iface["ip"]) vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--nictype{}".format(nic), "virtio", "--nic{}".format(nic), "hostonly", "--hostonlyadapter{}".format(nic), hostif, "--nicpromisc{}".format(nic), "allow-all") def vm_nic_set_boot_prio(vm_name, iface, index): # We start counting interfaces at 0, but VirtualBox starts NICs at 1 nic = index + 1 vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--nicbootprio{}".format(nic), str(iface["prio"])) def vm_create(vm_config): vm_name = vm_config.vm_name if conf.wbatch: wb.wbatch_abort_if_vm_exists(vm_name) if conf.do_build: wbatch_tmp = conf.wbatch conf.wbatch = False vm_delete(vm_name) conf.wbatch = wbatch_tmp vbm("createvm", "--name", vm_name, "--register", "--ostype", conf.vbox_ostype, "--groups", "/" + vm_group) if conf.do_build: output = vbm("showvminfo", "--machinereadable", vm_name, wbatch=False) if re.search(r'longmode="off"', output): logger.info("Nodes run 32-bit OS, enabling PAE.") vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--pae", "on") vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--rtcuseutc", "on") vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--biosbootmenu", "disabled") vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--largepages", "on") vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--boot1", "disk") vbm("modifyvm", vm_name, "--boot3", "net") # Enough ports for three disks vbm("storagectl", vm_name, "--name", "SATA", "--add", "sata", "--portcount", str(3)) vbm("storagectl", vm_name, "--name", "SATA", "--hostiocache", "on") vbm("storagectl", vm_name, "--name", "IDE", "--add", "ide") logger.info("Created VM %s.", vm_name) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VM unregister, remove, delete # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def vm_unregister_del(vm_name): logger.info("Unregistering and deleting VM: %s", vm_name) vbm("unregistervm", vm_name, "--delete") def vm_delete(vm_name): logger.info("Asked to delete VM %s ", vm_name) if vm_exists(vm_name): logger.info("\tfound") vm_power_off(vm_name) hd_path = vm_get_disk_path(vm_name) if hd_path: logger.info("\tDisk attached: %s", hd_path) vm_detach_disk(vm_name) disk_unregister(hd_path) try: os.remove(hd_path) except OSError: # File is probably gone already pass vm_unregister_del(vm_name) else: logger.info("\tnot found") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VM shared folders # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def vm_add_share_automount(vm_name, share_dir, share_name): vbm("sharedfolder", "add", vm_name, "--name", share_name, "--hostpath", share_dir, "--automount") def vm_add_share(vm_name, share_dir, share_name): vbm("sharedfolder", "add", vm_name, "--name", share_name, "--hostpath", share_dir) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disk functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_next_child_disk_uuid(disk): if not disk_registered(disk): return output = vbm("showhdinfo", disk, wbatch=False) child_uuid = None line = re.search(r'^Child UUIDs:\s+(\S+)$', output, flags=re.MULTILINE) try: child_uuid = line.group(1) except AttributeError: # No more child UUIDs pass return child_uuid def disk_to_vm(disk): output = vbm("showhdinfo", disk, wbatch=False) line = re.search(r'^In use by VMs:\s+(\S+)', output, flags=re.MULTILINE) try: vm_name = line.group(1) except AttributeError: # No VM attached to disk return None return vm_name def disk_to_path(disk): output = vbm("showhdinfo", disk, wbatch=False) # Note: path may contain whitespace line = re.search(r'^Location:\s+(\S.*)$', output, flags=re.MULTILINE) try: disk_path = line.group(1) except AttributeError: logger.error("No disk path found for disk %s.", disk) raise return disk_path # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Creating, registering and unregistering disk images with VirtualBox # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def disk_registered(disk): """disk can be either a path or a disk UUID""" output = vbm("list", "hdds", wbatch=False) return re.search(disk, output) def disk_unregister(disk): logger.info("Unregistering disk\n\t%s", disk) vbm("closemedium", "disk", disk) def create_vdi(path, size): # Make sure target directory exists hf.create_dir(os.path.dirname(path)) logger.info("Creating disk (size: %s MB):\n\t%s", size, path) vbm("createhd", "--format", "VDI", "--filename", path, "--size", str(size)) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Attaching and detaching disks from VMs # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def vm_get_disk_path(vm_name): output = vbm("showvminfo", "--machinereadable", vm_name, wbatch=False) line = re.search(r'^"SATA-0-0"="(.*vdi)"$', output, flags=re.MULTILINE) try: path = line.group(1) except AttributeError: logger.info("No disk path found for VM %s.", vm_name) path = None return path def vm_detach_disk(vm_name, port=0): logger.info("Detaching disk from VM %s.", vm_name) vbm("storageattach", vm_name, "--storagectl", "SATA", "--port", str(port), "--device", "0", "--type", "hdd", "--medium", "none") # VirtualBox VM needs a break before taking new commands cs.conditional_sleep(1) def vm_attach_dvd(vm_name, iso, port=0): logger.info("Attaching to VM %s:\n\t%s", vm_name, iso) vbm("storageattach", vm_name, "--storagectl", "IDE", "--port", str(port), "--device", "0", "--type", "dvddrive", "--medium", iso) def vm_attach_disk(vm_name, disk, port=0): """disk can be either a path or a disk UUID""" logger.info("Attaching to VM %s:\n\t%s", vm_name, disk) vbm("storageattach", vm_name, "--storagectl", "SATA", "--port", str(port), "--device", "0", "--type", "hdd", "--medium", disk) # disk can be either a path or a disk UUID def vm_disk_is_multiattach(disk): output = vbm("showmediuminfo", disk, wbatch=False) regex = re.compile(r"^Type:.*multiattach", re.MULTILINE) return True if re.search(regex, output) else False # disk can be either a path or a disk UUID def vm_attach_disk_multi(vm_name, disk, port=0): vbm("modifyhd", "--type", "multiattach", disk) logger.info("Attaching to VM %s (multi):\n\t%s", vm_name, disk) vbm("storageattach", vm_name, "--storagectl", "SATA", "--port", str(port), "--device", "0", "--type", "hdd", "--medium", disk) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VirtualBox guest add-ons # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def vm_attach_guestadd_iso(vm_name): if conf.wbatch: # Record the calls for wbatch (this should always work because the # Windows VirtualBox always comes with the guest additions) # TODO better way of disabling do_build temporarily tmp_do_build = conf.do_build conf.do_build = False # An existing drive is needed to make additions shortcut work # (at least VirtualBox 4.3.12 and below) vm_attach_dvd(vm_name, "emptydrive", port=1) vm_attach_dvd(vm_name, "additions", port=1) conf.do_build = tmp_do_build # If we are just faking it for wbatch, we are already done here if not conf.do_build: return if not hasattr(conf, "guestadd_iso") or not conf.guestadd_iso: # No location configured, asking VirtualBox for one tmp_wbatch = conf.wbatch conf.wbatch = False # An existing drive is needed to make additions shortcut work # (at least VirtualBox 4.3.12 and below) vm_attach_dvd(vm_name, "emptydrive", port=1) try: vm_attach_dvd(vm_name, "additions", port=1) except Exception: # TODO Implement search and guessing if still needed. # We only need it on Linux if the VirtualBox package does not # include the guest additions, the user has not provided an ISO, # and the cluster must be built using shared folders (i.e. only # for wbatch testing on Linux) logger.error("VirtualBox guest additions not found.") sys.exit(1) conf.wbatch = tmp_wbatch # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Snapshots # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def vm_snapshot_list(vm_name): output = None if vm_exists(vm_name): try: output = vbm("snapshot", vm_name, "list", "--machinereadable", show_err=False) except EnvironmentError: # No snapshots pass return output def vm_snapshot_exists(vm_name, shot_name): snap_list = vm_snapshot_list(vm_name) if snap_list: return re.search('SnapshotName.*="{}"'.format(shot_name), snap_list) else: return False def vm_snapshot(vm_name, shot_name): vbm("snapshot", vm_name, "take", shot_name) # VirtualBox VM needs a break before taking new commands cs.conditional_sleep(1) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Booting a VM # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def vm_boot(vm_name): log_str = "Starting VM {}".format(vm_name) if conf.do_build: # Save latest VM config before booting output = vbm("showvminfo", "--machinereadable", vm_name, wbatch=False) log_file = os.path.join(conf.log_dir, "vm_{}.cfg".format(vm_name)) with open(log_file, 'w') as logf: logf.write(output) if conf.vm_ui: if conf.wbatch and conf.vm_ui == "headless": # With VirtualBox 5.1.6, console type "headless" often gives no # access to the VM console which on Windows is the main method for # interacting with the cluster. Use "separate" which works at least # on 5.0.26 and 5.1.6. logger.warning('Overriding UI type "headless" with "separate" for ' 'Windows batch files.') conf.vm_ui = "separate" log_str += " with {} GUI".format(conf.vm_ui) logger.info(log_str) vbm("startvm", vm_name, "--type", conf.vm_ui) else: logger.info(log_str) vbm("startvm", vm_name)