Changes to the repository layout to incorporate the following: 1. Migrate to dedicated repository 2. Rebranding osbash to openstack-labs 3. Adding Python specific bits 4. Allowing a wrapper and switch to osbash meanwhile the python scripts (stacktrain) is underprogress The current repository structure will allow us to carry out the above mentioned changes while the stable code base is usable and will also allow us to update the version of OpenStack being deployed on osbash. This is the rough sketch of the repository ignoring the boilerplate: . |-- doc |-- openstack-labs | |-- img | |-- osbash | | |-- config | | |-- lib | | |-- tools | | |-- scripts | | |-- osbash.sh | | `-- wbatch | |-- stacktrain | | `-- lib | `-- stacktrain.py `-- oslabs.py Note: Also adds/edits existing boilerplate (README's, Tools etc.) Co-Authored-By: Roger Luethi <rl@patchworkscience.org> Co-Authored-By: Sayali Lunkad <sayali.92720@gmail.com>
442 lines
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442 lines
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# This file contains bash functions that may be used by guest systems (VMs).
# Sourcing this file calls functions fix_path_env and source_deploy.
source "$LIB_DIR/functions.sh"
source "$LIB_DIR/functions-common-devstack"
# Make devstack's operating system identification work with nounset
function init_os_ident {
if [[ -z "${os_PACKAGE:-""}" ]]; then
function source_deploy {
if [ -n "${VM_SHELL_USER:-}" ]; then
# Already sourced
return 0
if mountpoint -q /vagrant; then
source "$CONFIG_DIR/deploy.vagrant"
source "$CONFIG_DIR/deploy.osbash"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# If our sudo user's PATH is preserved (and does not contain sbin dirs),
# some commands won't be found. Observed with Vagrant shell provisioner
# scripts using sudo after "su - vagrant".
# Adding to the path seems preferable to messing with the vagrant user's
# sudoers environment (or working with a separate Vagrant user).
function fix_path_env {
if is_root; then return 0; fi
if echo 'echo $PATH'|sudo sh|grep -q '/sbin'; then return 0; fi
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function zero_empty_space {
echo "Filling empty disk space with zeros"
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/filler bs=1M 2>/dev/null || true
sudo rm /filler
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# For guest scripts to let osbash know they are running; used when osbashauto
# runs scripts inside of the VM (STATUS_DIR directory must be shared between
# host and VM).
function indicate_current_auto {
if [ "${VM_SHELL_USER:-}" = "osbash" ]; then
local scr_name=${1:-$(basename "$0")}
local fpath=${2:-"/$STATUS_DIR/$scr_name.begin"}
mkdir -p "$STATUS_DIR"
touch "$fpath"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Debug function to make a script halt execution until a tmp file is removed
function wait_for_file {
# If no argument is passed, use empty string (to pass nounset option)
local msg=${1-""}
local wait_file=remove_to_continue
[ -n "$msg" ] && wait_file=${wait_file}_${msg}
touch "/tmp/$wait_file"
while [ -e "/tmp/$wait_file" ]; do
sleep 1
# Copy stdin/stderr to log file
function exec_logpath {
local log_path=$1
# Append all stdin and stderr to log file
exec > >(tee -a "$log_path") 2>&1
function exec_logfile {
local log_dir=${1:-/home/$VM_SHELL_USER/log}
# Default extension is log
local ext=${2:-log}
mkdir -p "$log_dir"
# Log name based on name of running script
local base_name=$(basename "$0" .sh)
local prefix=$(get_next_prefix "$log_dir" "$ext")
local log_name="${prefix}_$base_name.$ext"
exec_logpath "$log_dir/$log_name"
# Functions that need to run as root
function as_root_fix_mount_vboxsf_link {
local file=/sbin/mount.vboxsf
if [ -L $file -a ! -e $file ]; then
echo "$file is a broken symlink. Trying to fix it."
shopt -s nullglob
local new=(/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions*/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions)
if [ -n "$new" ]; then
ln -sv "$new" /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions
return 1
function as_root_inject_sudoer {
if grep -q "${VM_SHELL_USER}" /etc/sudoers; then
echo "${VM_SHELL_USER} already in /etc/sudoers"
echo "${VM_SHELL_USER} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
echo "Defaults:${VM_SHELL_USER} !requiretty" >> /etc/sudoers
# Change to a regular user to execute a guest script (and log its output)
function as_root_exec_script {
local script_path=$1
local script_name="$(basename "$script_path" .sh)"
echo "$(date) start $script_path"
local prefix=$(get_next_prefix "$LOG_DIR" "auto")
local log_path=$LOG_DIR/${prefix}_$script_name.auto
su - "$VM_SHELL_USER" -c "bash $script_path" >"$log_path" 2>&1
local rc=$?
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$(date) ERROR: status $rc for $script_path" |
tee >&2 -a "$LOG_DIR/error.log"
echo "$(date) done"
return $rc
# Root wrapper around devstack function for manipulating config files
function iniset_sudo {
local file=$1
local tmpfile=$(mktemp)
# Create a temporary copy, work on it, and copy it back into place
sudo cp -fv "$file" "$tmpfile"
iniset "$tmpfile" "$@"
cat "$tmpfile" | sudo tee "$file" >/dev/null
# Functions for manipulating config files without section
function iniset_sudo_no_section {
local file=$1
local tmpfile=$(mktemp)
# Create a temporary copy, work on it, and copy it back into place
sudo cp -fv "$file" "$tmpfile"
iniset_no_section "$tmpfile" "$@"
cat "$tmpfile" | sudo tee "$file" >/dev/null
# ini_has_option_no_section config-file option
function ini_has_option_no_section {
local xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local file=$1
local option=$2
local line
line=$(sed -ne "/^$option[ \t]*=/ p;" "$file")
[ -n "$line" ]
# Set an option in an INI file
# iniset_no_section config-file option value
function iniset_no_section {
local xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local file=$1
local option=$2
local value=$3
[[ -z $option ]] && return
if ! ini_has_option_no_section "$file" "$option"; then
# Add it
sed -i -e "1 i\
$option = $value
" "$file"
local sep=$(echo -ne "\x01")
# Replace it
sed -i -e "/$option/ c\
$option = $value
" "$file"
# OpenStack helpers
function mysql_exe {
local cmd="$1"
echo "MySQL cmd: $cmd."
mysql -u "root" -p"$DATABASE_PASSWORD" -e "$cmd"
function setup_database {
local service=$1
local db_user=$(service_to_db_user $service)
local db_password=$(service_to_db_password $service)
mysql_exe "CREATE DATABASE $service"
mysql_exe "GRANT ALL ON ${service}.* TO '$db_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$db_password';"
mysql_exe "GRANT ALL ON ${service}.* TO '$db_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$db_password';"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Users for service-specific MySQL databases
function service_to_db_user {
local service_name=$1
echo "${service_name}User"
function service_to_db_password {
local service_name=$1
echo "${service_name}Pass"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Service-specific users in keystone
function service_to_user_name {
local service_name=$1
echo "${service_name}"
function service_to_user_password {
local service_name=$1
echo "${service_name}_pass"
# Network configuration
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Fedora /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* configuration
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function _ifnum_to_ifname_fedora {
local if_num=$1
local -a if_names=('p2p1' 'p7p1' 'p8p1' 'p9p1')
echo "${if_names[$if_num]}"
function _config_sysconfig_nat {
local if_num=$1
local if_name="$(_ifnum_to_ifname_fedora "$if_num")"
local if_file=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$if_name
sed -e "
" "$TEMPLATE_DIR/template-fedora-ifcfg-nat" | sudo tee "$if_file"
function _config_sysconfig_hostonly {
local if_num=$1
local ip_address=$2
local if_name="$(_ifnum_to_ifname_fedora "$if_num")"
local if_file=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$if_name
sed -e "
" "$TEMPLATE_DIR/template-fedora-ifcfg-hostonly" | sudo tee "$if_file"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Ubuntu /etc/network/interfaces configuration
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
readonly UBUNTU_IF_FILE=/etc/network/interfaces
function _ifnum_to_ifname_ubuntu {
local if_num=$1
local -a if_names=('eth0' 'eth1' 'eth2' 'eth3')
echo "${if_names[$if_num]}"
function _config_interfaces_nat {
local if_num=$1
local if_name="$(_ifnum_to_ifname_ubuntu "$if_num")"
# Empty line before this entry
echo | sudo tee -a "$UBUNTU_IF_FILE"
sed -e "
" "$TEMPLATE_DIR/template-ubuntu-interfaces-nat" | sudo tee -a "$UBUNTU_IF_FILE"
function _config_interfaces_hostonly {
local if_num=$1
local ip_address=$2
local if_name="$(_ifnum_to_ifname_ubuntu "$if_num")"
# Empty line before this entry
echo | sudo tee -a "$UBUNTU_IF_FILE"
sed -e "
" "$TEMPLATE_DIR/template-ubuntu-interfaces-hostonly" | sudo tee -a "$UBUNTU_IF_FILE"
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function config_nat {
local if_num=$1
if is_fedora; then
echo _config_sysconfig_nat "$if_num"
_config_sysconfig_nat "$if_num"
echo _config_interfaces_nat "$if_num"
_config_interfaces_nat "$if_num"
function config_hostonly {
local if_num=$1
local ip_address=$2
if is_fedora; then
echo _config_sysconfig_hostonly "$if_num" "$ip_address"
_config_sysconfig_hostonly "$if_num" "$ip_address"
echo _config_interfaces_hostonly "$if_num" "$ip_address"
_config_interfaces_hostonly "$if_num" "$ip_address"
function get_ip_from_net_and_fourth {
local net_name=$1
local net="${!net_name}"
local fourth_octet=$2
echo "${net%.*}.$fourth_octet"
function hostname_to_ip {
local host_name=$1
getent hosts "$host_name"|awk '{print $1}'
function config_network {
if is_ubuntu; then
# Configuration functions will append to this file
sudo cp -v "$TEMPLATE_DIR/template-ubuntu-interfaces-loopback" \
# Get FOURTH_OCTET and network interfaces (NET_IF_?) for this node
unset -v NET_IF_0 NET_IF_1 NET_IF_2 NET_IF_3
source "$CONFIG_DIR/config.$(hostname)"
source "$CONFIG_DIR/openstack"
# Iterate over all NET_IF_? variables
local net_ifs=( "${!NET_IF_@}" )
local net_if=""
for net_if in "${net_ifs[@]}"; do
echo >&2 -n "${net_if} ${!net_if}"
local if_num=${net_if##*_}
if [ "${!net_if}" = "nat" ]; then
echo >&2
config_nat "$if_num"
# Host-only network: net_if is net name (e.g. API_NET)
# Use corresponding value (e.g.
IP="$(get_ip_from_net_and_fourth "${!net_if}" "$FOURTH_OCTET")"
echo >&2 " $IP"
config_hostonly "$if_num" "$IP"
# ssh wrapper functions
function no_chk_ssh {
echo >&2 "ssh $@"
# Options set to disable strict host key checking and related messages.
ssh \
-o "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null" \
-o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" \
-o LogLevel=error \
# ssh from one node VM to another node in the cluster
function node_ssh {
no_chk_ssh -i "$HOME/.ssh/osbash_key" "$@"
# vim: set ai ts=4 sw=4 et ft=sh: