Merge "Update networking-guide-single-external-network"

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Jenkins 2017-03-30 07:55:04 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 819b3fa96a
1 changed files with 53 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,48 @@ south networking traffic for the tenant will be centralized through
single external network. Only one virtual router is needed even if
the tenant's network are located in multiple OpenStack regions.
Only Neutron and Tricircle Local Neutron Plugin are required to be deployed
in RegionThree if you want to make the external network being floating and
applicable to all tenant's network.
.. code-block:: console
| RegionThree |
| |
| ext-net1 |
| +----+----+ |
| | |
| +--+--+ |
| | R1 | |
| +-+---+ |
| | |
+-----------------+ | +-----------------+
| RegionOne | | | RegionTwo |
| | bridge | net | |
| ++-----------------+-----------------+-+ |
| | | | | |
| +--+--+ | | +-+---+ |
| | R1 | | | | R1 | |
| +--+--+ | | +--+--+ |
| | net1 | | net2 | |
| +---+--+-+ | | +-+--+---+ |
| | | | | |
| +---------+-+ | | +--+--------+ |
| | Instance1 | | | | Instance2 | |
| +-----------+ | | +-----------+ |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
Figure 1 North South Networking via Single External Network
.. note:: Please note that if local network and external network are located
in the same region, attaching router interface to non local router will
lead to one additional logical router for east-west networking. For example,
in the following figure, external network ext-net1 is in RegionTwo, and
if local network net2 is attached to the router R1, then the additional
logical router R1 for east-west networking is created.
.. code-block:: console
+-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+
@ -33,24 +75,26 @@ the tenant's network are located in multiple OpenStack regions.
| +-----------+ | | | | +-----------+ | | +-----------+ |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+
Figure 2 What happens if local network and external network are in the same region
How to create this network topology
The first step is to create the left topology, then enhance the topology to
the right one. Different order to create this topology is also possible,
for example, create router and tenant network first, then boot instance,
set the router gateway, and associate floating IP as the last step.
Following commands are executed to create the Figure 1 topology. Different
order to create this topology is also possible, for example, create router
and tenant network first, then boot instance, set the router gateway, and
associate floating IP as the last step.
Create external network ext-net1, which will be located in RegionTwo.
Create external network ext-net1, which will be located in RegionThree.
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron --os-region-name=CentralRegion net-create --provider:network_type vlan --provider:physical_network extern --router:external --availability-zone-hint RegionTwo ext-net1
$ neutron --os-region-name=CentralRegion net-create --provider:network_type vlan --provider:physical_network extern --router:external --availability-zone-hint RegionThree ext-net1
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| availability_zone_hints | RegionTwo |
| availability_zone_hints | RegionThree |
| id | 494a1d2f-9a0f-4d0d-a5e9-f926fce912ac |
| name | ext-net1 |
| project_id | 640e791e767e49939d5c600fdb3f8431 |
@ -337,7 +381,7 @@ Associate the floating IP to instance1's IP in net1.
$ neutron --os-region-name=CentralRegion floatingip-associate 04c18e73-675b-4273-a73a-afaf1e4f9811 37e9cfe5-d410-4625-963d-b7ea4347d72e
Associated floating IP 04c18e73-675b-4273-a73a-afaf1e4f9811
Create network topology in RegionTwo.
Proceed with the creation network topology in RegionTwo.
Create net2 in RegionTwo.
@ -588,7 +632,7 @@ Make sure the floating IP association works.
| f917dede-6e0d-4c5a-8d02-7d5774d094ba | | | ed9bdc02-0f0d-4763-a993-e0972c6563fa |
$ neutron --os-region-name=RegionTwo floatingip-list
$ neutron --os-region-name=RegionThree floatingip-list
| id | fixed_ip_address | floating_ip_address | port_id |