Add manual installation guide
1. What is the problem? We already have guides for users to install the Tricircle with DevStack. But a guide discussing how to install the Tricircle step by step without DevStack is also needed for users who install OpenStack manually. 2. What is the solution to the problem? Add manual installation guide, and link it to the Tricircle docs page. 3. What the features need to be implemented to the Tricircle to realize the solution? No new features Change-Id: I45344df2ccb27c5096d66f00e4e76efa07d66012
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ step by step without DevStack for users who install OpenStack manually.
.. include:: ./single-pod-installation-devstack.rst
.. include:: ./single-pod-installation-devstack.rst
.. include:: ./multi-pod-installation-devstack.rst
.. include:: ./multi-pod-installation-devstack.rst
.. include:: ./installation-manual.rst
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
Manual Installation
The Tricircle works with Neutron to provide networking automation functionality
across Neutron in multi-region OpenStack deployment. In this guide we discuss
how to manually install the Tricircle with local and central Neutron server.
Local Neutron server, running with the Tricircle local plugin, is responsible
for triggering cross-Neutron networking automation. Every OpenStack instance
has one local Neutron service, registered in the same region with other core
services like Nova, Cinder, Glance, etc. Central Neutron server, running with
the Tricircle central plugin, is responsible for unified resource allocation
and cross-Neutron networking building. Besides regions for each OpenStack
instance, we also need one specific region for central Neutron service. Only
the Tricircle administrator service needs to be registered in this region along
with central Neutron service while other core services are not mandatory.
Installation with Central Neutron Server
- 1 Install the Tricircle package::
git clone
cd tricircle
pip install -e .
- 2 Register the Tricircle administrator API to Keystone::
openstack user create tricircle --password password
openstack role add --project service --user tricircle service
openstack service create tricircle --name tricircle --description "Cross Neutron Networking Automation Service"
service_id=$(openstack service show tricircle -f value -c id)
openstack endpoint create $service_id --publicurl $service_url --adminurl $service_url --internalurl $service_url --region $service_region
change password, service_host, service_port and service_region in the above
commands to adapt your deployment. OpenStack CLI tool will automatically find
the endpoints to send to registration requests. If you would like to specify
the region for endpoints, use::
openstack --os-region-name <region_name> <command>
- 3 Generate the Tricircle configuration sample::
cd tricircle
oslo-config-generator --config-file=etc/api-cfg-gen.conf
oslo-config-generator --config-file=etc/xjob-cfg-gen.conf
The generated sample files are located in tricircle/etc
- 4 Configure the Tricircle administrator API::
cd tricircle/etc
cp api.conf.sample api.conf
Edit etc/api.conf, for detail configuration information, please refer to the
configuration guide. Below only options necessary to be changed are listed.
.. csv-table::
:header: "Option", "Description", "Example"
[DEFAULT] tricircle_db_connection, "database connection string for tricircle", mysql+pymysql://root:password@
[keystone_authtoken] auth_type, "authentication method", password
[keystone_authtoken] auth_url, "keystone authorization url", http://$keystone_service_host/identity_admin
[keystone_authtoken] username, "username of service account, needed for password authentication", tricircle
[keystone_authtoken] password, "password of service account, needed for password authentication", password
[keystone_authtoken] user_domain_name, "user domain name of service account, needed for password authentication", Default
[keystone_authtoken] project_name, "project name of service account, needed for password authentication", service
[keystone_authtoken] project_domain_name, "project domain name of service account, needed for password authentication", Default
[keystone_authtoken] auth_uri, "complete public Identity API endpoint", http://$keystone_service_host/identity
[keystone_authtoken] cafile, "A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs", /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
[keystone_authtoken] signing_dir, "Directory used to cache files related to PKI tokens", /var/cache/tricircle
[keystone_authtoken] memcached_servers, "Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching", $keystone_service_host:11211
[client] auth_url, "keystone authorization url", http://$keystone_service_host:5000/v3
[client] identity_url, "keystone service url", http://$keystone_service_host:35357/v3
[client] auto_refresh_endpoint, "if set to True, endpoint will be automatically refreshed if timeout accessing", True
[client] top_pod_name, "name of central region which client needs to access", CentralRegion
[client] admin_username, "username of admin account", admin
[client] admin_password, "password of admin account", password
[client] admin_tenant, "project name of admin account", demo
[client] admin_user_domain_name, "user domain name of admin account", Default
[client] admin_tenant_domain_name, "project name of admin account", Default
.. note:: The Tricircle utilizes the Oslo library to setup service, database,
log and RPC, please refer to the configuration guide of the corresponding
Oslo library if you need further configuration of these modules. Change
keystone_service_host to the address of Keystone service.
- 5 Create the Tricircle database(take mysql as an example)::
mysql -uroot -p -e "create database tricircle character set utf8;"
cd tricircle
python cmd/ etc/api.conf
- 6 Start the Tricircle administrator API::
sudo mkdir /var/cache/tricircle
sudo chown $(whoami) /var/cache/tricircle/
cd tricircle
python cmd/ --config-file etc/api.conf
- 7 Configurate the Tricircle Xjob daemon::
cd tricircle/etc
cp xjob.conf.sample xjob.conf
Edit etc/xjob.conf, for detail configuration information, please refer to the
configuration guide. Below only options necessary to be changed are listed.
.. csv-table::
:header: "Option", "Description", "Example"
[DEFAULT] tricircle_db_connection, "database connection string for tricircle", mysql+pymysql://root:password@
[client] auth_url, "keystone authorization url", http://$keystone_service_host:5000/v3
[client] identity_url, "keystone service url", http://$keystone_service_host:35357/v3
[client] auto_refresh_endpoint, "if set to True, endpoint will be automatically refreshed if timeout accessing", True
[client] top_pod_name, "name of central region which client needs to access", CentralRegion
[client] admin_username, "username of admin account", admin
[client] admin_password, "password of admin account", password
[client] admin_tenant, "project name of admin account", demo
[client] admin_user_domain_name, "user domain name of admin account", Default
[client] admin_tenant_domain_name, "project name of admin account", Default
.. note:: The Tricircle utilizes the Oslo library to setup service, database,
log and RPC, please refer to the configuration guide of the corresponding
Oslo library if you need further configuration of these modules. Change
keystone_service_host to the address of Keystone service.
- 8 Start the Tricircle Xjob daemon::
cd tricircle
python cmd/ --config-file etc/xjob.conf
- 9 Setup central Neutron server
In this guide we assume readers are familiar with how to install Neutron
server, so we just briefly discuss the steps and extra configuration needed
by central Neutron server. For detail information about the configuration
options in "client" and "tricircle" groups, please refer to the configuration
guide. Neutron server can be installed alone, or you can install a full
OpenStack instance then remove or stop other services.
- install Neutron package
- configure central Neutron server
edit neutron.conf
.. csv-table::
:header: "Option", "Description", "Example"
[database] connection, "database connection string for central Neutron server", mysql+pymysql://root:password@
[DEFAULT] bind_port, "Port central Neutron server binds to", change to a different value rather than 9696 if you run central and local Neutron server in the same host
[DEFAULT] core_plugin, "core plugin central Neutron server uses",
[DEFAULT] service_plugins, "service plugin central Neutron server uses", "(leave empty)"
[DEFAULT] tricircle_db_connection, "database connection string for tricircle", mysql+pymysql://root:password@
[client] auth_url, "keystone authorization url", http://$keystone_service_host:5000/v3
[client] identity_url, "keystone service url", http://$keystone_service_host:35357/v3
[client] auto_refresh_endpoint, "if set to True, endpoint will be automatically refreshed if timeout accessing", True
[client] top_pod_name, "name of central region which client needs to access", CentralRegion
[client] admin_username, "username of admin account", admin
[client] admin_password, "password of admin account", password
[client] admin_tenant, "project name of admin account", demo
[client] admin_user_domain_name, "user domain name of admin account", Default
[client] admin_tenant_domain_name, "project name of admin account", Default
[tricircle] type_drivers, "list of network type driver entry points to be loaded", "local,shared_vlan"
[tricircle] tenant_network_types, "ordered list of network_types to allocate as tenant networks", "local,shared_vlan"
[tricircle] network_vlan_ranges, "physical_network names and VLAN tags range usable of VLAN provider", "bridge:2001:3000"
[tricircle] bridge_network_type, "l3 bridge network type which is enabled in tenant_network_types and is not local type", shared_vlan
[tricircle] enable_api_gateway, "whether the API gateway is enabled", False
.. note:: Change keystone_service_host to the address of Keystone service.
- create database for central Neutron server
- register central Neutron server endpoint in Keystone, central Neutron
should be registered in the same region with the Tricircle
- start central Neutron server
Installation with Local Neutron Server
- 1 Install the Tricircle package::
git clone
cd tricircle
pip install -e .
- 2 Setup local Neutron server
In this guide we assume readers have already installed a complete OpenStack
instance running services like Nova, Cinder, Neutron, etc, so we just discuss
how to configure Neutron server to work with the Tricircle. For detail
information about the configuration options in "client" and "tricircle"
groups, please refer to the configuration guide. After the change, you just
restart the Neutron server.
- configure local Neutron server
edit neutron.conf
.. csv-table::
:header: "Option", "Description", "Example"
[DEFAULT] core_plugin, "core plugin local Neutron server uses",
[client] auth_url, "keystone authorization url", http://$keystone_service_host:5000/v3
[client] identity_url, "keystone service url", http://$keystone_service_host:35357/v3
[client] auto_refresh_endpoint, "if set to True, endpoint will be automatically refreshed if timeout accessing", True
[client] top_pod_name, "name of central region which client needs to access", CentralRegion
[client] admin_username, "username of admin account", admin
[client] admin_password, "password of admin account", password
[client] admin_tenant, "project name of admin account", demo
[client] admin_user_domain_name, "user domain name of admin account", Default
[client] admin_tenant_domain_name, "project name of admin account", Default
[tricircle] real_core_plugin, "the core plugin the Tricircle local plugin invokes", neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin
[tricircle] central_neutron_url, "central Neutron server url", http://$neutron_service_host:9696
.. note:: Change keystone_service_host to the address of Keystone service,
and neutron_service_host to the address of central Neutron service.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user