# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime import mock from mock import patch import unittest from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import uuidutils from tricircle.common import constants from tricircle.common import context import tricircle.db.api as db_api from tricircle.db import core from tricircle.db import models from tricircle.xjob import xmanager from tricircle.xjob import xservice TOP_NETWORK = [] BOTTOM1_NETWORK = [] BOTTOM2_NETWORK = [] TOP_SUBNET = [] BOTTOM1_SUBNET = [] BOTTOM2_SUBNET = [] BOTTOM1_PORT = [] BOTTOM2_PORT = [] BOTTOM1_ROUTER = [] BOTTOM2_ROUTER = [] TOP_SG = [] BOTTOM1_SG = [] BOTTOM2_SG = [] RES_LIST = [TOP_NETWORK, BOTTOM1_NETWORK, BOTTOM2_NETWORK, TOP_SUBNET, BOTTOM1_SUBNET, BOTTOM2_SUBNET, BOTTOM1_PORT, BOTTOM2_PORT, BOTTOM1_ROUTER, BOTTOM2_ROUTER, TOP_SG, BOTTOM1_SG, BOTTOM2_SG] RES_MAP = {'top': {'network': TOP_NETWORK, 'subnet': TOP_SUBNET, 'security_group': TOP_SG}, 'pod_1': {'network': BOTTOM1_NETWORK, 'subnet': BOTTOM1_SUBNET, 'port': BOTTOM1_PORT, 'router': BOTTOM1_ROUTER, 'security_group': BOTTOM1_SG}, 'pod_2': {'network': BOTTOM2_NETWORK, 'subnet': BOTTOM2_SUBNET, 'port': BOTTOM2_PORT, 'router': BOTTOM2_ROUTER, 'security_group': BOTTOM2_SG}} class FakeXManager(xmanager.XManager): def __init__(self): self.clients = {'top': FakeClient(), 'pod_1': FakeClient('pod_1'), 'pod_2': FakeClient('pod_2')} class FakeClient(object): def __init__(self, pod_name=None): if pod_name: self.pod_name = pod_name else: self.pod_name = 'top' def list_resources(self, resource, cxt, filters=None): res_list = [] filters = filters or [] for res in RES_MAP[self.pod_name][resource]: is_selected = True for _filter in filters: if _filter['key'] not in res: is_selected = False break if res[_filter['key']] != _filter['value']: is_selected = False break if is_selected: res_list.append(res) return res_list def list_ports(self, cxt, filters=None): return self.list_resources('port', cxt, filters) def list_subnets(self, cxt, filters=None): return self.list_resources('subnet', cxt, filters) def get_subnets(self, cxt, subnet_id): return self.list_resources( 'subnet', cxt, [{'key': 'id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': subnet_id}])[0] def update_routers(self, cxt, *args, **kwargs): pass def list_security_groups(self, cxt, filters=None): return self.list_resources('security_group', cxt, filters) def get_security_groups(self, cxt, sg_id): return self.list_resources( 'security_group', cxt, [{'key': 'id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': sg_id}])[0] def delete_security_group_rules(self, cxt, sg_id): pass def create_security_group_rules(self, cxt, *args, **kwargs): pass class XManagerTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): core.initialize() core.ModelBase.metadata.create_all(core.get_engine()) # enforce foreign key constraint for sqlite core.get_engine().execute('pragma foreign_keys=on') for opt in xservice.common_opts: if opt.name in ('worker_handle_timeout', 'job_run_expire', 'worker_sleep_time'): cfg.CONF.register_opt(opt) self.context = context.Context() self.xmanager = FakeXManager() self.xmanager = FakeXManager() @patch.object(FakeClient, 'update_routers') def test_configure_extra_routes(self, mock_update): top_router_id = 'router_id' for i in xrange(1, 3): pod_dict = {'pod_id': 'pod_id_%d' % i, 'pod_name': 'pod_%d' % i, 'az_name': 'az_name_%d' % i} db_api.create_pod(self.context, pod_dict) network = {'id': 'network_%d_id' % i} bridge_network = {'id': 'bridge_network_%d_id' % i} router = {'id': 'router_%d_id' % i} subnet = { 'id': 'subnet_%d_id' % i, 'network_id': network['id'], 'cidr': '10.0.%d.0/24' % i, 'gateway_ip': '10.0.%d.1' % i, } bridge_subnet = { 'id': 'bridge_subnet_%d_id' % i, 'network_id': bridge_network['id'], 'cidr': '', 'gateway_ip': '100.0.1.%d' % i, } port = { 'network_id': network['id'], 'device_id': router['id'], 'device_owner': 'network:router_interface', 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': subnet['id'], 'ip_address': subnet['gateway_ip']}] } vm_port = { 'network_id': network['id'], 'device_id': 'vm%d_id' % i, 'device_owner': 'compute:None', 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': subnet['id'], 'ip_address': '10.0.%d.3' % i}] } bridge_port = { 'network_id': bridge_network['id'], 'device_id': router['id'], 'device_owner': 'network:router_interface', 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': bridge_subnet['id'], 'ip_address': bridge_subnet['gateway_ip']}] } pod_name = 'pod_%d' % i RES_MAP[pod_name]['network'].append(network) RES_MAP[pod_name]['network'].append(bridge_network) RES_MAP[pod_name]['subnet'].append(subnet) RES_MAP[pod_name]['subnet'].append(bridge_subnet) RES_MAP[pod_name]['port'].append(port) RES_MAP[pod_name]['port'].append(vm_port) RES_MAP[pod_name]['port'].append(bridge_port) RES_MAP[pod_name]['router'].append(router) route = {'top_id': top_router_id, 'bottom_id': router['id'], 'pod_id': pod_dict['pod_id'], 'resource_type': 'router'} with self.context.session.begin(): core.create_resource(self.context, models.ResourceRouting, route) BOTTOM1_NETWORK.append({'id': 'network_3_id'}) BOTTOM1_SUBNET.append({'id': 'subnet_3_id', 'network_id': 'network_3_id', 'cidr': '', 'gateway_ip': ''}) BOTTOM1_PORT.append({'network_id': 'network_3_id', 'device_id': 'router_1_id', 'device_owner': 'network:router_interface', 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': 'subnet_3_id', 'ip_address': ''}]}) BOTTOM1_PORT.append({'network_id': 'network_3_id', 'device_id': 'vm3_id', 'device_owner': 'compute:None', 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': 'subnet_3_id', 'ip_address': ''}]}) self.xmanager.configure_extra_routes(self.context, payload={'router': top_router_id}) calls = [mock.call(self.context, 'router_1_id', {'router': { 'routes': [{'nexthop': '', 'destination': ''}]}}), mock.call(self.context, 'router_2_id', {'router': { 'routes': [{'nexthop': '', 'destination': ''}, {'nexthop': '', 'destination': ''}]}}), mock.call(self.context, 'router_2_id', {'router': { 'routes': [{'nexthop': '', 'destination': ''}, {'nexthop': '', 'destination': ''}]}})] called = mock_update.call_args_list[1] == calls[1] called = called or (mock_update.call_args_list[1] == calls[2]) called = called and (mock_update.call_args_list[0] == calls[0]) self.assertTrue(called) @patch.object(FakeClient, 'delete_security_group_rules') @patch.object(FakeClient, 'create_security_group_rules') def test_configure_security_group_rules(self, mock_create, mock_delete): project_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() sg_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() sg_rule_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() sg = {'id': sg_id, 'tenant_id': project_id, 'name': 'default', 'security_group_rules': [{ 'id': sg_rule_id, 'remote_group_id': sg_id, 'direction': 'ingress', 'remote_ip_prefix': None, 'protocol': None, 'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'port_range_max': -1, 'port_range_min': -1, 'security_group_id': sg_id}]} RES_MAP['top']['security_group'].append(sg) for i in xrange(1, 3): pod_dict = {'pod_id': 'pod_id_%d' % i, 'pod_name': 'pod_%d' % i, 'az_name': 'az_name_%d' % i} db_api.create_pod(self.context, pod_dict) network = {'id': 'network_%d_id' % i, 'tenant_id': project_id} subnet = {'id': 'subnet_%d_id' % i, 'network_id': network['id'], 'cidr': '10.0.%d.0/24' % i, 'gateway_ip': '10.0.%d.1' % i, 'tenant_id': project_id} RES_MAP['top']['network'].append(network) RES_MAP['top']['subnet'].append(subnet) pod_name = 'pod_%d' % i RES_MAP[pod_name]['security_group'].append(sg) route = {'top_id': sg_id, 'bottom_id': sg_id, 'pod_id': pod_dict['pod_id'], 'resource_type': 'security_group'} with self.context.session.begin(): core.create_resource(self.context, models.ResourceRouting, route) self.xmanager.configure_security_group_rules( self.context, payload={'seg_rule_setup': project_id}) calls = [mock.call(self.context, sg_rule_id)] mock_delete.assert_has_calls(calls) calls = [mock.call(self.context, {'security_group_rules': [ {'remote_group_id': None, 'direction': 'ingress', 'remote_ip_prefix': '', 'protocol': None, 'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'port_range_max': -1, 'port_range_min': -1, 'security_group_id': sg_id}, {'remote_group_id': None, 'direction': 'ingress', 'remote_ip_prefix': '', 'protocol': None, 'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'port_range_max': -1, 'port_range_min': -1, 'security_group_id': sg_id}]})] mock_create.assert_has_calls(calls) def test_job_handle(self): @xmanager._job_handle('fake_resource') def fake_handle(self, ctx, payload): pass fake_id = 'fake_id' payload = {'fake_resource': fake_id} fake_handle(None, self.context, payload=payload) jobs = core.query_resource(self.context, models.Job, [], []) expected_status = [constants.JS_New, constants.JS_Success] job_status = [job['status'] for job in jobs] self.assertItemsEqual(expected_status, job_status) self.assertEqual(fake_id, jobs[0]['resource_id']) self.assertEqual(fake_id, jobs[1]['resource_id']) self.assertEqual('fake_resource', jobs[0]['type']) self.assertEqual('fake_resource', jobs[1]['type']) def test_job_handle_exception(self): @xmanager._job_handle('fake_resource') def fake_handle(self, ctx, payload): raise Exception() fake_id = 'fake_id' payload = {'fake_resource': fake_id} fake_handle(None, self.context, payload=payload) jobs = core.query_resource(self.context, models.Job, [], []) expected_status = [constants.JS_New, constants.JS_Fail] job_status = [job['status'] for job in jobs] self.assertItemsEqual(expected_status, job_status) self.assertEqual(fake_id, jobs[0]['resource_id']) self.assertEqual(fake_id, jobs[1]['resource_id']) self.assertEqual('fake_resource', jobs[0]['type']) self.assertEqual('fake_resource', jobs[1]['type']) def test_job_run_expire(self): @xmanager._job_handle('fake_resource') def fake_handle(self, ctx, payload): pass fake_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() payload = {'fake_resource': fake_id} expired_job = { 'id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(), 'type': 'fake_resource', 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(0, 200), 'status': constants.JS_Running, 'resource_id': fake_id, 'extra_id': constants.SP_EXTRA_ID } core.create_resource(self.context, models.Job, expired_job) fake_handle(None, self.context, payload=payload) jobs = core.query_resource(self.context, models.Job, [], []) expected_status = ['New', 'Fail', 'Success'] job_status = [job['status'] for job in jobs] self.assertItemsEqual(expected_status, job_status) for i in xrange(3): self.assertEqual(fake_id, jobs[i]['resource_id']) self.assertEqual('fake_resource', jobs[i]['type']) @patch.object(db_api, 'get_running_job') @patch.object(db_api, 'register_job') def test_worker_handle_timeout(self, mock_register, mock_get): @xmanager._job_handle('fake_resource') def fake_handle(self, ctx, payload): pass cfg.CONF.set_override('worker_handle_timeout', 1) mock_register.return_value = None mock_get.return_value = None fake_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() payload = {'fake_resource': fake_id} fake_handle(None, self.context, payload=payload) # nothing to assert, what we test is that fake_handle can exit when # timeout def test_get_failed_jobs(self): job_dict_list = [ {'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0), 'resource_id': 'uuid1', 'type': 'res1', 'status': constants.JS_Fail}, # job_uuid1 {'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 5, 0), 'resource_id': 'uuid1', 'type': 'res1', 'status': constants.JS_Fail}, # job_uuid3 {'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 20, 0), 'resource_id': 'uuid2', 'type': 'res2', 'status': constants.JS_Fail}, # job_uuid5 {'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 15, 0), 'resource_id': 'uuid2', 'type': 'res2', 'status': constants.JS_Fail}, # job_uuid7 {'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 25, 0), 'resource_id': 'uuid3', 'type': 'res3', 'status': constants.JS_Fail}, # job_uuid9 {'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 30, 0), 'resource_id': 'uuid3', 'type': 'res3', 'status': constants.JS_Success}] for i, job_dict in enumerate(job_dict_list, 1): job_dict['id'] = 'job_uuid%d' % (2 * i - 1) job_dict['extra_id'] = 'extra_uuid%d' % (2 * i - 1) core.create_resource(self.context, models.Job, job_dict) job_dict['id'] = 'job_uuid%d' % (2 * i) job_dict['extra_id'] = 'extra_uuid%d' % (2 * i) job_dict['status'] = constants.JS_New core.create_resource(self.context, models.Job, job_dict) # for res3 + uuid3, the latest job's status is "Success", not returned expected_ids = ['job_uuid3', 'job_uuid5'] returned_jobs = db_api.get_latest_failed_jobs(self.context) actual_ids = [job['id'] for job in returned_jobs] self.assertItemsEqual(expected_ids, actual_ids) def tearDown(self): core.ModelBase.metadata.drop_all(core.get_engine()) for res in RES_LIST: del res[:]