import logging import sys from oslo.config import cfg import pxssh import pexpect from nova.i18n import _ from nova.image import exception LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF sync_opt = [ cfg.IntOpt('scp_copy_timeout', default=3600, help=_('when snapshot, max wait (second)time for snapshot ' 'status become active.'), deprecated_opts=[cfg.DeprecatedOpt('scp_copy_timeout', group='DEFAULT')]), ] CONF.register_opts(sync_opt, group='sync') def _get_ssh(hostname, username, password): s = pxssh.pxssh() s.login(hostname, username, password, original_prompt='[#$>]') s.logfile = sys.stdout return s class Store(object): def copy_to(self, from_location, to_location, candidate_path=None): from_store_loc = from_location to_store_loc = to_location LOG.debug(_('from_store_loc is: %s'), from_store_loc) if from_store_loc['host'] == to_store_loc['host'] and \ from_store_loc['path'] == to_store_loc['path']:'The from_loc is same to to_loc, no need to copy. the ' 'host:path is %s:%s') % (from_store_loc['host'], from_store_loc['path'])) return 'file://%s' % to_store_loc['path'] to_host = r"""{username}@{host}""".format( username=to_store_loc['login_user'], host=to_store_loc['host']) to_path = r"""{to_host}:{path}""".format(to_host=to_host, path=to_store_loc['path']) copy_path = from_store_loc['path'] try: from_ssh = _get_ssh(from_store_loc['host'], from_store_loc['login_user'], from_store_loc['login_password']) except Exception: msg = _('ssh login failed to %(user):%(passwd)@%(host)', {'user': from_store_loc['login_user'], 'passwd': from_store_loc['login_password'], 'host': from_store_loc['host'] }) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.GlanceSyncException(reason=msg) from_ssh.sendline('ls %s' % copy_path) from_ssh.prompt() if 'cannot access' in from_ssh.before or \ 'No such file' in from_ssh.before: if candidate_path: from_ssh.sendline('ls %s' % candidate_path) from_ssh.prompt() if 'cannot access' not in from_ssh.before and \ 'No such file' not in from_ssh.before: copy_path = candidate_path else: msg = _("the image path for copy to is not exists, file copy" "failed: path is %s" % copy_path) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.GlanceSyncException(reason=msg) from_ssh.sendline('scp -P 22 %s %s' % (copy_path, to_path)) while True: scp_index = from_ssh.expect(['.yes/no.', '.assword:.', pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if scp_index == 0: from_ssh.sendline('yes') from_ssh.prompt() elif scp_index == 1: from_ssh.sendline(to_store_loc['login_password']) from_ssh.prompt(timeout=CONF.sync.scp_copy_timeout) break else: msg = _("scp commond execute failed, with copy_path %s and " "to_path %s" % (copy_path, to_path)) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.GlanceSyncException(reason=msg) if from_ssh: from_ssh.logout() return 'file://%s' % to_store_loc['path']