--- prelude: > The Tricircle is a dedicated project for networking automation across Neutron in OpenStack multi-region deployment. features: - | Network * List networks * Create network * Show network details * Delete network - | Subnet * List subnets * Create subnet * Show subnet details * Delete subnet - | Port * List ports * Create port * Show port details * Delete port - | Router * List routers * Create router * Show router details * Delete router * Add interface to router * Delete interface from router * List floating IPs * Create floating IP * Show floating IP details * Update floating IP * Delete floating IP - | Security Group * List security groups * Create security group * Show security group details * List security group rules * Create security group rule - | Note for Networking * Only Local Network and Shared VLAN network supported. Shared VLAN is the only L2 network type which supports cross Neutron L2 networking and the bridge network for L3 networking. * Pagination and sort are not supported at the same time for list operation. * For security group rule, remote group not supported yet. Use IP prefix to create security group rule. * Need to specify the region name as the availability zone hint for external network creation, that means the external network will be located in the specified region. issues: - refer to https://bugs.launchpad.net/tricircle