# Tricircle (Attention Please, Stateless Design Proposal is being worked on the ["experiment"](https://github.com/openstack/tricircle/tree/experiment) branch). (The origningal PoC source code, please switch to ["poc"](https://github.com/openstack/tricircle/tree/poc) tag, or ["stable/fortest"](https://github.com/openstack/tricircle/tree/stable/fortest) branch) Tricircle is a openstack project that aims to deal with OpenStack deployment across multiple sites. It provides users a single management view by having only one OpenStack instance on behalf of all the involved ones. It essentially serves as a communication bus between the central OpenStack instance and the other OpenStack instances that are called upon. ## Project Resources - Project status, bugs, and blueprints are tracked on [Launchpad](https://launchpad.net/tricircle) - Additional resources are linked from the project [Wiki](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Tricircle) page