# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Tech. Co., Ltd. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import netaddr import pecan from pecan import expose from pecan import rest import six import oslo_log.log as logging import neutronclient.common.exceptions as q_exceptions from tricircle.common import az_ag import tricircle.common.client as t_client from tricircle.common import constants import tricircle.common.context as t_context import tricircle.common.exceptions as t_exceptions from tricircle.common.i18n import _ from tricircle.common.i18n import _LE import tricircle.common.lock_handle as t_lock from tricircle.common.quota import QUOTAS from tricircle.common import utils from tricircle.common import xrpcapi import tricircle.db.api as db_api from tricircle.db import core from tricircle.db import models LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAX_METADATA_KEY_LENGTH = 255 MAX_METADATA_VALUE_LENGTH = 255 class ServerController(rest.RestController): def __init__(self, project_id): self.project_id = project_id self.clients = {constants.TOP: t_client.Client()} self.xjob_handler = xrpcapi.XJobAPI() def _get_client(self, pod_name=constants.TOP): if pod_name not in self.clients: self.clients[pod_name] = t_client.Client(pod_name) return self.clients[pod_name] def _get_all(self, context, params): filters = [{'key': key, 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': value} for key, value in params.iteritems()] ret = [] pods = db_api.list_pods(context) for pod in pods: if not pod['az_name']: continue client = self._get_client(pod['pod_name']) servers = client.list_servers(context, filters=filters) self._remove_fip_info(servers) ret.extend(servers) return ret @staticmethod def _construct_brief_server_entry(server): return {'id': server['id'], 'name': server.get('name'), 'links': server.get('links')} @staticmethod def _transform_network_name(server): if 'addresses' not in server: return keys = [key for key in server['addresses'].iterkeys()] for key in keys: value = server['addresses'].pop(key) network_name = key.split('#')[1] server['addresses'][network_name] = value return server @expose(generic=True, template='json') def get_one(self, _id, **kwargs): context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ() if _id == 'detail': return {'servers': [self._transform_network_name( server) for server in self._get_all(context, kwargs)]} mappings = db_api.get_bottom_mappings_by_top_id( context, _id, constants.RT_SERVER) if not mappings: return utils.format_nova_error( 404, _('Instance %s could not be found.') % _id) pod, bottom_id = mappings[0] client = self._get_client(pod['pod_name']) server = client.get_servers(context, bottom_id) if not server: return utils.format_nova_error( 404, _('Instance %s could not be found.') % _id) else: self._transform_network_name(server) return {'server': server} @expose(generic=True, template='json') def get_all(self, **kwargs): context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ() return {'servers': [self._construct_brief_server_entry( server) for server in self._get_all(context, kwargs)]} @expose(generic=True, template='json') def post(self, **kw): context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ() if 'server' not in kw: return utils.format_nova_error( 400, _('server is not set')) if 'availability_zone' not in kw['server']: return utils.format_nova_error( 400, _('availability zone is not set')) pod, b_az = az_ag.get_pod_by_az_tenant( context, kw['server']['availability_zone'], self.project_id) if not pod: return utils.format_nova_error( 500, _('Pod not configured or scheduling failure')) t_server_dict = kw['server'] self._process_metadata_quota(context, t_server_dict) self._process_injected_file_quota(context, t_server_dict) server_body = self._get_create_server_body(kw['server'], b_az) top_client = self._get_client() sg_filters = [{'key': 'tenant_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': self.project_id}] top_sgs = top_client.list_security_groups(context, sg_filters) top_sg_map = dict((sg['name'], sg) for sg in top_sgs) if 'security_groups' not in kw['server']: security_groups = ['default'] else: security_groups = [] for sg in kw['server']['security_groups']: if 'name' not in sg: return utils.format_nova_error( 400, _('Invalid input for field/attribute')) if sg['name'] not in top_sg_map: return utils.format_nova_error( 400, _('Unable to find security_group with name or id ' '%s') % sg['name']) security_groups.append(sg['name']) t_sg_ids, b_sg_ids, is_news = self._handle_security_group( context, pod, top_sg_map, security_groups) if 'networks' in kw['server']: server_body['networks'] = [] for net_info in kw['server']['networks']: if 'uuid' in net_info: network = top_client.get_networks(context, net_info['uuid']) if not network: return utils.format_nova_error( 400, _('Network %s could not be ' 'found') % net_info['uuid']) if not self._check_network_server_the_same_az( network, kw['server']['availability_zone']): return utils.format_nova_error( 400, _('Network and server not in the same ' 'availability zone')) subnets = top_client.list_subnets( context, [{'key': 'network_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': network['id']}]) if not subnets: return utils.format_nova_error( 400, _('Network does not contain any subnets')) t_port_id, b_port_id = self._handle_network( context, pod, network, subnets, top_sg_ids=t_sg_ids, bottom_sg_ids=b_sg_ids) elif 'port' in net_info: port = top_client.get_ports(context, net_info['port']) if not port: return utils.format_nova_error( 400, _('Port %s could not be ' 'found') % net_info['port']) t_port_id, b_port_id = self._handle_port( context, pod, port) server_body['networks'].append({'port': b_port_id}) # only for security group first created in a pod, we invoke # _handle_sg_rule_for_new_group to initialize rules in that group, this # method removes all the rules in the new group then add new rules top_sg_id_map = dict((sg['id'], sg) for sg in top_sgs) new_top_sgs = [] new_bottom_sg_ids = [] default_sg = None for t_id, b_id, is_new in zip(t_sg_ids, b_sg_ids, is_news): sg_name = top_sg_id_map[t_id]['name'] if sg_name == 'default': default_sg = top_sg_id_map[t_id] continue if not is_new: continue new_top_sgs.append(top_sg_id_map[t_id]) new_bottom_sg_ids.append(b_id) self._handle_sg_rule_for_new_group(context, pod, new_top_sgs, new_bottom_sg_ids) if default_sg: self._handle_sg_rule_for_default_group( context, pod, default_sg, self.project_id) client = self._get_client(pod['pod_name']) nics = [ {'port-id': _port['port']} for _port in server_body['networks']] server = client.create_servers(context, name=server_body['name'], image=server_body['imageRef'], flavor=server_body['flavorRef'], nics=nics, security_groups=b_sg_ids) with context.session.begin(): core.create_resource(context, models.ResourceRouting, {'top_id': server['id'], 'bottom_id': server['id'], 'pod_id': pod['pod_id'], 'project_id': self.project_id, 'resource_type': constants.RT_SERVER}) pecan.response.status = 202 return {'server': server} @expose(generic=True, template='json') def delete(self, _id): context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ() mappings = db_api.get_bottom_mappings_by_top_id(context, _id, constants.RT_SERVER) if not mappings: pecan.response.status = 404 return {'Error': {'message': _('Server not found'), 'code': 404}} pod, bottom_id = mappings[0] client = self._get_client(pod['pod_name']) top_client = self._get_client() try: server_ports = top_client.list_ports( context, filters=[{'key': 'device_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': _id}]) ret = client.delete_servers(context, bottom_id) # none return value indicates server not found if ret is None: self._remove_stale_mapping(context, _id) pecan.response.status = 404 return {'Error': {'message': _('Server not found'), 'code': 404}} for server_port in server_ports: self.xjob_handler.delete_server_port(context, server_port['id']) except Exception as e: code = 500 message = _('Delete server %(server_id)s fails') % { 'server_id': _id} if hasattr(e, 'code'): code = e.code ex_message = str(e) if ex_message: message = ex_message LOG.error(message) pecan.response.status = code return {'Error': {'message': message, 'code': code}} # NOTE(zhiyuan) Security group rules for default security group are # also kept until subnet is deleted. pecan.response.status = 204 return pecan.response def _get_or_create_route(self, context, pod, _id, _type): def list_resources(t_ctx, q_ctx, pod_, ele, _type_): client = self._get_client(pod_['pod_name']) return client.list_resources(_type_, t_ctx, [{'key': 'name', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': ele['id']}]) return t_lock.get_or_create_route(context, None, self.project_id, pod, {'id': _id}, _type, list_resources) def _get_create_network_body(self, network): body = { 'network': { 'tenant_id': self.project_id, 'name': utils.get_bottom_network_name(network), 'admin_state_up': True } } network_type = network.get('provider:network_type') if network_type == constants.NT_SHARED_VLAN: body['network']['provider:network_type'] = 'vlan' body['network']['provider:physical_network'] = network[ 'provider:physical_network'] body['network']['provider:segmentation_id'] = network[ 'provider:segmentation_id'] return body def _get_create_subnet_body(self, subnet, bottom_net_id): body = { 'subnet': { 'network_id': bottom_net_id, 'name': subnet['id'], 'ip_version': subnet['ip_version'], 'cidr': subnet['cidr'], 'gateway_ip': subnet['gateway_ip'], 'allocation_pools': subnet['allocation_pools'], 'enable_dhcp': subnet['enable_dhcp'], 'tenant_id': self.project_id } } return body def _get_create_port_body(self, port, subnet_map, bottom_net_id, security_group_ids=None): bottom_fixed_ips = [] for ip in port['fixed_ips']: bottom_ip = {'subnet_id': subnet_map[ip['subnet_id']], 'ip_address': ip['ip_address']} bottom_fixed_ips.append(bottom_ip) body = { 'port': { 'tenant_id': self.project_id, 'admin_state_up': True, 'name': port['id'], 'network_id': bottom_net_id, 'mac_address': port['mac_address'], 'fixed_ips': bottom_fixed_ips } } if security_group_ids: body['port']['security_groups'] = security_group_ids return body def _get_create_dhcp_port_body(self, port, bottom_subnet_id, bottom_net_id): body = { 'port': { 'tenant_id': self.project_id, 'admin_state_up': True, 'name': port['id'], 'network_id': bottom_net_id, 'fixed_ips': [ {'subnet_id': bottom_subnet_id, 'ip_address': port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']} ], 'mac_address': port['mac_address'], 'binding:profile': {}, 'device_id': 'reserved_dhcp_port', 'device_owner': 'network:dhcp', } } return body def _prepare_neutron_element(self, context, pod, ele, _type, body): def list_resources(t_ctx, q_ctx, pod_, ele_, _type_): client = self._get_client(pod_['pod_name']) if _type_ == constants.RT_NETWORK: value = utils.get_bottom_network_name(ele_) else: value = ele_['id'] return client.list_resources( _type_, t_ctx, [{'key': 'name', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': value}]) def create_resources(t_ctx, q_ctx, pod_, body_, _type_): client = self._get_client(pod_['pod_name']) return client.create_resources(_type_, t_ctx, body_) # we don't need neutron context, so pass None return t_lock.get_or_create_element( context, None, self.project_id, pod, ele, _type, body, list_resources, create_resources) def _handle_network(self, context, pod, net, subnets, port=None, top_sg_ids=None, bottom_sg_ids=None): # network net_body = self._get_create_network_body(net) if net_body['network'].get('provider:network_type'): # if network type specified, we need to switch to admin account admin_context = t_context.get_admin_context() _, bottom_net_id = self._prepare_neutron_element( admin_context, pod, net, 'network', net_body) else: _, bottom_net_id = self._prepare_neutron_element( context, pod, net, 'network', net_body) # subnet subnet_map = {} for subnet in subnets: subnet_body = self._get_create_subnet_body(subnet, bottom_net_id) _, bottom_subnet_id = self._prepare_neutron_element( context, pod, subnet, 'subnet', subnet_body) subnet_map[subnet['id']] = bottom_subnet_id top_client = self._get_client() top_port_body = {'port': {'network_id': net['id'], 'admin_state_up': True}} if top_sg_ids: top_port_body['port']['security_groups'] = top_sg_ids # dhcp port client = self._get_client(pod['pod_name']) t_dhcp_port_filters = [ {'key': 'device_owner', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': 'network:dhcp'}, {'key': 'network_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': net['id']}, ] b_dhcp_port_filters = [ {'key': 'device_owner', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': 'network:dhcp'}, {'key': 'network_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': bottom_net_id}, ] top_dhcp_port_body = { 'port': { 'tenant_id': self.project_id, 'admin_state_up': True, 'name': 'dhcp_port', 'network_id': net['id'], 'binding:profile': {}, 'device_id': 'reserved_dhcp_port', 'device_owner': 'network:dhcp', } } t_dhcp_ports = top_client.list_ports(context, t_dhcp_port_filters) t_subnet_dhcp_map = {} for dhcp_port in t_dhcp_ports: subnet_id = dhcp_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] t_subnet_dhcp_map[subnet_id] = dhcp_port for t_subnet_id, b_subnet_id in subnet_map.iteritems(): if t_subnet_id in t_subnet_dhcp_map: t_dhcp_port = t_subnet_dhcp_map[t_subnet_id] else: t_dhcp_port = top_client.create_ports(context, top_dhcp_port_body) mappings = db_api.get_bottom_mappings_by_top_id( context, t_dhcp_port['id'], constants.RT_PORT) pod_list = [mapping[0]['pod_id'] for mapping in mappings] if pod['pod_id'] in pod_list: # mapping exists, skip this subnet continue dhcp_port_body = self._get_create_dhcp_port_body( t_dhcp_port, b_subnet_id, bottom_net_id) t_dhcp_ip = t_dhcp_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] b_dhcp_port = None try: b_dhcp_port = client.create_ports(context, dhcp_port_body) except Exception: # examine if we conflicted with a dhcp port which was # automatically created by bottom pod b_dhcp_ports = client.list_ports(context, b_dhcp_port_filters) dhcp_port_match = False for dhcp_port in b_dhcp_ports: subnet_id = dhcp_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] ip = dhcp_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] if b_subnet_id == subnet_id and t_dhcp_ip == ip: with context.session.begin(): core.create_resource( context, models.ResourceRouting, {'top_id': t_dhcp_port['id'], 'bottom_id': dhcp_port['id'], 'pod_id': pod['pod_id'], 'project_id': self.project_id, 'resource_type': constants.RT_PORT}) dhcp_port_match = True break if not dhcp_port_match: # so we didn't conflict with a dhcp port, raise exception raise if b_dhcp_port: with context.session.begin(): core.create_resource(context, models.ResourceRouting, {'top_id': t_dhcp_port['id'], 'bottom_id': b_dhcp_port['id'], 'pod_id': pod['pod_id'], 'project_id': self.project_id, 'resource_type': constants.RT_PORT}) # there is still one thing to do, there may be other dhcp ports # created by bottom pod, we need to delete them b_dhcp_ports = client.list_ports(context, b_dhcp_port_filters) remove_port_list = [] for dhcp_port in b_dhcp_ports: subnet_id = dhcp_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] ip = dhcp_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] if b_subnet_id == subnet_id and t_dhcp_ip != ip: remove_port_list.append(dhcp_port['id']) for dhcp_port_id in remove_port_list: # NOTE(zhiyuan) dhcp agent will receive this port-delete # notification and re-configure dhcp so our newly created # dhcp port can be used client.delete_ports(context, dhcp_port_id) # port if not port: port = top_client.create_ports(context, top_port_body) port_body = self._get_create_port_body( port, subnet_map, bottom_net_id, bottom_sg_ids) else: port_body = self._get_create_port_body(port, subnet_map, bottom_net_id) _, bottom_port_id = self._prepare_neutron_element(context, pod, port, 'port', port_body) return port['id'], bottom_port_id def _handle_port(self, context, pod, port): top_client = self._get_client() # NOTE(zhiyuan) at this moment, it is possible that the bottom port has # been created. if user creates a port and associate it with a floating # ip before booting a vm, tricircle plugin will create the bottom port # first in order to setup floating ip in bottom pod. but it is still # safe for us to use network id and subnet id in the returned port dict # since tricircle plugin will do id mapping and guarantee ids in the # dict are top id. net = top_client.get_networks(context, port['network_id']) subnets = [] for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']: subnets.append(top_client.get_subnets(context, fixed_ip['subnet_id'])) return self._handle_network(context, pod, net, subnets, port=port) @staticmethod def _safe_create_security_group_rule(context, client, body): try: client.create_security_group_rules(context, body) except q_exceptions.Conflict: return @staticmethod def _safe_delete_security_group_rule(context, client, _id): try: client.delete_security_group_rules(context, _id) except q_exceptions.NotFound: return def _handle_security_group(self, context, pod, top_sg_map, security_groups): t_sg_ids = [] b_sg_ids = [] is_news = [] for sg_name in security_groups: t_sg = top_sg_map[sg_name] sg_body = { 'security_group': { 'name': t_sg['id'], 'description': t_sg['description']}} is_new, b_sg_id = self._prepare_neutron_element( context, pod, t_sg, constants.RT_SG, sg_body) t_sg_ids.append(t_sg['id']) is_news.append(is_new) b_sg_ids.append(b_sg_id) return t_sg_ids, b_sg_ids, is_news @staticmethod def _construct_bottom_rule(rule, sg_id, ip=None): ip = ip or rule['remote_ip_prefix'] # if ip is passed, this is a extended rule for remote group return {'remote_group_id': None, 'direction': rule['direction'], 'remote_ip_prefix': ip, 'protocol': rule.get('protocol'), 'ethertype': rule['ethertype'], 'port_range_max': rule.get('port_range_max'), 'port_range_min': rule.get('port_range_min'), 'security_group_id': sg_id} @staticmethod def _compare_rule(rule1, rule2): for key in ('direction', 'remote_ip_prefix', 'protocol', 'ethertype', 'port_range_max', 'port_range_min'): if rule1[key] != rule2[key]: return False return True def _handle_sg_rule_for_default_group(self, context, pod, default_sg, project_id): top_client = self._get_client() new_b_rules = [] for t_rule in default_sg['security_group_rules']: if not t_rule['remote_group_id']: # leave sg_id empty here new_b_rules.append( self._construct_bottom_rule(t_rule, '')) continue if t_rule['ethertype'] != 'IPv4': continue subnets = top_client.list_subnets( context, [{'key': 'tenant_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': project_id}]) bridge_ip_net = netaddr.IPNetwork('') for subnet in subnets: ip_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr']) if ip_net in bridge_ip_net: continue # leave sg_id empty here new_b_rules.append( self._construct_bottom_rule(t_rule, '', subnet['cidr'])) mappings = db_api.get_bottom_mappings_by_top_id( context, default_sg['id'], constants.RT_SG) for pod, b_sg_id in mappings: client = self._get_client(pod['pod_name']) b_sg = client.get_security_groups(context, b_sg_id) add_rules = [] del_rules = [] match_index = set() for b_rule in b_sg['security_group_rules']: match = False for i, rule in enumerate(new_b_rules): if self._compare_rule(b_rule, rule): match = True match_index.add(i) break if not match: del_rules.append(b_rule) for i, rule in enumerate(new_b_rules): if i not in match_index: add_rules.append(rule) for del_rule in del_rules: self._safe_delete_security_group_rule( context, client, del_rule['id']) if add_rules: rule_body = {'security_group_rules': []} for add_rule in add_rules: add_rule['security_group_id'] = b_sg_id rule_body['security_group_rules'].append(add_rule) self._safe_create_security_group_rule(context, client, rule_body) def _handle_sg_rule_for_new_group(self, context, pod, top_sgs, bottom_sg_ids): client = self._get_client(pod['pod_name']) for i, t_sg in enumerate(top_sgs): b_sg_id = bottom_sg_ids[i] new_b_rules = [] for t_rule in t_sg['security_group_rules']: if t_rule['remote_group_id']: # we do not handle remote group rule for non-default # security group, actually tricircle plugin in neutron # will reject such rule # default security group is not passed with top_sgs so # t_rule will not belong to default security group continue new_b_rules.append( self._construct_bottom_rule(t_rule, b_sg_id)) try: b_sg = client.get_security_groups(context, b_sg_id) for b_rule in b_sg['security_group_rules']: self._safe_delete_security_group_rule( context, client, b_rule['id']) if new_b_rules: rule_body = {'security_group_rules': new_b_rules} self._safe_create_security_group_rule(context, client, rule_body) except Exception: # if we fails when operating bottom security group rule, we # update the security group mapping to set bottom_id to None # and expire the mapping, so next time the security group rule # operations can be redone with context.session.begin(): routes = core.query_resource( context, models.ResourceRouting, [{'key': 'top_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': t_sg['id']}, {'key': 'bottom_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': b_sg_id}], []) update_dict = {'bottom_id': None, 'created_at': constants.expire_time, 'updated_at': constants.expire_time} core.update_resource(context, models.ResourceRouting, routes[0]['id'], update_dict) raise @staticmethod def _get_create_server_body(origin, bottom_az): body = {} copy_fields = ['name', 'imageRef', 'flavorRef', 'max_count', 'min_count'] if bottom_az: body['availability_zone'] = bottom_az for field in copy_fields: if field in origin: body[field] = origin[field] return body @staticmethod def _remove_fip_info(servers): for server in servers: if 'addresses' not in server: continue for addresses in server['addresses'].values(): remove_index = -1 for i, address in enumerate(addresses): if address.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type') == 'floating': remove_index = i break if remove_index >= 0: del addresses[remove_index] @staticmethod def _remove_stale_mapping(context, server_id): filters = [{'key': 'top_id', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': server_id}, {'key': 'resource_type', 'comparator': 'eq', 'value': constants.RT_SERVER}] with context.session.begin(): core.delete_resources(context, models.ResourceRouting, filters) @staticmethod def _check_network_server_the_same_az(network, server_az): az_hints = 'availability_zone_hints' # if neutron az not assigned, server az is used if not network.get(az_hints): return True # temporally not support cross-pod network if len(network[az_hints]) > 1: return False if network[az_hints][0] == server_az: return True else: return False def _process_injected_file_quota(self, context, t_server_dict): try: ctx = context.elevated() injected_files = t_server_dict.get('injected_files', None) self._check_injected_file_quota(ctx, injected_files) except (t_exceptions.OnsetFileLimitExceeded, t_exceptions.OnsetFilePathLimitExceeded, t_exceptions.OnsetFileContentLimitExceeded) as e: msg = str(e) LOG.exception(_LE('Quota exceeded %(msg)s'), {'msg': msg}) return utils.format_nova_error(400, _('Quota exceeded %s') % msg) def _check_injected_file_quota(self, context, injected_files): """Enforce quota limits on injected files. Raises a QuotaError if any limit is exceeded. """ if injected_files is None: return # Check number of files first try: QUOTAS.limit_check(context, injected_files=len(injected_files)) except t_exceptions.OverQuota: raise t_exceptions.OnsetFileLimitExceeded() # OK, now count path and content lengths; we're looking for # the max... max_path = 0 max_content = 0 for path, content in injected_files: max_path = max(max_path, len(path)) max_content = max(max_content, len(content)) try: QUOTAS.limit_check(context, injected_file_path_bytes=max_path, injected_file_content_bytes=max_content) except t_exceptions.OverQuota as exc: # Favor path limit over content limit for reporting # purposes if 'injected_file_path_bytes' in exc.kwargs['overs']: raise t_exceptions.OnsetFilePathLimitExceeded() else: raise t_exceptions.OnsetFileContentLimitExceeded() def _process_metadata_quota(self, context, t_server_dict): try: ctx = context.elevated() metadata = t_server_dict.get('metadata', None) self._check_metadata_properties_quota(ctx, metadata) except t_exceptions.InvalidMetadata as e1: LOG.exception(_LE('Invalid metadata %(exception)s'), {'exception': str(e1)}) return utils.format_nova_error(400, _('Invalid metadata')) except t_exceptions.InvalidMetadataSize as e2: LOG.exception(_LE('Invalid metadata size %(exception)s'), {'exception': str(e2)}) return utils.format_nova_error(400, _('Invalid metadata size')) except t_exceptions.MetadataLimitExceeded as e3: LOG.exception(_LE('Quota exceeded %(exception)s'), {'exception': str(e3)}) return utils.format_nova_error(400, _('Quota exceeded in metadata')) def _check_metadata_properties_quota(self, context, metadata=None): """Enforce quota limits on metadata properties.""" if not metadata: metadata = {} if not isinstance(metadata, dict): msg = (_("Metadata type should be dict.")) raise t_exceptions.InvalidMetadata(reason=msg) num_metadata = len(metadata) try: QUOTAS.limit_check(context, metadata_items=num_metadata) except t_exceptions.OverQuota as exc: quota_metadata = exc.kwargs['quotas']['metadata_items'] raise t_exceptions.MetadataLimitExceeded(allowed=quota_metadata) # Because metadata is processed in the bottom pod, we just do # parameter validation here to ensure quota management for k, v in six.iteritems(metadata): try: utils.check_string_length(v) utils.check_string_length(k, min_len=1) except t_exceptions.InvalidInput as e: raise t_exceptions.InvalidMetadata(reason=str(e)) if len(k) > MAX_METADATA_KEY_LENGTH: msg = _("Metadata property key greater than 255 characters") raise t_exceptions.InvalidMetadataSize(reason=msg) if len(v) > MAX_METADATA_VALUE_LENGTH: msg = _("Metadata property value greater than 255 characters") raise t_exceptions.InvalidMetadataSize(reason=msg)