
272 lines
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# Copyright 2016 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from mock import patch
import pecan
import unittest
from tricircle.cinder_apigw.controllers import volume_type
from tricircle.common import context
from tricircle.db import api as db_api
from tricircle.db import core
class FakeResponse(object):
def __new__(cls, code=500):
cls.status = code
cls.status_code = code
return super(FakeResponse, cls).__new__(cls)
class VolumeTypeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.context = context.get_admin_context()
self.project_id = 'test_project'
self.controller = volume_type.VolumeTypeController(self.project_id)
def _validate_error_code(self, res, code):
self.assertEqual(code, res[res.keys()[0]]['code'])
@patch.object(pecan, 'response', new=FakeResponse)
@patch.object(context, 'extract_context_from_environ')
def test_post(self, mock_context):
mock_context.return_value = self.context
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-001',
'description': 'volume type 001',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
res = db_api.volume_type_get_by_name(self.context, 'vol-type-001')
self.assertEqual('vol-type-001', res['name'])
self.assertEqual('volume type 001', res['description'])
capabilities = res['extra_specs']['capabilities']
self.assertEqual('gpu', capabilities)
# failure case, only admin can create volume type
self.context.is_admin = False
res =**body)
self._validate_error_code(res, 403)
self.context.is_admin = True
# failure case, volume_type body is required
body = {'name': 'vol-type-002'}
res =**body)
self._validate_error_code(res, 400)
# failure case, volume type name is empty
body = {'volume_type': {'name': '',
'description': 'volume type 001',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
res =**body)
self._validate_error_code(res, 400)
# failure case, volume type name has more than 255 characters
body = {'volume_type': {'name': ('a' * 500),
'description': 'volume type 001',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu', }
res =**body)
self._validate_error_code(res, 400)
# failure case, volume type description has more than 255 characters
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-001',
'description': ('a' * 500),
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
self._validate_error_code(res, 400)
# failure case, is_public is invalid input
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-001',
'description': 'volume type 001',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': 'a',
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
res =**body)
self._validate_error_code(res, 400)
# failure case, volume type name is unique
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-001',
'description': 'volume type 001',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
res =**body)
self._validate_error_code(res, 409)
@patch.object(pecan, 'response', new=FakeResponse)
@patch.object(context, 'extract_context_from_environ')
def test_get_one(self, mock_context):
mock_context.return_value = self.context
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-001',
'description': 'volume type 001',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
vtype = db_api.volume_type_get_by_name(self.context, 'vol-type-001')
res = self.controller.get_one(vtype['id'])['volume_type']
self.assertEqual('vol-type-001', res['name'])
self.assertEqual('volume type 001', res['description'])
capabilities = res['extra_specs']['capabilities']
self.assertEqual('gpu', capabilities)
# failure case, volume type is not exist.
fake_id = "Fake_ID"
res = self.controller.get_one(fake_id)
self._validate_error_code(res, 404)
# failure case, the volume type is private.
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-002',
'description': 'volume type 002',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': False,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
vtype = db_api.volume_type_get_by_name(self.context, 'vol-type-002')
self.context.is_admin = False
res = self.controller.get_one(vtype['id'])
self._validate_error_code(res, 404)
@patch.object(context, 'extract_context_from_environ')
def test_get_all(self, mock_context):
mock_context.return_value = self.context
volume_type_001 = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-001',
'description': 'volume type 001',
'type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
volume_type_002 = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-002',
'description': 'volume type 002',
'type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
volume_types = self.controller.get_all()['volume_types']
self.assertEqual('vol-type-001', volume_types[0]['name'])
self.assertEqual('volume type 001', volume_types[0]['description'])
capabilities_001 = volume_types[0]['extra_specs']['capabilities']
self.assertEqual('gpu', capabilities_001)
self.assertEqual('vol-type-002', volume_types[1]['name'])
self.assertEqual('volume type 002', volume_types[1]['description'])
capabilities_002 = volume_types[1]['extra_specs']['capabilities']
self.assertEqual('gpu', capabilities_002)
@patch.object(pecan, 'response', new=FakeResponse)
@patch.object(context, 'extract_context_from_environ')
def test_put(self, mock_context):
mock_context.return_value = self.context
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-001',
'description': 'volume type 001',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
body_update = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-002',
'description': 'volume type 002',
'type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
vtype = db_api.volume_type_get_by_name(self.context, 'vol-type-001')
res = self.controller.put(vtype['id'], **body_update)['volume_type']
self.assertEqual('vol-type-002', res['name'])
self.assertEqual('volume type 002', res['description'])
capabilities = res['extra_specs']['capabilities']
self.assertEqual('gpu', capabilities)
# failure case, volume type name, description, is_public
# not None at the same time
body = {'volume_type': {'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
res = self.controller.put(vtype['id'], **body)
self._validate_error_code(res, 400)
# failure case, name exists in db
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-003',
'description': 'volume type 003',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
res = self.controller.put(vtype['id'], **body)
self._validate_error_code(res, 500)
@patch.object(pecan, 'response', new=FakeResponse)
@patch.object(db_api, 'volume_type_delete')
@patch.object(context, 'extract_context_from_environ')
def test_delete(self, mock_context, mock_delete):
mock_context.return_value = self.context
mock_delete.return_value = Exception()
body = {'volume_type': {'name': 'vol-type-001',
'description': 'volume type 001',
'os-volume-type-access:is_public': True,
'extra_specs': {
'capabilities': 'gpu',
vtype = db_api.volume_type_get_by_name(self.context, 'vol-type-001')
# failure case, only admin delete create volume type
self.context.is_admin = False
res = self.controller.delete(vtype['id'])
self._validate_error_code(res, 403)
# failure case, bad request
self.context.is_admin = True
res = self.controller.delete(_id=None)
self._validate_error_code(res, 404)
res = self.controller.delete(vtype['id'])
self.assertEqual(res.status, 202)
def tearDown(self):