Dongfeng Huang ee34ea53e9 Use tricircle cli instead of curl command
1. What is the problem
Tricircle cli has been implemented and can be used instead of curl,
it's more user friendly and convenient.

2. What is the solution for the problem
Update curl command with tricircle cli.

3. What the features need to be implemented to the
tricircle to realize the solution

Change-Id: Ib272c9cb53db06eb7185661953af1b46f54790d0
2017-07-27 11:42:06 +08:00

136 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File

# Script name:
# This script is to verify the installation of Tricircle in cross pod L3 networking.
# It verify both east-west and north-south networks.
# In this script, there are some parameters you need to consider before running it.
# 1, Post URL whether is or something else,
# 2, This script creates 2 subnets and, Change these if needed.
# 3, This script creates external subnet ext-net, Change it according to
# your own environment.
# 4, The floating ip attached to the VM with ip, created by the script
# "", modify it according to your own environment.
# Change the parameters according to your own environment.
# Finally, execute "" in the Node1.
# Author: Pengfei Shi <>
set -o xtrace
echo "Test work directory is $TEST_DIR."
if [ ! -r ];then
set -o xtrace
echo "Your work directory doesn't have,"
echo "Please check whether you are in tricircle/devstack/ or not and run this script."
exit 1
echo "Beginning the verify testing..."
echo "Import client environment variables:"
source $TEST_DIR/
echo "******************************"
echo "* Verify Endpoint *"
echo "******************************"
echo "List openstack endpoint:"
openstack --debug endpoint list
token=$(openstack token issue | awk 'NR==5 {print $4}')
echo $token
openstack multiregion networking pod create --region-name RegionOne
openstack multiregion networking pod create --region-name Pod1 --availability-zone az1
openstack multiregion networking pod create --region-name Pod2 --availability-zone az2
echo "******************************"
echo "* Verify Nova *"
echo "******************************"
echo "Show nova aggregate:"
nova aggregate-list
neutron net-create --availability-zone-hint az1 net1
neutron net-create --availability-zone-hint az2 net2
echo "Create external network ext-net:"
neutron net-create --router:external --provider:network_type vlan --provider:physical_network extern --availability-zone-hint Pod2 ext-net
echo "Create test flavor:"
nova flavor-create test 1 1024 10 1
echo "******************************"
echo "* Verify Neutron *"
echo "******************************"
echo "Create external subnet with floating ips:"
neutron subnet-create --name ext-subnet --disable-dhcp ext-net --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway
echo "Create router for subnets:"
neutron router-create router
echo "Set router external gateway:"
neutron router-gateway-set router ext-net
echo "Create net1 in Node1:"
neutron subnet-create net1
echo "Create net2 in Node2:"
neutron subnet-create net2
net1_id=$(neutron net-list |grep net1 | awk '{print $2}')
net2_id=$(neutron net-list |grep net2 | awk '{print $2}')
image_id=$(glance image-list |awk 'NR==4 {print $2}')
echo "Boot vm1 in az1:"
nova boot --flavor 1 --image $image_id --nic net-id=$net1_id --availability-zone az1 vm1
echo "Boot vm2 in az2:"
nova boot --flavor 1 --image $image_id --nic net-id=$net2_id --availability-zone az2 vm2
subnet1_id=$(neutron net-list |grep net1 |awk '{print $6}')
subnet2_id=$(neutron net-list |grep net2 |awk '{print $6}')
echo "Add interface of subnet1:"
neutron router-interface-add router $subnet1_id
echo "Add interface of subnet2:"
neutron router-interface-add router $subnet2_id
echo "******************************"
echo "* Verify VNC connection *"
echo "******************************"
echo "Get the VNC url of vm1:"
nova --os-region-name Pod1 get-vnc-console vm1 novnc
echo "Get the VNC url of vm2:"
nova --os-region-name Pod2 get-vnc-console vm2 novnc
echo "**************************************"
echo "* Verify External network *"
echo "**************************************"
echo "Create floating ip:"
neutron floatingip-create ext-net
echo "Show floating ips:"
neutron floatingip-list
echo "Show neutron ports:"
neutron port-list
floatingip_id=$(neutron floatingip-list | awk 'NR==4 {print $2}')
port_id=$(neutron port-list |grep |awk '{print $2}')
echo "Associate floating ip:"
neutron floatingip-associate $floatingip_id $port_id