
248 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import datetime
import inspect
import unittest
import oslo_db.exception
import sqlalchemy as sql
from tricircle.common import context
from tricircle.common import exceptions
from tricircle.db import api
from tricircle.db import core
from tricircle.db import models
def _get_field_value(column):
"""Get field value for resource creating
returning None indicates that not setting this field in resource dict
if column.nullable:
# just skip nullable column
return None
if isinstance(column.type, sql.Text):
return 'fake_text'
elif isinstance(column.type, sql.Enum):
return column.type.enums[0]
elif isinstance(column.type, sql.String):
return 'fake_str'
elif isinstance(column.type, sql.Integer):
return 1
elif isinstance(column.type, sql.Float):
return 1.0
elif isinstance(column.type, sql.Boolean):
return True
elif isinstance(column.type, sql.DateTime):
return datetime.datetime.utcnow()
return None
def _construct_resource_dict(resource_class):
ret_dict = {}
for field in inspect.getmembers(resource_class):
if field[0] in resource_class.attributes:
field_value = _get_field_value(field[1])
if field_value is not None:
ret_dict[field[0]] = field_value
return ret_dict
def _sort_model_by_foreign_key(resource_class_list):
"""Apply topology sorting to obey foreign key constraints"""
relation_map = {}
table_map = {}
# {table: (set(depend_on_table), set(depended_by_table))}
for resource_class in resource_class_list:
table = resource_class.__tablename__
if table not in relation_map:
relation_map[table] = (set(), set())
if table not in table_map:
table_map[table] = resource_class
for field in inspect.getmembers(resource_class):
if field[0] in resource_class.attributes:
f_keys = field[1].foreign_keys
for f_key in f_keys:
f_table =
# just skip self reference
if table == f_table:
if f_table not in relation_map:
relation_map[f_table] = (set(), set())
sorted_list = []
total = len(relation_map)
while len(sorted_list) < total:
candidate_table = None
for table in relation_map:
# no depend-on table
if not relation_map[table][0]:
candidate_table = table
for _table in relation_map[table][1]:
del relation_map[candidate_table]
return [table_map[table] for table in sorted_list]
class ModelsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.context = context.Context()
def test_obj_to_dict(self):
pod = {'pod_id': 'test_pod_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod',
'pod_az_name': 'test_pod_az_name',
'dc_name': 'test_dc_name',
'az_name': 'test_az_uuid'}
pod_obj = models.Pod.from_dict(pod)
for attr in pod_obj.attributes:
self.assertEqual(getattr(pod_obj, attr), pod[attr])
def test_create(self):
pod = {'pod_id': 'test_pod_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod',
'pod_az_name': 'test_pod_az_name',
'dc_name': 'test_dc_name',
'az_name': 'test_az_uuid'}
pod_ret = api.create_pod(self.context, pod)
self.assertEqual(pod_ret, pod)
configuration = {
'service_id': 'test_config_uuid',
'pod_id': 'test_pod_uuid',
'service_type': 'nova',
'service_url': 'http://test_url'
config_ret = api.create_cached_endpoints(self.context,
self.assertEqual(config_ret, configuration)
def test_update(self):
pod = {'pod_id': 'test_pod_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod',
'az_name': 'test_az1_uuid'}
api.create_pod(self.context, pod)
update_dict = {'pod_id': 'fake_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod2',
'az_name': 'test_az2_uuid'}
ret = api.update_pod(self.context, 'test_pod_uuid', update_dict)
# primary key value will not be updated
self.assertEqual(ret['pod_id'], 'test_pod_uuid')
self.assertEqual(ret['region_name'], 'test_pod2')
self.assertEqual(ret['az_name'], 'test_az2_uuid')
def test_delete(self):
pod = {'pod_id': 'test_pod_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod',
'az_name': 'test_az_uuid'}
api.create_pod(self.context, pod)
api.delete_pod(self.context, 'test_pod_uuid')
self.assertRaises(exceptions.ResourceNotFound, api.get_pod,
self.context, 'test_pod_uuid')
def test_query(self):
pod1 = {'pod_id': 'test_pod1_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod1',
'pod_az_name': 'test_pod_az_name1',
'dc_name': 'test_dc_name1',
'az_name': 'test_az1_uuid'}
pod2 = {'pod_id': 'test_pod2_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod2',
'pod_az_name': 'test_pod_az_name2',
'dc_name': 'test_dc_name1',
'az_name': 'test_az2_uuid'}
api.create_pod(self.context, pod1)
api.create_pod(self.context, pod2)
filters = [{'key': 'region_name',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'test_pod2'}]
pods = api.list_pods(self.context, filters)
self.assertEqual(len(pods), 1)
self.assertEqual(pods[0], pod2)
filters = [{'key': 'region_name',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'test_pod3'}]
pods = api.list_pods(self.context, filters)
self.assertEqual(len(pods), 0)
def test_sort(self):
pod1 = {'pod_id': 'test_pod1_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod1',
'pod_az_name': 'test_pod_az_name1',
'dc_name': 'test_dc_name1',
'az_name': 'test_az1_uuid'}
pod2 = {'pod_id': 'test_pod2_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod2',
'pod_az_name': 'test_pod_az_name2',
'dc_name': 'test_dc_name1',
'az_name': 'test_az2_uuid'}
pod3 = {'pod_id': 'test_pod3_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod3',
'pod_az_name': 'test_pod_az_name3',
'dc_name': 'test_dc_name1',
'az_name': 'test_az3_uuid'}
pods = [pod1, pod2, pod3]
for pod in pods:
api.create_pod(self.context, pod)
pods = api.list_pods(self.context,
sorts=[(models.Pod.pod_id, False)])
self.assertEqual(pods, [pod3, pod2, pod1])
def test_resources(self):
"""Create all the resources to test model definition"""
model_list = []
for _, model_class in inspect.getmembers(models):
if inspect.isclass(model_class) and (
issubclass(model_class, core.ModelBase)):
for model_class in _sort_model_by_foreign_key(model_list):
create_dict = _construct_resource_dict(model_class)
with self.context.session.begin():
self.context, model_class, create_dict)
except Exception as e:
msg = str(e)'test_resources raised Exception unexpectedly %s' % msg)
def test_resource_routing_unique_key(self):
pod = {'pod_id': 'test_pod1_uuid',
'region_name': 'test_pod1',
'az_name': 'test_az1_uuid'}
api.create_pod(self.context, pod)
routing = {'top_id': 'top_uuid',
'pod_id': 'test_pod1_uuid',
'resource_type': 'port'}
with self.context.session.begin():
core.create_resource(self.context, models.ResourceRouting, routing)
self.context, models.ResourceRouting, routing)
def tearDown(self):