Use shell module to generate keys

openssh_keypair ansible module was moved to community.crypto
collection from Ansible-Core 2.11, we can't use it now.
For using it in the product we either need to package and add to
deps and maintain the whole community.crypto module, either to
use 'shell' command to generate the keys.
Added "creates" so keys won't be overridden if they exists,
keeping the idempotency. [1]


Change-Id: Ib9a31518ee9408d89abff4c4eb18a7cfe243fb58
(cherry picked from commit d5cdae7897)
This commit is contained in:
Sagi Shnaidman 2021-11-09 15:39:18 +02:00 committed by Douglas Viroel
parent 52f779b55f
commit 1accb1e4e2
2 changed files with 15 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -58,8 +58,9 @@
state: directory
- name: Generate ssh key for Octavia
path: "{{ ssh_key_dir }}/octavia_id_rsa"
shell: "ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -f {{ ssh_key_dir }}/octavia_id_rsa"
creates: "{{ ssh_key_dir }}/octavia_id_rsa"
no_log: "{{ octavia_undercloud_config_hide_sensitive_logs | bool }}"
- name: Set ssh key path fact

View File

@ -36,20 +36,28 @@
- "{{ tripleo_transfer_dest_host }}"
- name: generate ssh key-pair in source host
path: "{{ tripleo_transfer_key_location }}"
shell: "ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -N '' -f {{ tripleo_transfer_key_location }}"
creates: "{{ tripleo_transfer_key_location }}"
delegate_to: "{{ tripleo_transfer_src_host }}"
become: "{{ tripleo_transfer_src_become }}"
register: keypair_generation
- name: register public key
command: "cat {{ tripleo_transfer_key_location }}.pub"
delegate_to: "{{ tripleo_transfer_src_host }}"
become: "{{ tripleo_transfer_src_become }}"
register: keypair_gen
when: keypair_generation is succeeded
- name: set authorized-keys in destination host
comment: "Added by tripleo-transfer"
user: "{{ ansible_user|default(ansible_ssh_user|default(hostvars[tripleo_transfer_dest_host].ansible_user_id)) }}"
state: present
key: "{{ keypair_gen.public_key }}"
key: "{{ keypair_gen.stdout }}"
delegate_to: "{{ tripleo_transfer_dest_host }}"
when: keypair_gen is succeeded
when: keypair_generation is succeeded
- import_tasks: flag.yml