Introduce module tripleo_derive_hci_parameters

Derive HCI parameters with an Ansible module instead of
a Mistral workflow.

Also adds the cli-derive-local-hci-parameters.yml playbook
which may be run before a deployment to generate a Heat
environment file to use as input to a deployment.

Story: 2007419
Task: 40710
Change-Id: I6ea9686a98a98c1fcb8d06f44eac830129fd74b0
This commit is contained in:
John Fulton 2020-08-17 20:11:58 +00:00
parent a9ab69a59d
commit 75afb950a5
7 changed files with 747 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Module - tripleo_derive_hci_parameters
This module provides for the following ansible plugin:
* tripleo_derive_hci_parameters
.. ansibleautoplugin::
:module: tripleo_ansible/ansible_plugins/modules/
:documentation: true
:examples: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Derive paramters for HCI (hyper-converged) deployments"""
import re
import yaml
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
'metadata_version': '0.1',
'status': ['preview'],
'supported_by': 'community'
module: tripleo_derive_hci_parameters
short_description: Tune Nova scheduler parameters to reserve resources for collocated Ceph OSDs
- "When collocating Ceph OSDs on Nova Compute hosts (hyperconverged or hci) the Nova Scheduler does not take into account the CPU/Memory needs of the OSDs. This module returns recommended NovaReservedHostMemory and NovaCPUAllocationRatio parmaters so that the host reseves memory and CPU for Ceph. The values are based on workload description, deployment configuration, and Ironic data. The workload description is the expected average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage and average_guest_memory_size_in_mb."
description: Map from key environment_parameters from output of the tripleo_get_flatten_stack module stack_data. Used to determine number of OSDs in deployment per role
required: True
type: map
description: TripleO role name whose parameters are being derived
required: True
type: string
description: Output of the tripleo_get_introspected_data module. Used to determine available memory and CPU of each instance from any role with the CephOSD service
required: True
type: map
description: Percentage of CPU utilization expected for average guest, e.g. 99 means 99% and 10 means 10%
required: True
type: int
description: Amount of memory in MB required by the average guest
required: True
type: int
description: any previously derived parameters which should be included in the final result
required: False
type: map
description: Path to file new where resultant derived parameters will be written; result will be valid input to TripleO client, e.g. /home/stack/derived_paramaters.yaml
required: False
type: str
description: Path to file new where a report on how HCI paramters were derived be written, e.g. /home/stack/hci_derived_paramaters.txt
required: False
type: str
- John Fulton (fultonj)
- name: Add Derived HCI parameters to existing derived parameters for ComputeHCI role
tripleo_environment_parameters: "{{ tripleo_environment_parameters }}"
introspection_data: "{{ hw_data }}"
derived_parameters: "{{ derived_parameters }}"
tripleo_role_name: "ComputeHCI"
average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage: 90
average_guest_memory_size_in_mb: 8192
new_heat_environment_path: "/home/stack/hci_result.yaml"
report_path: "/home/stack/hci_report.txt"
register: derived_parameters_result
- name: Show derived HCI Memory result
msg: "{{ derived_parameters_result['derived_parameters']['ComputeHCIParameters']['NovaReservedHostMemory'] }}"
- name: Show derived HCI CPU result
msg: "{{ derived_parameters_result['derived_parameters']['ComputeHCIParameters']['NovaCPUAllocationRatio'] }}"
- name: Update deployment plan with derived_parameters
container: "{{ plan }}"
parameter_key: 'derived_parameters'
parameters: "{{ derived_parameters_result['derived_parameters'] }}"
validate: true
RETURN = '''
description: A description of the HCI derived parameters calculation or an error message
type: str
returned: always
description: map with derived hci paramters and any previously derived parameters
required: False
type: map
MB_PER_GB = 1024
def derive(mem_gb, vcpus, osds, average_guest_memory_size_in_mb,
mem_gb_per_osd=5, vcpus_per_osd=1.0, total_memory_threshold=0.8):
Determines the recommended Nova scheduler values based on Ceph needs.
Returns dictionary containing the keys: cpu_allocation_ratio (float),
nova_reserved_mem_mb (int), message (string), failed (boolean).
gb_overhead_per_guest = 0.5 # based on measurement in test environment
# seed the result
derived = {}
derived['message'] = ""
derived['failed'] = False
# catch possible errors in parameters
if mem_gb < 1:
msg = "Unable to determine the amount of physical memory "
msg += "(no 'memory_mb' found in introspection_data)."
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
derived['failed'] = True
if vcpus < 1:
msg = "Unable to determine the number of CPU cores. "
msg += "Either no 'cpus' found in introspection_data or "
msg += "NovaVcpuPinSet is not correctly set."
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
derived['failed'] = True
if osds < 1:
msg = "No OSDs were found in deployment definition under CephAnsibleDisksConfig"
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
derived['failed'] = True
if average_guest_memory_size_in_mb < 0:
msg = "The average_guest_memory_size_in_mb must be a positive integer."
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
derived['failed'] = True
if average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage < 0:
msg = "The average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage must be a positive integer."
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
derived['failed'] = True
left_over_mem = mem_gb - (mem_gb_per_osd * osds)
if left_over_mem < 0:
msg = "There is not enough memory to run %d OSDs. " % (osds)
msg += "%d GB RAM - (%d GB per OSD * %d OSDs) is < 0" % (mem_gb, mem_gb_per_osd, osds)
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
derived['failed'] = True
if derived['failed']:
return derived
# perform the calculation
average_guest_size = average_guest_memory_size_in_mb / float(MB_PER_GB)
average_guest_util = average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage * 0.01
number_of_guests = int(left_over_mem
/ (average_guest_size + gb_overhead_per_guest))
nova_reserved_mem_mb = MB_PER_GB * ((mem_gb_per_osd * osds)
+ (number_of_guests * gb_overhead_per_guest))
nonceph_vcpus = vcpus - (vcpus_per_osd * osds)
guest_vcpus = nonceph_vcpus / average_guest_util
cpu_allocation_ratio = guest_vcpus / vcpus
# save calculation results
derived['cpu_allocation_ratio'] = cpu_allocation_ratio
derived['nova_reserved_mem_mb'] = int(nova_reserved_mem_mb)
# capture derivation details in message
msg = "Derived Parameters results"
msg += "\n Inputs:"
msg += "\n - Total host RAM in GB: %d" % mem_gb
msg += "\n - Total host vCPUs: %d" % vcpus
msg += "\n - Ceph OSDs per host: %d" % osds
msg += "\n - Average guest memory size in GB: %d" % average_guest_size
msg += "\n - Average guest CPU utilization: %.0f%%" % \
msg += "\n "
msg += "\n Outputs:"
msg += "\n - number of guests allowed based on memory = %d" % number_of_guests
msg += "\n - number of guest vCPUs allowed = %d" % int(guest_vcpus)
msg += "\n - nova.conf reserved_host_memory = %d MB" % nova_reserved_mem_mb
msg += "\n - nova.conf cpu_allocation_ratio = %2.2f" % cpu_allocation_ratio
msg += "\n "
msg += "\nCompare \"guest vCPUs allowed\" to \"guests allowed based on memory\""
msg += "\nfor actual guest count."
msg += "\n "
warning_msg = ""
if nova_reserved_mem_mb > (MB_PER_GB * mem_gb * total_memory_threshold):
warning_msg += "ERROR: %d GB is not enough memory to run hyperconverged\n" % mem_gb
derived['failed'] = True
if cpu_allocation_ratio < 0.5:
warning_msg += "ERROR: %d is not enough vCPU to run hyperconverged\n" % vcpus
derived['failed'] = True
if cpu_allocation_ratio > 16.0:
warning_msg += "WARNING: do not increase vCPU overcommit ratio beyond 16:1\n"
derived['message'] = warning_msg + msg
return derived
def count_osds(tripleo_environment_parameters):
Counts the requested OSDs in the tripleo_environment_parameters.
Returns an integer representing the count.
total = 0
disks_config = tripleo_environment_parameters['CephAnsibleDisksConfig']
for key in ['devices', 'lvm_volumes']:
total = total + len(disks_config[key])
except KeyError:
return total
def count_memory(ironic):
Counts the memory found in the ironic introspection data as
represented by memory_mb. Returns integer of memory in GB.
memory = ironic['data']['memory_mb'] / float(MB_PER_GB)
except KeyError:
memory = 0
return memory
def convert_range_to_number_list(range_list):
Returns list of numbers from descriptive range input list
E.g. ['12-14', '^13', '17'] is converted to [12, 14, 17]
Returns string with error message if unable to parse input
# borrowed from
num_list = []
exclude_num_list = []
for val in range_list:
val = val.strip(' ')
if '^' in val:
elif '-' in val:
split_list = val.split("-")
range_min = int(split_list[0])
range_max = int(split_list[1])
num_list.extend(range(range_min, (range_max + 1)))
except ValueError as exc:
return "Parse Error: Invalid number in input param 'num_list': %s" % exc
return [num for num in num_list if num not in exclude_num_list]
def count_nova_vcpu_pins(module):
Returns the number of CPUs defined in NovaVcpuPinSet as set in
the environment or derived parameters. If multiple NovaVcpuPinSet
parameters are defined, priority is given to role, then the default
value for all roles, and then what's in previously derived_parameters
tripleo_role_name = module.params['tripleo_role_name']
tripleo_environment_parameters = module.params['tripleo_environment_parameters']
derived_parameters = module.params['derived_parameters']
# NovaVcpuPinSet can be defined in multiple locations, and it's
# important to select the value in order of precedence:
# 1) User specified value for this role
# 2) User specified default value for all roles
# 3) Value derived by a previous derived parameters playbook run
# Set an exclusive prioritized possible_location to get the NovaVcpuPinSet
if tripleo_role_name + 'Parameters' in tripleo_environment_parameters: # 1
possible_location = tripleo_environment_parameters[tripleo_role_name + 'Parameters']
elif 'NovaVcpuPinSet' in tripleo_environment_parameters: # 2
possible_location = tripleo_environment_parameters
elif tripleo_role_name + 'Parameters' in derived_parameters: # 3
possible_location = derived_parameters[tripleo_role_name + 'Parameters']
else: # default the possible_location to an empty dictionary
possible_location = {}
if 'NovaVcpuPinSet' in possible_location:
converted = convert_range_to_number_list(possible_location['NovaVcpuPinSet'])
if isinstance(converted, str):
if isinstance(converted, list):
return len(converted)
return 0
def count_vcpus(module):
# if only look at ironic data if NovaVcpuPinSet is not used
vcpus = count_nova_vcpu_pins(module)
if vcpus == 0:
vcpus = module.params['introspection_data']['data']['cpus']
except KeyError:
vcpus = 0
return vcpus
def get_vcpus_per_osd(ironic, tripleo_environment_parameters, num_osds):
Dynamically sets the vCPU to OSD ratio based the OSD type to:
HDD | OSDs per device: 1 | vCPUs per device: 1
SSD | OSDs per device: 1 | vCPUs per device: 4
NVMe | OSDs per device: 4 | vCPUs per device: 3
Gets requested OSD list from tripleo_environment_parameters input
and looks up the device type in ironic input. Returns the vCPUs
per OSD, an explanation message, and a boolean warning if settings
are non-optimal.
msg_pre = "OSD type distribution: \n"
msg = ""
cpus = 1.0
nvme_re = re.compile('.*nvme.*')
type_map = {}
hdd_count = ssd_count = nvme_count = 0
warning = False
devices = tripleo_environment_parameters['CephAnsibleDisksConfig']['devices']
except KeyError:
devices = []
msg = "No devices defined in CephAnsibleDisksConfig"
warning = True
ironic_disks = ironic['data']['inventory']['disks']
except KeyError:
ironic_disks = []
msg = "No disks found in introspection data inventory"
warning = True
if len(devices) != num_osds:
msg = "Not all OSDs are in the devices list. "
msg += "Unable to determine hardware type for all OSDs. "
msg += "This might be because lvm_volumes was used to define some OSDs. "
warning = True
elif len(devices) > 0 and len(ironic_disks) > 0:
disks_config = tripleo_environment_parameters['CephAnsibleDisksConfig']
for osd_dev in disks_config['devices']:
for ironic_dev in ironic_disks:
for key in ('name', 'by_path', 'wwn'):
if key in ironic_dev:
if osd_dev == ironic_dev[key]:
if 'rotational' in ironic_dev:
if ironic_dev['rotational']:
type_map[osd_dev] = 'hdd'
hdd_count += 1
type_map[osd_dev] = 'nvme'
nvme_count += 1
type_map[osd_dev] = 'ssd'
ssd_count += 1
msg = " HDDs %i | Non-NVMe SSDs %i | NVMe SSDs %i \n " % \
(hdd_count, ssd_count, nvme_count)
if hdd_count > 0 and ssd_count == 0 and nvme_count == 0:
cpus = 1 # default
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
elif hdd_count == 0 and ssd_count > 0 and nvme_count == 0:
cpus = 4
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
elif hdd_count == 0 and ssd_count == 0 and nvme_count > 0:
# did they set OSDs per device?
if 'osds_per_device' in disks_config:
osds_per_device = disks_config['osds_per_device']
osds_per_device = 1 # default defined in ceph-ansible
if osds_per_device == 4:
# All NVMe OSDs so 12 vCPUs per OSD for optimal IO performance
cpus = 3
cpus = 4 # use standard SSD default
msg += "\nWarning: osds_per_device not set to 4 "
msg += "but all OSDs are of type NVMe. \n"
msg += "Recomentation to improve IO: "
msg += "set osds_per_device to 4 and re-run \n"
msg += "so that vCPU to OSD ratio is 3 "
msg += "for 12 vCPUs per OSD."
warning = True
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
msg += " (found osds_per_device set to: %i)" % osds_per_device
elif hdd_count == 0 and ssd_count == 0 and nvme_count == 0:
cpus = 1 # default
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
msg += "\nWarning: unable to determine OSD types. "
msg += "Unable to recommend optimal ratio so using default."
warning = True
cpus = 1 # default
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
msg += "\nWarning: Requested OSDs are of mixed type. "
msg += "Unable to recommend optimal ratio so using default."
warning = True
return cpus, msg_pre + msg, warning
def main():
"""Main method of Ansible module
result = dict(
module_args = dict(
tripleo_environment_parameters=dict(type=dict, required=True),
tripleo_role_name=dict(type=str, required=True),
introspection_data=dict(type=dict, required=True),
average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage=dict(type=int, required=True),
average_guest_memory_size_in_mb=dict(type=int, required=True),
derived_parameters=dict(type=dict, required=False),
new_heat_environment_path=dict(type=str, required=False),
report_path=dict(type=str, required=False),
module = AnsibleModule(
if module.params['derived_parameters'] is None:
module.params['derived_parameters'] = {}
vcpus = count_vcpus(module)
num_osds = count_osds(module.params['tripleo_environment_parameters'])
mem_gb = count_memory(module.params['introspection_data'])
mem_gb_per_osd = 5
vcpu_ratio, vcpu_ratio_msg, vcpu_warn = get_vcpus_per_osd(
# Derive HCI parameters
derivation = derive(mem_gb, vcpus, num_osds,
mem_gb_per_osd, vcpu_ratio)
# directly set failed status and message
result['failed'] = derivation['failed']
result['message'] = derivation['message']
if vcpu_warn:
result['message'] += "\n" + "Warning: " + vcpu_ratio_msg + "\n"
result['message'] += "\n" + vcpu_ratio_msg + "\n"
# make a copy of the existing derived_parameters (e.g. perhaps from NFV)
existing_params = module.params['derived_parameters']
# add HCI derived paramters for Nova scheduler
if not derivation['failed']:
role_derivation = {}
role_derivation['NovaReservedHostMemory'] = derivation['nova_reserved_mem_mb']
role_derivation['NovaCPUAllocationRatio'] = derivation['cpu_allocation_ratio']
role_name_parameters = module.params['tripleo_role_name'] + 'Parameters'
existing_params[role_name_parameters] = role_derivation
# write out to file if requested
if module.params['new_heat_environment_path'] and not module.check_mode:
output = {}
output['parameter_defaults'] = existing_params
with open(module.params['new_heat_environment_path'], 'w') as outfile:
yaml.safe_dump(output, outfile, default_flow_style=False)
# because we wrote a file we're making a change on the target system
result['changed'] = True
if module.params['report_path'] and not module.check_mode:
with open(module.params['report_path'], 'w') as outfile:
# because we wrote a file we're making a change on the target system
result['changed'] = True
# return existing derived parameters with the new HCI parameters too
result['derived_parameters'] = existing_params
# Exit and pass the key/value results
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
- name: Derive HCI parameters before deployment
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
# Set the following variables for your environment
ironic_node_id: # provide your Ironic UUID here
role: ComputeHCI
average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage: 50
average_guest_memory_size_in_mb: 8192
heat_environment_input_file: /home/stack/ceph_overrides.yaml
new_heat_environment_output_file: /home/stack/hci_result.yaml
report_path: /home/stack/hci_report.txt
- name: Get baremetal inspection data
node_id: "{{ ironic_node_id }}"
register: ironic
- name: Get tripleo CephDisks environment paramters
heat_env: "{{ lookup('file', heat_environment_input_file) | from_yaml }}"
- name: Derive HCI parameters
tripleo_role_name: "{{ role }}"
average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage: "{{ average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage }}"
average_guest_memory_size_in_mb: "{{ average_guest_memory_size_in_mb }}"
introspection_data: "{{ ironic }}"
tripleo_environment_parameters: "{{ heat_env['parameter_defaults'] }}"
new_heat_environment_path: "{{ new_heat_environment_output_file }}"
report_path: "{{ report_path }}"
register: derived_parameters_result
- name: Display steps on what to do next
msg: >-
You may deploy your overcloud using -e {{ new_heat_environment_output_file }}
so that the role {{ role }} has its Nova configuration tuned to reserve
CPU and Memory for its collocated Ceph OSDs. For an explanation see
{{ report_path }}.

View File

@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
include_role: include_role:
name: tripleo_derived_parameters name: tripleo_derived_parameters
vars: vars:
tripleo_plan_name: "overcloud" tripleo_plan_name: "" # empty string so molecule doesn't try to update plan
tripleo_all_nodes: [] # empty list so molecule doesn't try to talk to ironic
tripleo_role_name: "{{ outer_item }}" tripleo_role_name: "{{ outer_item }}"
tripleo_environment_parameters: "{{ tripleo_get_flatten_params.stack_data.environment_parameters }}" tripleo_environment_parameters: "{{ tripleo_get_flatten_params.stack_data.environment_parameters }}"
tripleo_heat_resource_tree: "{{ tripleo_get_flatten_params.stack_data.heat_resource_tree }}" tripleo_heat_resource_tree: "{{ tripleo_get_flatten_params.stack_data.heat_resource_tree }}"

View File

@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
hctl: "0:0:0:0" hctl: "0:0:0:0"
by_path: "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:01.1-ata-1" by_path: "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:01.1-ata-1"
memory: memory:
total: 5951889408 total: 274877766206
physical_mb: 5860 physical_mb: 256000
bmc_address: "" bmc_address: ""
bmc_v6address: "::/0" bmc_v6address: "::/0"
system_vendor: system_vendor:
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
local_gb: 99 local_gb: 99
cpus: 2 cpus: 2
cpu_arch: "x86_64" cpu_arch: "x86_64"
memory_mb: 5860 memory_mb: 256000
extra: extra:
disk: disk:
logical: logical:

View File

@ -23,10 +23,18 @@
set_fact: set_fact:
service_chain: "{{ resource_chains | get_filtered_service_chain(role_chain.resources) }}" service_chain: "{{ resource_chains | get_filtered_service_chain(role_chain.resources) }}"
- name: Set role service fact - name: Set role services fact
set_fact: set_fact:
role_services: "{{ service_chain.resources | get_filtered_role_resources(tripleo_heat_resource_tree.resources) }}" role_services: "{{ service_chain.resources | get_filtered_role_resources(tripleo_heat_resource_tree.resources) }}"
- name: Set role service key fact
role_service_key: "{{ tripleo_role_name }}Services"
- name: Set role_services_from_key fact
role_services_from_key: "{{ tripleo_heat_resource_tree['parameters'][role_service_key]['default'] }}"
- name: Set features facts - name: Set features facts
set_fact: set_fact:
dpdk: |- dpdk: |-
@ -39,9 +47,8 @@
{% set service_types = role_services.values() | map(attribute='type') | list %} {% set service_types = role_services.values() | map(attribute='type') | list %}
{{ ((service_types | map('regex_search', '.*\:\:NeutronSriovAgent') | list | length) > 0) | bool }} {{ ((service_types | map('regex_search', '.*\:\:NeutronSriovAgent') | list | length) > 0) | bool }}
hci: |- hci: |-
{% set service_types = role_services.values() | map(attribute='type') | list %} {% set novacompute = ((role_services_from_key | map('regex_search', '.*\:\:NovaCompute') | select('string') | list | length) > 0) | bool %}
{% set novacompute = ((service_types | map('regex_search', '.*\:\:NovaCompute') | list | length) > 0) | bool %} {% set cephosd = ((role_services_from_key | map('regex_search', '.*\:\:CephOSD') | select('string') | list | length) > 0) | bool %}
{% set cephosd = ((service_types | map('regex_search', '.*\:\:CephOSD') | list | length) > 0) | bool %}
{{ (novacompute | bool) and (cephosd | bool) }} {{ (novacompute | bool) and (cephosd | bool) }}
- name: Set feature fact - name: Set feature fact
@ -156,13 +163,13 @@
register: baremetal_data register: baremetal_data
when: when:
- role_node_uuid is defined - role_node_uuid is defined
- baremetal_data is undefined
- name: Set hardware data fact - name: Set hardware data fact
set_fact: set_fact:
hw_data: "{{ }}" hw_data: "{{ }}"
when: when:
- baremetal_data is defined - baremetal_data is defined
- baremetal_data['data'] is defined
@ -217,23 +224,6 @@
# on-success: handle_hci_feature # on-success: handle_hci_feature
# on-error: set_status_failed_get_host_derive_params # on-error: set_status_failed_get_host_derive_params
# handle_hci_feature:
# on-success:
# - get_hci_derive_params: <% $.role_features.contains('HCI') %>
# get_hci_derive_params:
# workflow: tripleo.derive_params_formulas.v1.hci_derive_params
# input:
# tripleo_role_name: <% $.tripleo_role_name %>
# tripleo_heat_resource_tree: <% $.tripleo_heat_resource_tree %>
# introspection_data: <% $.hw_data %>
# user_inputs: <% $.user_inputs %>
# derived_parameters: <% $.derived_parameters %>
# publish:
# derived_parameters: <% task().result.get('derived_parameters', {}) %>
# on-error: set_status_failed_get_hci_derive_params
# # Done (no more derived parameter features)
- name: Derive parameters for HCI - name: Derive parameters for HCI
when: when:
- hci - hci
@ -245,35 +235,45 @@
loop: "{{ lookup('dict', hci_profile_config) }}" loop: "{{ lookup('dict', hci_profile_config) }}"
when: item.key == hci_profile when: item.key == hci_profile
# Replace with a call to new a hci_derived_parameters module with these inputs - name: Default derive parameters for HCI
- name: set mock_hci_derived_parameters_inputs
set_fact: set_fact:
mock_hci_derived_parameters_inputs: derived_parameters: {}
tripleo_heat_resource_tree: "{{ tripleo_heat_resource_tree }}" when:
introspection_data: "{{ hw_data }}" - derived_parameters is not defined
- name: Derive parameters for HCI (collocated ceph-osd/nova-compute nodes)
tripleo_environment_parameters: "{{ tripleo_environment_parameters }}"
tripleo_role_name: "{{ tripleo_role_name }}"
introspection_data: "{{ baremetal_data }}"
average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage: "{{ average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage }}" average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage: "{{ average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage }}"
average_guest_memory_size_in_mb: "{{ average_guest_memory_size_in_mb }}" average_guest_memory_size_in_mb: "{{ average_guest_memory_size_in_mb }}"
derived_parameters: {} derived_parameters: "{{ derived_parameters }}"
register: derived_parameters_result
# hci_derived_parameters module will update derived_parameters_result instead - name: Show HCI derived paramters results
- name: set mock_derived_parameters_result debug:
set_fact: msg: "{{ derived_parameters_result }}"
mock_derived_parameters_result: when:
NovaReservedHostMemory: 180224 - derived_parameters_result is defined
NovaCPUAllocationRatio: 2 - derived_parameters_result|length >0
- name: Update derived params block - name: Update derived params block
when: when:
- derived_parameters_result is defined - derived_parameters_result is defined
- derived_parameters_result|length >0
- tripleo_plan_name is defined
- tripleo_plan_name|length >0
- derived_parameters_result['derived_parameters'] is defined
block: block:
- name: Reset params - name: Reset params
tripleo_reset_params: tripleo_reset_params:
container: "{{ plan }}" container: "{{ tripleo_plan_name }}"
parameter_key: derived_parameters parameter_key: derived_parameters
- name: Update derive_parameters in plan - name: Update derive_parameters in plan
tripleo_plan_parameters_update: tripleo_plan_parameters_update:
container: "{{ plan }}" container: "{{ tripleo_plan_name }}"
parameter_key: 'derived_parameters' parameter_key: 'derived_parameters'
parameters: "{{ derived_parameters_result }}" parameters: "{{ derived_parameters_result['derived_parameters'] }}"
validate: true validate: true

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Test the derive and get_vcpus_per_osd methods of the HCI module"""
import yaml
from tripleo_ansible.ansible_plugins.modules import tripleo_derive_hci_parameters as derive_params
from tripleo_ansible.tests import base as tests_base
class TestTripleoDeriveHciParameters(tests_base.TestCase):
"""Test the derive method of the HCI module"""
def test_derive_positive(self):
"""Test the derive method with valid input and confirm expected result
der = derive_params.derive(mem_gb=256, vcpus=4, osds=1,
self.assertEqual(der['nova_reserved_mem_mb'], 56320)
self.assertEqual(der['cpu_allocation_ratio'], 3.75)
def test_derive_negative(self):
"""Test the derive method with invalid input
der = derive_params.derive(mem_gb=2, vcpus=1, osds=1,
def test_vcpu_ratio(self):
"""Test the get_vcpus_per_osd method and confirm expected result
def mock_ironic():
"""Return a dictionary with partial disks section of introspection
return {'data':
{'by_path': '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:07.0-scsi-0:0:0:5',
'name': '/dev/sda',
'rotational': True,
'wwn': None},
{'by_path': '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:07.0-scsi-0:0:0:4',
'name': '/dev/sdb',
'rotational': True,
'wwn': None},
{'by_path': '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:07.0-scsi-0:0:0:3',
'name': '/dev/sdc',
'rotational': True,
'wwn': None},
{'by_path': '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:07.0-scsi-0:0:0:2',
'name': '/dev/sdd',
'rotational': True,
'wwn': None},
{'by_path': '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:01.1-ata-1',
'name': '/dev/sde',
'rotational': True,
'wwn': None}
def get_ironic(flavor='hdd'):
"""Returns a dictionary which mocks ironic introspection
data. Uses mock introspection data as the source but then
applies flavor variations to make it look like the system
which was introspected has SSD or NVMe SSDs.
ironic = mock_ironic()
if flavor in 'ssd':
for dev in ironic['data']['inventory']['disks']:
dev['rotational'] = False
if flavor in 'nvme':
i = 1
for dev in ironic['data']['inventory']['disks']:
nvm_name = "/dev/nvme0n%i" % i
dev['name'] = nvm_name
dev['rotational'] = False
i += 1
return ironic
def get_env(flavor='hdd', osds_per_device=1):
"""Returns a dictionary which mocks the content of the
tripleo_environment_parameters CephAnsibleDisksConfig
where the deployer requests four OSDs using device
list within ceph-ansible of differing flavor types.
The flavor may be set to one of hdd, ssd, by_path,
or nvme and it is also possible to set the
osds_per_device (usually used with NVMe). Uses mock
introspection data in molecule to build the device
list with flavor variations.
ironic = mock_ironic()
devices = []
i = 1
for dev in ironic['data']['inventory']['disks']:
if flavor in ('hdd', 'ssd'):
elif flavor in 'by_path':
elif flavor in 'nvme':
nvm_name = "/dev/nvme0n%i" % i
i += 1
if i > 4:
disks_config = {
"osd_objectstore": "bluestore",
"osd_scenario": "lvm",
"devices": devices
if osds_per_device > 1:
disks_config['osds_per_device'] = osds_per_device
env = {
"CephAnsibleDisksConfig": disks_config
return env
ratio_map = {
'hdd': 1,
'ssd': 4,
'by_path': 1,
'nvme': 3
for flavor in ratio_map:
if flavor == 'nvme':
osds_per_device = 4
osds_per_device = 0
env = get_env(flavor, osds_per_device)
ironic = get_ironic(flavor)
num_osds = len(env['CephAnsibleDisksConfig']['devices'])
vcpu_ratio, vcpu_msg, vcpu_warn = derive_params.get_vcpus_per_osd(ironic,
self.assertEqual(vcpu_ratio, ratio_map[flavor])