Merge "Code cleaning of tripleo_derive_hci_parameters module"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2021-05-04 10:17:35 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit cec79b26a8
2 changed files with 85 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -128,8 +128,9 @@ def derive(mem_gb, vcpus, osds, average_guest_memory_size_in_mb=0,
# seed the result
derived = {}
derived['message'] = ""
derived['failed'] = False
derived['message'] = ""
messages = []
if average_guest_memory_size_in_mb == 0 and \
average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage == 0:
@ -139,42 +140,40 @@ def derive(mem_gb, vcpus, osds, average_guest_memory_size_in_mb=0,
# catch possible errors in parameters
if mem_gb < 1:
msg = "Unable to determine the amount of physical memory "
msg += "(no 'memory_mb' found in introspection_data)."
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
messages.append("Unable to determine the amount of physical memory "
"(no 'memory_mb' found in introspection_data).")
derived['failed'] = True
if vcpus < 1:
msg = "Unable to determine the number of CPU cores. "
msg += "Either no 'cpus' found in introspection_data or "
msg += "NovaVcpuPinSet is not correctly set."
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
messages.append("Unable to determine the number of CPU cores. "
"Either no 'cpus' found in introspection_data or "
"NovaVcpuPinSet is not correctly set.")
derived['failed'] = True
if osds < 1:
msg = "No OSDs were found in deployment definition under CephAnsibleDisksConfig"
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
messages.append("No OSDs were found in the deployment definition. ")
derived['failed'] = True
if average_guest_memory_size_in_mb < 0 and workload:
msg = "If average_guest_memory_size_in_mb is used it must be greater than 0"
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
messages.append("If average_guest_memory_size_in_mb "
"is used it must be greater than 0")
derived['failed'] = True
if average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage < 0 and workload:
msg = "If average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage is used it must be greater than 0"
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
messages.append("If average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage is "
"used it must be greater than 0")
derived['failed'] = True
left_over_mem = mem_gb - (mem_gb_per_osd * osds)
if left_over_mem < 0:
msg = "There is not enough memory to run %d OSDs. " % (osds)
msg += "%d GB RAM - (%d GB per OSD * %d OSDs) is < 0" % (mem_gb, mem_gb_per_osd, osds)
derived['message'] += msg + "\n"
messages.append(("There is not enough memory to run %d OSDs. "
"%d GB RAM - (%d GB per OSD * %d OSDs) is < 0")
% (osds, mem_gb, mem_gb_per_osd, osds))
derived['failed'] = True
if derived['failed']:
derived['message'] = " ".join(messages)
return derived
# perform the calculation
@ -197,47 +196,49 @@ def derive(mem_gb, vcpus, osds, average_guest_memory_size_in_mb=0,
derived['cpu_allocation_ratio'] = cpu_allocation_ratio
# capture derivation details in message
msg = "Derived Parameters results"
msg += "\n Inputs:"
msg += "\n - Total host RAM in GB: %d" % mem_gb
msg += "\n - Total host vCPUs: %d" % vcpus
msg += "\n - Ceph OSDs per host: %d" % osds
messages.append(("Derived Parameters results"
"\n Inputs:"
"\n - Total host RAM in GB: %d"
"\n - Total host vCPUs: %d"
"\n - Ceph OSDs per host: %d")
% (mem_gb, vcpus, osds))
if workload:
msg += "\n - Average guest memory size in GB: %d" % average_guest_size
msg += "\n - Average guest CPU utilization: %.0f%%" % \
msg += "\n "
msg += "\n Outputs:"
messages.append(("\n - Average guest memory size in GB: %d"
"\n - Average guest CPU utilization: %.0f%%") %
(average_guest_size, average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage))
messages.append("\n Outputs:")
if workload:
msg += "\n - number of guests allowed based on memory = %d" % number_of_guests
msg += "\n - number of guest vCPUs allowed = %d" % int(guest_vcpus)
msg += "\n - nova.conf cpu_allocation_ratio = %2.2f" % cpu_allocation_ratio
msg += "\n - nova.conf reserved_host_memory = %d MB" % nova_reserved_mem_mb
msg += "\n "
messages.append(("\n - number of guests allowed based on memory = %d"
"\n - number of guest vCPUs allowed = %d"
"\n - nova.conf cpu_allocation_ratio = %2.2f") %
(number_of_guests, int(guest_vcpus), cpu_allocation_ratio))
messages.append(("\n - nova.conf reserved_host_memory = %d MB"
% nova_reserved_mem_mb))
if workload:
msg += "\nCompare \"guest vCPUs allowed\" to \"guests allowed based on memory\""
msg += "\nfor actual guest count."
msg += "\n "
messages.append("\nCompare \"guest vCPUs allowed\" to "
"\"guests allowed based on memory\" "
"for actual guest count.")
warning_msg = ""
warnings = []
if nova_reserved_mem_mb > (MB_PER_GB * mem_gb * total_memory_threshold):
warning_msg += "ERROR: %d GB is not enough memory to run hyperconverged\n" % mem_gb
warnings.append(("ERROR: %d GB is not enough memory to "
"run hyperconverged\n") % mem_gb)
derived['failed'] = True
if workload:
if cpu_allocation_ratio < 0.5:
warning_msg += "ERROR: %d is not enough vCPU to run hyperconverged\n" % vcpus
warnings.append("ERROR: %d is not enough vCPU to run hyperconverged\n" % vcpus)
derived['failed'] = True
if cpu_allocation_ratio > 16.0:
warning_msg += "WARNING: do not increase vCPU overcommit ratio beyond 16:1\n"
warnings.append("WARNING: do not increase vCPU overcommit ratio beyond 16:1\n")
warning_msg += "WARNING: the average guest workload was not provided. \n"
warning_msg += "Both average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage and \n"
warning_msg += "average_guest_memory_size_in_mb are defaulted to 0. \n"
warning_msg += "The HCI derived parameter calculation cannot set the \n"
warning_msg += "Nova cpu_allocation_ratio. The Nova reserved_host_memory_mb \n"
warning_msg += "will be set based on the number of OSDs but the Nova \n"
warning_msg += "guest memory overhead will not be taken into account. \n"
derived['message'] = warning_msg + msg
warnings.append("WARNING: the average guest workload was not provided. \n"
"Both average_guest_cpu_utilization_percentage and \n"
"average_guest_memory_size_in_mb are defaulted to 0. \n"
"The HCI derived parameter calculation cannot set the \n"
"Nova cpu_allocation_ratio. The Nova reserved_host_memory_mb \n"
"will be set based on the number of OSDs but the Nova \n"
"guest memory overhead will not be taken into account. \n")
derived['message'] = " ".join(warnings) + " ".join(messages)
return derived
@ -355,32 +356,30 @@ def get_vcpus_per_osd(ironic, tripleo_environment_parameters, num_osds):
NVMe | OSDs per device: 4 | vCPUs per device: 3
Gets requested OSD list from tripleo_environment_parameters input
and looks up the device type in ironic input. Returns the vCPUs
per OSD, an explanation message, and a boolean warning if settings
are non-optimal.
per OSD, an explanation message.
msg_pre = "OSD type distribution: \n"
msg = ""
cpus = 1.0
nvme_re = re.compile('.*nvme.*')
type_map = {}
hdd_count = ssd_count = nvme_count = 0
warning = False
messages = []
devices = tripleo_environment_parameters['CephAnsibleDisksConfig']['devices']
except KeyError:
devices = []
msg = "No devices defined in CephAnsibleDisksConfig"
messages.append("No devices defined in CephAnsibleDisksConfig")
warning = True
ironic_disks = ironic['data']['inventory']['disks']
except KeyError:
ironic_disks = []
msg = "No disks found in introspection data inventory"
messages.append("No disks found in introspection data inventory")
warning = True
if len(devices) != num_osds:
msg = "Not all OSDs are in the devices list. "
msg += "Unable to determine hardware type for all OSDs. "
msg += "This might be because lvm_volumes was used to define some OSDs. "
messages.append("Not all OSDs are in the devices list. Unable to "
"determine hardware type for all OSDs. This might be "
"because lvm_volumes was used to define some OSDs. ")
warning = True
elif len(devices) > 0 and len(ironic_disks) > 0:
disks_config = tripleo_environment_parameters['CephAnsibleDisksConfig']
@ -399,14 +398,14 @@ def get_vcpus_per_osd(ironic, tripleo_environment_parameters, num_osds):
type_map[osd_dev] = 'ssd'
ssd_count += 1
msg = " HDDs %i | Non-NVMe SSDs %i | NVMe SSDs %i \n " % \
(hdd_count, ssd_count, nvme_count)
messages.append(("HDDs %i | Non-NVMe SSDs %i | NVMe SSDs %i \n" %
(hdd_count, ssd_count, nvme_count)))
if hdd_count > 0 and ssd_count == 0 and nvme_count == 0:
cpus = 1 # default
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
messages.append(("vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus))
elif hdd_count == 0 and ssd_count > 0 and nvme_count == 0:
cpus = 4
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
messages.append(("vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus))
elif hdd_count == 0 and ssd_count == 0 and nvme_count > 0:
# did they set OSDs per device?
if 'osds_per_device' in disks_config:
@ -418,29 +417,35 @@ def get_vcpus_per_osd(ironic, tripleo_environment_parameters, num_osds):
cpus = 3
cpus = 4 # use standard SSD default
msg += "\nWarning: osds_per_device not set to 4 "
msg += "but all OSDs are of type NVMe. \n"
msg += "Recomentation to improve IO: "
msg += "set osds_per_device to 4 and re-run \n"
msg += "so that vCPU to OSD ratio is 3 "
msg += "for 12 vCPUs per OSD."
messages.append("\nWarning: osds_per_device not set to 4 "
"but all OSDs are of type NVMe. \n"
"Recomentation to improve IO: "
"set osds_per_device to 4 and re-run \n"
"so that vCPU to OSD ratio is 3 "
"for 12 vCPUs per OSD device.")
warning = True
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
msg += " (found osds_per_device set to: %i)" % osds_per_device
messages.append(("vCPU to OSD ratio: %i"
" (found osds_per_device set to: %i)") %
(cpus, osds_per_device))
elif hdd_count == 0 and ssd_count == 0 and nvme_count == 0:
cpus = 1 # default
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
msg += "\nWarning: unable to determine OSD types. "
msg += "Unable to recommend optimal ratio so using default."
messages.append(("vCPU to OSD ratio: %i \nWarning: "
"unable to determine OSD types. "
"Unable to recommend optimal ratio "
"so using default.") % cpus)
warning = True
cpus = 1 # default
msg += "vCPU to OSD ratio: %i" % cpus
msg += "\nWarning: Requested OSDs are of mixed type. "
msg += "Unable to recommend optimal ratio so using default."
messages.append(("vCPU to OSD ratio: %i \nWarning: Requested "
"OSDs are of mixed type. Unable to recommend "
"optimal ratio so using default.") % cpus)
warning = True
return cpus, msg_pre + msg, warning
msg = "".join(["\nOSD type distribution:\n"] + messages)
if warning:
msg = "WARNING: " + msg
return cpus, msg
def main():
@ -473,7 +478,7 @@ def main():
mem_gb = count_memory(module.params['introspection_data'])
mem_gb_per_osd = 5
vcpu_ratio, vcpu_ratio_msg, vcpu_warn = get_vcpus_per_osd(
vcpu_ratio, vcpu_ratio_msg = get_vcpus_per_osd(
@ -486,11 +491,7 @@ def main():
# directly set failed status and message
result['failed'] = derivation['failed']
result['message'] = derivation['message']
if vcpu_warn:
result['message'] += "\n" + "Warning: " + vcpu_ratio_msg + "\n"
result['message'] += "\n" + vcpu_ratio_msg + "\n"
result['message'] = derivation['message'] + "\n" + vcpu_ratio_msg
# make a copy of the existing derived_parameters (e.g. perhaps from NFV)
existing_params = module.params['derived_parameters']

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@ -147,12 +147,11 @@ class TestTripleoDeriveHciParameters(tests_base.TestCase):
env = get_env(flavor, osds_per_device)
ironic = get_ironic(flavor)
num_osds = len(env['CephAnsibleDisksConfig']['devices'])
vcpu_ratio, vcpu_msg, vcpu_warn = derive_params.get_vcpus_per_osd(ironic,
vcpu_ratio, vcpu_msg = derive_params.get_vcpus_per_osd(ironic,
self.assertEqual(vcpu_ratio, ratio_map[flavor])
def test_derive_without_workload(self):
"""Test the derive method without passing the expected average