#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import __metaclass__ = type from concurrent import futures from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_cloud_from_module from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_full_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_module_kwargs import metalsmith from metalsmith import instance_config from metalsmith import sources import yaml ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: metalsmith_instances short_description: Manage baremetal instances with metalsmith version_added: "2.9" author: "Steve Baker (@stevebaker)" description: - Provision and unprovision ironic baremetal instances using metalsmith, which is a a simple tool to provision bare metal machines using OpenStack Bare Metal Service (ironic) and, optionally, OpenStack Image Service (glance) and OpenStack Networking Service (neutron). options: instances: description: - List of node description dicts to perform operations on type: list default: [] elements: dict suboptions: hostname: description: - Host name to use, defaults to Node's name or UUID type: str name: description: - The name of an existing node to provision type: str image: description: - Details of the image you want to provision onto the node type: dict required: True suboptions: href: description: - Image to use (name, UUID or URL) type: str required: True checksum : description: - Image MD5 checksum or URL with checksums type: str kernel: description: - URL of the image's kernel type: str ramdisk: description: - URL of the image's ramdisk type: str nics: description: - List of requested NICs type: list elements: dict suboptions: network: description: - Network to create a port on (name or UUID) subnet: description: - Subnet to create a port on (name or UUID) port: description: - Port to attach (name or UUID) fixed_ip: description: - Attach IP from the network netboot: description: - Boot from network instead of local disk default: no type: bool root_size_gb: description: - Root partition size (in GiB), defaults to (local_gb - 1) type: int swap_size_mb: description: - Swap partition size (in MiB), defaults to no swap type: int capabilities: description: - Selection criteria to match the node capabilities type: dict traits: description: - Traits the node should have type: list elements: str ssh_public_keys: description: - SSH public keys to load type: str resource_class: description: - Node resource class to provision type: str default: baremetal conductor_group: description: - Conductor group to pick the node from type: str user_name: description: - Name of the admin user to create type: str passwordless_sudo: description: - Allow password-less sudo for the user default: yes type: bool clean_up: description: - Clean up resources on failure default: yes type: bool state: description: - Desired provision state, "present" to provision, "absent" to unprovision, "reserved" to create an allocation record without changing the node state default: present choices: - present - absent - reserved wait: description: - A boolean value instructing the module to wait for node provision to complete before returning. A 'yes' is implied if the number of instances is more than the concurrency. type: bool default: no timeout: description: - An integer value representing the number of seconds to wait for the node provision to complete. type: int default: 3660 concurrency: description: - Maximum number of instances to provision at once. Set to 0 to have no concurrency limit type: int ''' def _get_source(instance): image = instance.get('image') return sources.detect(image=image.get('href'), kernel=image.get('kernel'), ramdisk=image.get('ramdisk'), checksum=image.get('checksum')) def reserve(provisioner, instances, clean_up): nodes = [] for instance in instances: if instance.get('name') is not None: # NOTE(dtantsur): metalsmith accepts list of instances to pick # from. We implement a simplest case when a user can pick a # node by its name (actually, UUID will also work). candidates = [instance['name']] else: candidates = None try: node = provisioner.reserve_node( resource_class=instance.get('resource_class', 'baremetal'), capabilities=instance.get('capabilities'), candidates=candidates, traits=instance.get('traits'), conductor_group=instance.get('conductor_group')), if isinstance(node, tuple): node = node[0] nodes.append(node) # side-effect of populating the instance name, which is passed to # a later provision step instance['name'] = node.id except Exception as exc: if clean_up: # Remove all reservations on failure _release_nodes(provisioner, [i.id for i in nodes]) raise exc return len(nodes) > 0, nodes def _release_nodes(provisioner, node_ids): for node in node_ids: try: provisioner.unprovision_node(node) except Exception: pass def provision(provisioner, instances, timeout, concurrency, clean_up, wait): # first, ensure all instances are reserved reserve(provisioner, [i for i in instances if not i.get('name')], clean_up) nodes = [] # no limit on concurrency, create a worker for every instance if concurrency < 1: concurrency = len(instances) # if concurrency is less than instances, need to wait for # instance completion if concurrency < len(instances): wait = True provision_jobs = [] exceptions = [] with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=concurrency) as p: for i in instances: provision_jobs.append(p.submit( _provision_instance, provisioner, i, nodes, timeout, wait )) for job in futures.as_completed(provision_jobs): e = job.exception() if e: exceptions.append(e) if clean_up: # first, cancel all jobs for job in provision_jobs: job.cancel() # Unprovision all provisioned so far. # This is best-effort as some provision calls may have # started but not yet appended to nodes. _release_nodes(provisioner, [i.uuid for i in nodes]) nodes = [] if exceptions: # TODO(sbaker) future enhancement to tolerate a proportion of failures # so that provisioning and deployment can continue raise exceptions[0] return len(nodes) > 0, nodes def _provision_instance(provisioner, instance, nodes, timeout, wait): name = instance.get('name') image = _get_source(instance) ssh_keys = instance.get('ssh_public_keys') config = instance_config.CloudInitConfig(ssh_keys=ssh_keys) if instance.get('user_name'): config.add_user(instance.get('user_name'), admin=True, sudo=instance.get('passwordless_sudo', True)) node = provisioner.provision_node( name, config=config, hostname=instance.get('hostname'), image=image, nics=instance.get('nics'), root_size_gb=instance.get('root_size_gb'), swap_size_mb=instance.get('swap_size_mb'), netboot=instance.get('netboot', False) ) nodes.append(node) if wait: provisioner.wait_for_provisioning( [node.uuid], timeout=timeout) def unprovision(provisioner, instances): for instance in instances: provisioner.unprovision_node(instance.get('name')) return True def main(): argument_spec = openstack_full_argument_spec( **yaml.safe_load(DOCUMENTATION)['options'] ) module_kwargs = openstack_module_kwargs() module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, **module_kwargs ) sdk, cloud = openstack_cloud_from_module(module) provisioner = metalsmith.Provisioner(cloud_region=cloud.config) instances = module.params['instances'] state = module.params['state'] concurrency = module.params['concurrency'] timeout = module.params['timeout'] wait = module.params['wait'] clean_up = module.params['clean_up'] if state == 'present': changed, nodes = provision(provisioner, instances, timeout, concurrency, clean_up, wait) instances = [{ 'name': i.node.name or i.uuid, 'hostname': i.hostname, 'id': i.uuid, } for i in nodes] module.exit_json( changed=changed, msg="{} instances provisioned".format(len(nodes)), instances=instances, ) if state == 'reserved': changed, nodes = reserve(provisioner, instances, clean_up) module.exit_json( changed=changed, msg="{} instances reserved".format(len(nodes)), ids=[node.id for node in nodes], instances=instances ) if state == 'absent': changed = unprovision(provisioner, instances) module.exit_json( changed=changed, msg="{} nodes unprovisioned".format(len(instances)) ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()