#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2018 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import yaml try: from ansible.module_utils import tripleo_common_utils as tc except ImportError: from tripleo_ansible.ansible_plugins.module_utils import tripleo_common_utils as tc try: from ansible.module_utils import network_data_v2 except ImportError: from tripleo_ansible.ansible_plugins.module_utils import network_data_v2 from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_full_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_module_kwargs from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_cloud_from_module ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: tripleo_composable_network short_description: Create a TripleO Composable network version_added: "2.8" description: - "Create a TripleO Composable network, a network, one or more segments and one or more subnets" options: net_data: description: - Structure describing a TripleO composable network type: dict author: - Harald Jensås ''' RETURN = ''' ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Create composable networks tripleo_composable_network: net_data: name: Storage name_lower: storage dns_domain: storage.localdomain. mtu: 1442 subnets: storage_subnet: ip_subnet: gateway_ip: allocation_pools: - start: end: routes: - destination: nexthop: vip: true vlan: 20 storage_leaf1: ip_subnet: gateway_ip: allocation_pools: - start: end: routes: - destination: nexthop: vip: false vlan: 21 ''' DEFAULT_ADMIN_STATE = False DEFAULT_SHARED = False DEFAULT_DOMAIN = 'localdomain.' DEFAULT_NETWORK_TYPE = 'flat' DEFAULT_MTU = 1500 DEFAULT_VLAN_ID = 1 def build_network_tag_field(net_data): tags = [] service_net_map_replace = net_data.get('service_net_map_replace') vip = net_data.get('vip') if service_net_map_replace: tags.append('='.join(['tripleo_service_net_map_replace', service_net_map_replace])) if vip: tags.append('='.join(['tripleo_vip', 'true'])) return tags def build_subnet_tag_field(subnet_data): tags = [] vlan_id = subnet_data.get('vlan') vlan_id = str(vlan_id) if vlan_id is not None else str(DEFAULT_VLAN_ID) tags.append('='.join(['tripleo_vlan_id', vlan_id])) return tags def create_net_spec(net_data): name_lower = net_data.get('name_lower', net_data['name'].lower()) net_spec = { 'admin_state_up': net_data.get('admin_state_up', DEFAULT_ADMIN_STATE), 'dns_domain': net_data.get( 'dns_domain', '.'.join([net_data['name'].lower(), DEFAULT_DOMAIN]) ), 'mtu': net_data.get('mtu', DEFAULT_MTU), 'name': net_data['name'], 'shared': net_data.get('shared', DEFAULT_SHARED), 'provider:physical_network': name_lower, 'provider:network_type': DEFAULT_NETWORK_TYPE, } net_spec.update({'tags': build_network_tag_field(net_data)}) return net_spec def validate_network_update(module, network, net_spec): # Fail if updating read-only attributes if (network.provider_network_type != net_spec.pop( 'provider:network_type') and network.provider_network_type is not None): module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update provider:network_type in existing network') # NOTE(hjensas): When a network have multiple segments, # attributes provider:network_type, provider:physical_network is None # for the network. if (network.provider_physical_network != net_spec.pop( 'provider:physical_network') and network.provider_physical_network is not None): module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update provider:physical_network in existing network') # Remove fields that don't need update from spec if network.is_admin_state_up == net_spec['admin_state_up']: net_spec.pop('admin_state_up') if network.dns_domain == net_spec['dns_domain']: net_spec.pop('dns_domain') if network.mtu == net_spec['mtu']: net_spec.pop('mtu') if network.name == net_spec['name']: net_spec.pop('name') if network.is_shared == net_spec['shared']: net_spec.pop('shared') return net_spec def create_or_update_network(conn, module, net_spec): changed = False # Need to use set_tags for the tags ... tags = net_spec.pop('tags') network = conn.network.find_network(net_spec['name']) if not network: network = conn.network.create_network(**net_spec) changed = True else: net_spec = validate_network_update(module, network, net_spec) if net_spec: network = conn.network.update_network(network.id, **net_spec) changed = True if network.tags != tags: conn.network.set_tags(network, tags) changed = True return changed, network def create_segment_spec(net_id, net_name, subnet_name, physical_network=None): name = '_'.join([net_name, subnet_name]) if physical_network is None: physical_network = name else: physical_network = physical_network return {'network_id': net_id, 'physical_network': physical_network, 'name': name, 'network_type': DEFAULT_NETWORK_TYPE} def validate_segment_update(module, segment, segment_spec): # Fail if updating read-only attributes if segment.network_id != segment_spec.pop('network_id'): module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update network_id in existing segment') if segment.network_type != segment_spec.pop('network_type'): module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update network_type in existing segment') if segment.physical_network != segment_spec.pop('physical_network'): module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update physical_network in existing segment') # Remove fields that don't need update from spec if segment.name == segment_spec['name']: segment_spec.pop('name') return segment_spec def create_or_update_segment(conn, module, segment_spec, segment_id=None): changed = False if segment_id: segment = conn.network.find_segment(segment_id) else: segment = conn.network.find_segment( segment_spec['name'], network_id=segment_spec['network_id']) if not segment: segment = conn.network.create_segment(**segment_spec) changed = True else: segment_spec = validate_segment_update(module, segment, segment_spec) if segment_spec: segment = conn.network.update_segment(segment.id, **segment_spec) changed = True return changed, segment def create_subnet_spec(net_id, name, subnet_data): tags = build_subnet_tag_field(subnet_data) subnet_v4_spec = None subnet_v6_spec = None if subnet_data.get('ip_subnet'): subnet_v4_spec = { 'ip_version': 4, 'name': name, 'network_id': net_id, 'enable_dhcp': subnet_data.get('enable_dhcp', False), 'gateway_ip': subnet_data.get('gateway_ip', None), 'cidr': subnet_data['ip_subnet'], 'allocation_pools': subnet_data.get('allocation_pools', []), 'host_routes': subnet_data.get('routes', []), 'tags': tags, } if subnet_data.get('ipv6_subnet'): subnet_v6_spec = { 'ip_version': 6, 'name': name, 'network_id': net_id, 'enable_dhcp': subnet_data.get('enable_dhcp', False), 'ipv6_address_mode': subnet_data.get('ipv6_address_mode', None), 'ipv6_ra_mode': subnet_data.get('ipv6_ra_mode', None), 'gateway_ip': subnet_data.get('gateway_ipv6', None), 'cidr': subnet_data['ipv6_subnet'], 'allocation_pools': subnet_data.get('ipv6_allocation_pools', []), 'host_routes': subnet_data.get('routes_ipv6', []), 'tags': tags, } return subnet_v4_spec, subnet_v6_spec def validate_subnet_update(module, subnet, subnet_spec): # Fail if updating read-only attributes if subnet.ip_version != subnet_spec.pop('ip_version'): module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update ip_version in existing subnet') if subnet.network_id != subnet_spec.pop('network_id'): module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update network_id in existing subnet') if subnet.cidr != subnet_spec.pop('cidr'): module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update cidr in existing subnet') segment_id = subnet_spec.pop('segment_id') if subnet.segment_id != segment_id: module.fail_json( msg='Cannot update segment_id in existing subnet, ' 'Current segment_id: {} Update segment_id: {}'.format( subnet.segment_id, segment_id)) # Remove fields that don't need update from spec if subnet.name == subnet_spec['name']: subnet_spec.pop('name') if subnet.is_dhcp_enabled == subnet_spec['enable_dhcp']: subnet_spec.pop('enable_dhcp') if subnet.ipv6_address_mode == subnet_spec.get('ipv6_address_mode'): try: subnet_spec.pop('ipv6_address_mode') except KeyError: pass if subnet.ipv6_ra_mode == subnet_spec.get('ipv6_ra_mode'): try: subnet_spec.pop('ipv6_ra_mode') except KeyError: pass if subnet.gateway_ip == subnet_spec['gateway_ip']: subnet_spec.pop('gateway_ip') if subnet.allocation_pools == subnet_spec['allocation_pools']: subnet_spec.pop('allocation_pools') if subnet.host_routes == subnet_spec['host_routes']: subnet_spec.pop('host_routes') return subnet_spec def create_or_update_subnet(conn, module, subnet_spec): changed = False # Need to use set_tags for the tags ... tags = subnet_spec.pop('tags') subnet = conn.network.find_subnet(subnet_spec['name'], network_id=subnet_spec['network_id']) if not subnet: subnet = conn.network.create_subnet(**subnet_spec) changed = True else: subnet_spec = validate_subnet_update(module, subnet, subnet_spec) if subnet_spec: subnet = conn.network.update_subnet(subnet.id, **subnet_spec) changed = True if subnet.tags != tags: conn.network.set_tags(subnet, tags) changed = True return changed def adopt_the_implicit_segment(conn, module, segments, subnets, network): changed = False # Check for implicit segment implicit_segment = [s for s in segments if s['name'] is None] if not implicit_segment: return changed if len(implicit_segment) > 1: module.fail_json(msg='Multiple segments with no name attribute exist ' 'on network {}, unable to reliably adopt the ' 'implicit segment.'.format(network.id)) else: implicit_segment = implicit_segment[0] if implicit_segment and subnets: subnet_associated = [s for s in subnets if s.segment_id == implicit_segment.id][0] segment_spec = create_segment_spec( network.id, network.name, subnet_associated.name, physical_network=implicit_segment.physical_network) create_or_update_segment(conn, module, segment_spec, segment_id=implicit_segment.id) changed = True return changed elif implicit_segment and not subnets: conn.network.delete_segment(implicit_segment.id) changed = True return changed module.fail_json(msg='ERROR: Unable to reliably adopt the implicit ' 'segment.') def run_module(): result = dict( success=False, changed=False, error="", ) argument_spec = openstack_full_argument_spec( **yaml.safe_load(DOCUMENTATION)['options'] ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, **openstack_module_kwargs() ) net_data = module.params['net_data'] error_messages = network_data_v2.validate_json_schema(net_data) if error_messages: module.fail_json(msg='\n\n'.join(error_messages)) try: _, conn = openstack_cloud_from_module(module) # Create or update the network net_spec = create_net_spec(net_data) changed, network = create_or_update_network(conn, module, net_spec) result['changed'] = changed if changed else result['changed'] # Get current segments and subnets on the network segments = list(conn.network.segments(network_id=network.id)) subnets = list(conn.network.subnets(network_id=network.id)) changed = adopt_the_implicit_segment(conn, module, segments, subnets, network) result['changed'] = changed if changed else result['changed'] for subnet_name, subnet_data in net_data.get('subnets', {}).items(): segment_spec = create_segment_spec( network.id, network.name, subnet_name, physical_network=subnet_data.get('physical_network')) subnet_v4_spec, subnet_v6_spec = create_subnet_spec( network.id, subnet_name, subnet_data) changed, segment = create_or_update_segment( conn, module, segment_spec) result['changed'] = changed if changed else result['changed'] if subnet_v4_spec: subnet_v4_spec.update({'segment_id': segment.id}) changed = create_or_update_subnet(conn, module, subnet_v4_spec) result['changed'] = changed if changed else result['changed'] if subnet_v6_spec: subnet_v6_spec.update({'segment_id': segment.id}) changed = create_or_update_subnet(conn, module, subnet_v6_spec) result['changed'] = changed if changed else result['changed'] result['success'] = True module.exit_json(**result) except Exception as err: result['error'] = str(err) result['msg'] = ("Error overcloud network provision failed!") module.fail_json(**result) def main(): run_module() if __name__ == '__main__': main()