#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2019 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: os_tripleo_baremetal_node_introspection short_description: Introspect Ironic nodes extends_documentation_fragment: openstack author: - "Dougal Matthews" - "Sagi Shnaidman" version_added: "2.10" description: - Requests Ironic for nodes info. options: ironic_url: description: - If noauth mode is utilized, this is required to be set to the endpoint URL for the Ironic API. Use with "auth" and "auth_type" settings set to None. type: str required: False node_uuids: description: - node_uuids type: list required: True concurrency: description: - concurrency type: int default: 20 max_retries: description: - max_retries type: int default: 2 node_timeout: description: - node_timeout type: int default: 1200 retry_timeout: description: - How much time to wait for node to be unlocked before introspection retry type: int default: 120 quiet: description: - Don't provide instrospection info in output of the module type: bool default: False ''' RETURN = ''' introspection_data: description: Dictionary of new facts representing introspection data of nodes. returned: changed type: dict sample: { "400b3cd0-d134-417b-8f0e-63e273e01e5a": { "failed": false, "retries": 0, "status": { "error": null, "finished_at": "2019-11-22T01:09:07", "id": "400b3cd0-d134-417b-8f0e-63e273e01e5a", "is_finished": true, "links": [ { "href": " .... ", "rel": "self" } ], "location": { "cloud": "undercloud", "project": { "domain_id": null, "domain_name": "Default", "id": "......", "name": "admin" }, "region_name": "regionOne", "zone": null }, "name": null, "started_at": "2019-11-22T01:07:32", "state": "finished" } } } ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Invoke node introspection - os_tripleo_baremetal_node_introspection: cloud: undercloud auth: password node_uuids: - uuid1 - uuid2 concurrency: 10 max_retries: 1 node_timeout: 1000 ''' import time import yaml from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_full_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_module_kwargs from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_cloud_from_module class IntrospectionManagement(object): def __init__(self, cloud, module, concurrency, max_retries, node_timeout, retry_timeout): self.client = cloud.baremetal_introspection self.cloud = cloud self.module = module self.concurrency = concurrency self.max_retries = max_retries self.node_timeout = node_timeout self.retry_timeout = retry_timeout def log(self, msg): self.module.log("os_tripleo_baremetal_node_introspection: %s" % msg) def push_next(self, pool, queue): try: next_introspection = next(queue) pool.append(next_introspection) except StopIteration: pass return pool def introspect(self, node_uuids): result = {} queue = (NodeIntrospection( uuid, self.client, self.cloud, self.node_timeout, self.max_retries, self.retry_timeout, self.log) for uuid in node_uuids) pool = [] for i in range(self.concurrency): pool = self.push_next(pool, queue) while len(pool) > 0: finished = [] for intro in pool: if not intro.started: try: intro.start_introspection() continue except Exception as e: self.log("ERROR Node %s can't start introspection" " because: %s" % (intro.node_id, str(e))) result[intro.node_id] = { "error": "Error for introspection node %s: %s " % ( intro.node_id, str(e)), "failed": True, "status": '' } finished.append(intro) continue status = intro.get_introspection() if (not status.is_finished and intro.timeouted()) or ( status.is_finished and status.error is not None ): if status.is_finished: self.log("ERROR Introspection of node %s " "failed: %s" % ( status.id, str(status.error)) ) if intro.last_retry(): result[status.id] = (intro.error_msg() if status.is_finished else intro.timeout_msg()) finished.append(intro) else: intro.restart_introspection() if status.is_finished and status.error is None: result[status.id] = { 'status': intro.get_introspection_data(), 'failed': False, 'error': None} finished.append(intro) for i in finished: pool.remove(i) pool = self.push_next(pool, queue) # Let's not DDOS Ironic service if pool: time.sleep(min(10, self.node_timeout)) return result class NodeIntrospection: started = False def __init__( self, node_id, os_client, os_cloud, timeout, max_retries, retry_timeout, log): self.node_id = node_id self.os_client = os_client self.os_cloud = os_cloud self.timeout = timeout self.max_retries = max_retries self.log = log self.start = int(time.time()) self.retries = 0 self.retry_timeout = retry_timeout self.last_status = None def restart_introspection(self): self.retries += 1 try: self.os_client.abort_introspection(self.node_id) except Exception as e: # Node is locked self.log("ERROR Node %s can't abort introspection: %s" % ( self.node_id, str(e))) return # need to wait before restarting introspection till it's aborted # to prevent hanging let's use introspect timeout for that try: self.os_client.wait_for_introspection( self.node_id, timeout=self.timeout, ignore_error=True) # Wait until node is unlocked self.os_cloud.baremetal.wait_for_node_reservation( self.node_id, timeout=self.retry_timeout) except Exception as e: self.log("ERROR Node %s can't restart introspection because can't " "abort and unlock it: %s" % (self.node_id, str(e))) return self.start = int(time.time()) return self.start_introspection(restart=True) def start_introspection(self, restart=False): self.started = True if restart: self.log("INFO Restarting (try %s of %s) introspection of " "node %s" % ( self.retries, self.max_retries, self.node_id)) else: self.log("INFO Starting introspection of node %s" % (self.node_id)) return self.os_client.start_introspection(self.node_id) def get_introspection(self): self.last_status = self.os_client.get_introspection(self.node_id) return self.last_status def get_introspection_data(self): self.log( "Instrospection of node %s finished successfully!" % self.node_id) return self.os_client.get_introspection_data(self.node_id) def time_elapsed(self): return int(time.time()) - self.start def timeouted(self): return self.time_elapsed() > self.timeout def last_retry(self): return self.retries >= self.max_retries def timeout_msg(self): self.log( "ERROR Retry limit %s reached for introspection " "node %s: exceeded timeout" % ( self.max_retries, self.node_id)) return {"error": "Timeout error for introspection node %s: %s " "sec exceeded max timeout of %s sec" % ( self.node_id, self.time_elapsed(), self.timeout), "failed": True, "status": self.last_status } def error_msg(self): self.log( "ERROR Retry limit %s reached for introspection " "node %s: %s" % ( self.max_retries, self.node_id, self.last_status.error)) return {"error": "Error for introspection node %s: %s " % ( self.node_id, self.last_status.error), "failed": True, "status": self.last_status } def main(): argument_spec = openstack_full_argument_spec( **yaml.safe_load(DOCUMENTATION)['options'] ) module_kwargs = openstack_module_kwargs() module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, **module_kwargs ) auth_type = module.params.get('auth_type') ironic_url = module.params.get('ironic_url') if auth_type in (None, 'None'): if not ironic_url: module.fail_json( msg="Authentication appears to be disabled," " Please define an ironic_url parameter" ) else: module.params['auth'] = {'endpoint': ironic_url} _, cloud = openstack_cloud_from_module(module) introspector = IntrospectionManagement( cloud, module, module.params["concurrency"], module.params["max_retries"], module.params["node_timeout"], module.params["retry_timeout"] ) module_results = {"changed": True} result = introspector.introspect(module.params["node_uuids"]) failed_nodes = [k for k, v in result.items() if v['failed']] passed_nodes = [k for k, v in result.items() if not v['failed']] failed = len(failed_nodes) if failed > 0: message = ("Introspection completed with failures. %s node(s) failed." % failed) module.log("os_tripleo_baremetal_node_introspection ERROR %s" % message) module_results.update({'failed': True}) else: message = "Introspection completed successfully: %s nodes" % len( module.params["node_uuids"]) module.log("os_tripleo_baremetal_node_introspection INFO %s" % message) module_results.update({ "introspection_data": result if not module.params['quiet'] else {}, "failed_nodes": failed_nodes, "passed_nodes": passed_nodes, "msg": message }) module.exit_json(**module_results) if __name__ == "__main__": main()