# {{ ansible_managed }} {# This template is for the TripleO forwarder Unbound configuration file. No service specific settings should be made in this file. It will be placed in the /etc/unbound/conf.d directory and will override the configuration settings provided in the base Unbound package from the distribution. #} # # These settings are made by TripleO, do not modify directly. # The settings in this file will override the package provided settings. # forward-zone: name: "." {% for forwarder in tripleo_unbound_forward_resolvers %} forward-addr: {{ forwarder }} {% endfor %} {% if tripleo_unbound_forward_resolvers|length == 0 %} {% if groups.designate_bind is defined %} {% for server in groups.designate_bind %} forward-addr: {{ hostvars[server].tripleo_dns_listen_interfaces[0] }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% for server in tripleo_external_bind_servers %} forward-addr: {{ server.host }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if tripleo_unbound_forward_fallback and tripleo_unbound_allow_recursion %} forward-first: yes {% else %} forward-first: no {% endif %}