--- # Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Create a backup for each database into seperate files. - name: Get database root password command: | hiera -c '{{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_hiera_config_file }}' 'mysql::server::root_password' when: mysql_password is undefined register: mysql_password no_log: "{{ not ((ansible_verbosity | int) >= 2) | bool }}" become: true tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Get galera bind_address command: | hiera -c '{{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_hiera_config_file }}' 'tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql::bind_address' when: tripleo_backup_and_restore_pacemaker_galera_bind_address is undefined register: tripleo_backup_and_restore_pacemaker_galera_bind_address become: true tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Disable galera when there is no pacemaker mysql bind address set_fact: enabled_galera: false when: tripleo_backup_and_restore_pacemaker_galera_bind_address.stdout == 'nil' tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Enable galera when there is pacemaker mysql bind address set_fact: enabled_galera: true when: tripleo_backup_and_restore_pacemaker_galera_bind_address.stdout != 'nil' tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Enable pacemaker if it is stopped command: pcs cluster start --all when: - enabled_galera - tripleo_backup_and_restore_service_manager|bool - not tripleo_backup_and_restore_enable_snapshots|bool run_once: true tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Wait until pacemaker has Galera up&running shell: | set -o pipefail ss -tunlp | grep ":3306 " | sed -e 's/.*\///' register: mysql_result retries: 300 until: mysql_result is search('mysqld') delay: 5 when: - enabled_galera - tripleo_backup_and_restore_service_manager|bool - not tripleo_backup_and_restore_enable_snapshots|bool tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Get the mysql container id when galera is enabled shell: | set -o pipefail {{ tripleo_container_cli }} ps -a | grep galera | awk '{print $1}' when: enabled_galera register: galera_container_id become: true tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Set the tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container id set_fact: tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container: "{{ galera_container_id.stdout }}" when: enabled_galera tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Unpause mysql for backup if it is paused command: "{{ tripleo_container_cli }} unpause {{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container }}" when: - mysql_password.stderr is defined - tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container == "mysql" - not enabled_galera - tripleo_backup_and_restore_service_manager|bool failed_when: false tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Galera desync the MySQL node shell: | set -o pipefail {{ tripleo_container_cli }} exec {{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container }} bash -c "mysql -p -u root \ -p{{ mysql_password.stdout }} --execute 'SET GLOBAL wsrep_desync = ON'" when: - mysql_password.stderr is defined - enabled_galera - tripleo_backup_and_restore_enable_snapshots|bool or not tripleo_backup_and_restore_service_manager|bool tags: - bar_create_recover_image no_log: "{{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_hide_sensitive_logs | bool }}" - name: MySQL Grants backup shell: | set -o pipefail {{ tripleo_container_cli }} exec {{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container }} bash -c "mysql -uroot \ -p{{ mysql_password.stdout }} -s -N \ -e \"SELECT CONCAT('\\\"SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';\\\"') \ FROM mysql.user where (length(user) > 0 and user NOT LIKE 'root')\" | xargs -n1 mysql \ -uroot -p{{ mysql_password.stdout }} -s -N -e | sed 's/$/;/' " > {{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_grants_file }} when: mysql_password.stderr is defined tags: - bar_create_recover_image no_log: "{{ not ((ansible_verbosity | int) >= 2) | bool }}" - name: MySQL BBDDs backup shell: | set -o pipefail {{ tripleo_container_cli }} exec {{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container }} bash -c "mysql -uroot \ -p{{ mysql_password.stdout }} -s -N \ -e \"select distinct table_schema from information_schema.tables \ where engine='innodb' and table_schema != 'mysql';\" | xargs mysqldump -uroot \ -p{{ mysql_password.stdout }} --single-transaction --databases" > {{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_backup_file }} when: mysql_password.stderr is defined tags: - bar_create_recover_image no_log: "{{ not ((ansible_verbosity | int) >= 2) | bool }}" - name: Galera sync the MySQL node shell: | set -o pipefail {{ tripleo_container_cli }} exec {{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container }} bash -c "mysql -p -u root \ -p{{ mysql_password.stdout }} --execute 'SET GLOBAL wsrep_desync = OFF'" when: - mysql_password.stderr is defined - enabled_galera - tripleo_backup_and_restore_enable_snapshots|bool or not tripleo_backup_and_restore_service_manager|bool tags: - bar_create_recover_image no_log: "{{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_hide_sensitive_logs | bool }}" - name: Pause mysql. command: "{{ tripleo_container_cli }} pause {{ tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container }}" when: - mysql_password.stderr is defined - tripleo_backup_and_restore_mysql_container == "mysql" - not enabled_galera - tripleo_backup_and_restore_service_manager|bool - not tripleo_backup_and_restore_enable_snapshots|bool tags: - bar_create_recover_image - name: Stop pacemaker command: pcs cluster stop --all when: - enabled_galera - tripleo_backup_and_restore_service_manager|bool - not tripleo_backup_and_restore_enable_snapshots|bool run_once: true tags: - bar_create_recover_image