--- # Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. - name: set ceph-ansible playbook list set_fact: ceph_ansible_playbooks: > {%- if ceph_ansible_playbooks_param != ['default'] -%} {{ ceph_ansible_playbooks_param }} {%- else -%} {{ ceph_ansible_playbooks_default|default(['/usr/share/ceph-ansible/site-container.yml.sample']) }} {%- endif -%} - name: set ceph-ansible command list set_fact: ceph_ansible_command_list: - ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS=/usr/share/ceph-ansible/plugins/actions/ - ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=/usr/share/ceph-ansible/plugins/callback/ - ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS=/usr/share/ceph-ansible/plugins/filter/ - ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=/usr/share/ceph-ansible/roles/ - ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH="{{ playbook_dir }}/ceph-ansible/ceph_ansible_command.log" - ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=/usr/share/ceph-ansible/library/ - ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/usr/share/ceph-ansible/ansible.cfg - ANSIBLE_REMOTE_TEMP=/tmp/ceph_ansible_tmp - ANSIBLE_FORKS=25 - ANSIBLE_GATHER_TIMEOUT=60 - ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST=profile_tasks - ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=default - "{{ calling_ansible_environment_variables|join(' ') }}" - "{{ ceph_ansible_environment_variables|join(' ') }}" - ansible-playbook - '{% if ceph_ansible_private_key_file is defined %}--private-key {{ ceph_ansible_private_key_file }}{% endif %}' - '{% if ansible_python_interpreter is defined %}-e ansible_python_interpreter={{ ansible_python_interpreter }}{% endif %}' - '-{%- for number in range(0, ceph_ansible_playbook_verbosity) -%}v{% endfor %}' - '{% if ceph_ansible_skip_tags is defined and ceph_ansible_skip_tags|length > 0%}--skip-tags {{ ceph_ansible_skip_tags }}{% endif %}' - '--extra-vars' - '@{{ playbook_dir }}/ceph-ansible/extra_vars.yml' - '{% if ceph_ansible_limit is defined and ceph_ansible_limit|length > 0 %}--limit {{ ceph_ansible_limit }}{% endif %}' - name: try to find ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH in ceph_ansible_environment_variables set_fact: calling_ansible_log_path: "{{ item | regex_replace('ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=', '') }}" when: item is match("ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH.*") loop: "{{ ceph_ansible_environment_variables }}" - name: do we need to keep looking for the ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH? when: calling_ansible_log_path is undefined block: - name: try to find ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH in calling_ansible_environment_variables set_fact: calling_ansible_log_path: "{{ item | regex_replace('ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=', '') }}" when: item is match("ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH.*") loop: "{{ calling_ansible_environment_variables }}" - name: Set ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH to default when: calling_ansible_log_path is undefined set_fact: calling_ansible_log_path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/ceph-ansible/ceph_ansible_command.log" - name: save ceph-ansible playbook command(s) to shell script copy: dest: "{{ playbook_dir }}/ceph-ansible/ceph_ansible_command.sh" mode: '0755' content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e echo "Running $0" >> {{ calling_ansible_log_path }} {% set inv = "-i "+ playbook_dir +"/ceph-ansible/inventory.yml" %} {% for playbook in ceph_ansible_playbooks %} {{ ceph_ansible_command_list|join(' ') }} {{ inv }} {{ playbook }} 2>&1 {% endfor %} - when: - ceph_external_multi_config is defined - (ceph_external_multi_config|length) > 0 block: - name: set default facts for ceph_scripts list set_fact: ceph_prefix: "{{ playbook_dir + '/ceph-ansible/external_' }}" ceph_suffix: '_ceph_ansible_command.sh' ceph_default: "{{ [playbook_dir + '/ceph-ansible/ceph_ansible_command.sh'] }}" - name: save external ceph-ansible playbook command(s) to shell script(s) copy: dest: "{{ ceph_prefix + item + ceph_suffix }}" mode: '0755' content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e echo "Running $0" >> {{ calling_ansible_log_path }} {% set inv = "-i " + ceph_prefix + "inventory.ini" %} {% set extra = "-e @" + ceph_prefix + item + "_extra_vars.yml" %} {% for playbook in ceph_ansible_playbooks %} {{ ceph_ansible_command_list|join(' ') }} {{ inv }} {{ extra }} {{ playbook }} 2>&1 {% endfor %} loop: "{{ ceph_external_multi_config | map(attribute='cluster') | list }}" - name: add external ceph-ansible shell script(s) to list of ceph_scripts set_fact: ceph_scripts: "{{ ceph_scripts|default(ceph_default) + [ceph_prefix + item + ceph_suffix] }}" loop: "{{ ceph_external_multi_config | map(attribute='cluster') | list }}" - name: "Notify user about upcoming ceph-ansible execution(s)" debug: msg: "Running {{ ceph_scripts|default(['ceph_ansible_command.sh'])|length }} ceph-ansible playbook(s) (immediate log at {{ calling_ansible_log_path }})" - name: run ceph-ansible # Needs become to be able to read the ssh private key become: true shell: "{{ item }}" # We want the output chunked into bits to prevent # overflowing Zaqar message size no_log: "{{ not (tripleo_ceph_run_ansible_debug | bool) }}" failed_when: false register: outputs tags: run_ceph_ansible when: outputs.rc is undefined or outputs.rc == 0 loop: "{{ ceph_scripts | default([playbook_dir + '/ceph-ansible/ceph_ansible_command.sh']) }}" - name: search output of ceph-ansible run(s) non-zero return codes set_fact: ceph_ansible_std_out_err: "{{ item.stdout_lines | default([]) | union(item.stderr_lines | default([])) }}" no_log: "{{ tripleo_ceph_run_ansible_hide_sensitive_logs | bool }}" when: - item.rc is defined - item.rc != 0 loop: "{{ outputs.results }}" tags: - run_ceph_ansible - name: print ceph-ansible output in case of failure debug: var: ceph_ansible_std_out_err when: - ceph_ansible_std_out_err is defined failed_when: - ceph_ansible_std_out_err is defined tags: - run_ceph_ansible