# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import jsonschema import metalsmith from unittest import mock from openstack import exceptions as sdk_exc from tripleo_ansible.tests import base # load baremetal_deploy so the next import works base.load_module_utils('baremetal_deploy') from ansible.module_utils import baremetal_deploy as bd # noqa class TestBaremetalDeployUtils(base.TestCase): def test_build_hostname_format(self): self.assertEqual( '%stackname%-controller-%index%', bd.build_hostname_format(None, 'Controller') ) self.assertEqual( '%stackname%-novacompute-%index%', bd.build_hostname_format(None, 'Compute') ) self.assertEqual( 'server-%index%', bd.build_hostname_format('server-%index%', 'Compute') ) def test_build_hostname(self): self.assertEqual( 'overcloud-controller-2', bd.build_hostname( '%stackname%-controller-%index%', 2, 'overcloud' ) ) self.assertEqual( 'server-2', bd.build_hostname( 'server-%index%', 2, 'overcloud' ) ) def test_merge_networks_defaults(self): # Network defined only in role defaults is appended defaults = {'networks': [{'network': 'role_net'}]} instance = {'networks': [{'network': 'instance_net'}]} bd.merge_networks_defaults(defaults, instance) self.assertEqual({'networks': [{'network': 'instance_net'}, {'network': 'role_net'}]}, instance) # Network defined in both role defaults and instance is not appended instance = {'networks': [{'network': 'instance_net'}, {'network': 'role_net'}]} bd.merge_networks_defaults(defaults, instance) self.assertEqual({'networks': [{'network': 'instance_net'}, {'network': 'role_net'}]}, instance) # Network defined in role defaults and in instance with richer data # is not appended. instance = {'networks': [{'network': 'instance_net'}, {'network': 'role_net', 'port': 'port_uuid'}]} bd.merge_networks_defaults(defaults, instance) self.assertEqual({'networks': [{'network': 'instance_net'}, {'network': 'role_net', 'port': 'port_uuid'}]}, instance) # Network defined in role defaults with richer data compared to the # instance is not appended. defaults = {'networks': [{'network': 'role_net', 'subnet': 'subnet_name'}]} instance = {'networks': [{'network': 'instance_net'}, {'network': 'role_net'}]} bd.merge_networks_defaults(defaults, instance) self.assertEqual({'networks': [{'network': 'instance_net'}, {'network': 'role_net'}]}, instance) class TestExpandRoles(base.TestCase): default_image = {'href': 'overcloud-full'} default_network = [{'network': 'ctlplane', 'vif': True}] def test_simple(self): roles = [ {'name': 'Compute'}, {'name': 'Controller'}, ] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'overcloud-novacompute-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, ], instances) self.assertEqual( { 'ComputeHostnameFormat': '%stackname%-novacompute-%index%', 'ComputeCount': 1, 'ControllerHostnameFormat': '%stackname%-controller-%index%', 'ControllerCount': 1, 'HostnameMap': { 'overcloud-novacompute-0': 'overcloud-novacompute-0', 'overcloud-controller-0': 'overcloud-controller-0' } }, environment['parameter_defaults']) def test_default_network(self): roles = [ {'name': 'Compute'}, {'name': 'Controller'}, ] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image, self.default_network ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'overcloud-novacompute-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'networks': [{'network': 'ctlplane', 'vif': True}], 'nics': [{'network': 'ctlplane'}]}, {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'networks': [{'network': 'ctlplane', 'vif': True}], 'nics': [{'network': 'ctlplane'}]}, ], instances) def test_networks_set_no_default_network(self): roles = [ {'name': 'Compute', 'defaults': { 'networks': [ {'network': 'some_net', 'vif': True}, ]} }, {'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'networks': [ {'network': 'some_net', 'vif': True}, ]} }, ] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image, None ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'overcloud-novacompute-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'networks': [{'network': 'some_net', 'vif': True}], 'nics': [{'network': 'some_net'}]}, {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'networks': [{'network': 'some_net', 'vif': True}], 'nics': [{'network': 'some_net'}]}, ], instances) def test_networks_set_default_appended(self): roles = [ {'name': 'Compute', 'defaults': { 'networks': [ {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}, ]} }, {'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'networks': [ {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}, ]} }, ] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image, self.default_network ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'overcloud-novacompute-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'networks': [{'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}, {'network': 'ctlplane', 'vif': True}], 'nics': [{'network': 'ctlplane'}]}, {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'networks': [{'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}, {'network': 'ctlplane', 'vif': True}], 'nics': [{'network': 'ctlplane'}]}, ], instances) def test_networks_vif_set_default_appended(self): roles = [ {'name': 'Compute', 'defaults': { 'networks': [ {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet', 'vif': True}, ]} }, {'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'networks': [ {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet', 'vif': True}, ]} }, ] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image, self.default_network ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'overcloud-novacompute-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'networks': [ {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet', 'vif': True}, {'network': 'ctlplane', 'vif': True} ], 'nics': [{'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}, {'network': 'ctlplane'}], }, {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'networks': [ {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet', 'vif': True}, {'network': 'ctlplane', 'vif': True} ], 'nics': [ {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}, {'network': 'ctlplane'} ]}, ], instances) def test_networks_nics_are_mutually_exclusive(self): # Neither 'nics' nor 'networks' - OK roles = [{'name': 'Compute', 'defaults': {}}] bd.expand(roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image) # 'networks' but not 'nics' - OK roles = [{'name': 'Compute', 'defaults': {'networks': []}}] bd.expand(roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image) # 'nics' but not 'networks' - OK roles = [{'name': 'Compute', 'defaults': {'nics': []}}] bd.expand(roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image) # 'networks' and 'nics' - mutually exclusive, Raises ValidationError roles = [{'name': 'Compute', 'defaults': {'networks': [], 'nics': []}}] self.assertRaises( jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError, bd.expand, roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image) def test_image_in_defaults(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'image': { 'href': 'file:///tmp/foo.qcow2', 'checksum': '12345678' } }, 'count': 3, 'instances': [{ 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-1', }] }] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-1', 'image': {'href': 'file:///tmp/foo.qcow2', 'checksum': '12345678'}}, {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-2', 'image': {'href': 'file:///tmp/foo.qcow2', 'checksum': '12345678'}}, ], instances) def test_with_parameters(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Compute', 'count': 2, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'compute' }, 'hostname_format': 'compute-%index%.example.com' }, { 'name': 'Controller', 'count': 3, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'control' }, 'hostname_format': 'controller-%index%.example.com' }] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image, user_name='heat-admin', ssh_public_keys='aaaa' ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'compute-0.example.com', 'profile': 'compute', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'ssh_public_keys': 'aaaa', 'user_name': 'heat-admin'}, {'hostname': 'compute-1.example.com', 'profile': 'compute', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'ssh_public_keys': 'aaaa', 'user_name': 'heat-admin'}, {'hostname': 'controller-0.example.com', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'ssh_public_keys': 'aaaa', 'user_name': 'heat-admin'}, {'hostname': 'controller-1.example.com', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'ssh_public_keys': 'aaaa', 'user_name': 'heat-admin'}, {'hostname': 'controller-2.example.com', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'ssh_public_keys': 'aaaa', 'user_name': 'heat-admin'}, ], instances) self.assertEqual( { 'ComputeHostnameFormat': 'compute-%index%.example.com', 'ComputeCount': 2, 'ControllerHostnameFormat': 'controller-%index%.example.com', 'ControllerCount': 3, 'HostnameMap': { 'compute-0.example.com': 'compute-0.example.com', 'compute-1.example.com': 'compute-1.example.com', 'controller-0.example.com': 'controller-0.example.com', 'controller-1.example.com': 'controller-1.example.com', 'controller-2.example.com': 'controller-2.example.com', } }, environment['parameter_defaults']) def test_explicit_instances(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Compute', 'count': 2, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'compute' }, 'hostname_format': 'compute-%index%.example.com' }, { 'name': 'Controller', 'count': 2, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'control', 'networks': [ {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}, ] }, 'instances': [{ 'hostname': 'controller-X.example.com', 'profile': 'control-X', 'networks': [ {'network': 'inst_net', 'fixed_ip': ''} ] }, { 'name': 'node-0', 'traits': ['CUSTOM_FOO'], 'networks': [{'network': 'some_net', 'subnet': 'leaf-2', 'vif': True}]}, ]}, ] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'compute-0.example.com', 'profile': 'compute', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, {'hostname': 'compute-1.example.com', 'profile': 'compute', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, {'hostname': 'controller-X.example.com', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'profile': 'control-X', 'networks': [{'fixed_ip': '', 'network': 'inst_net'}, {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}], }, # Name provides the default for hostname later on. {'name': 'node-0', 'profile': 'control', 'hostname': 'node-0', 'networks': [ {'network': 'some_net', 'subnet': 'leaf-2', 'vif': True}, {'network': 'foo', 'subnet': 'foo_subnet'}, ], 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'traits': ['CUSTOM_FOO'], 'nics': [{'network': 'some_net', 'subnet': 'leaf-2'}]}, ], instances) self.assertEqual( { 'ComputeHostnameFormat': 'compute-%index%.example.com', 'ComputeCount': 2, 'ControllerHostnameFormat': '%stackname%-controller-%index%', 'ControllerCount': 2, 'HostnameMap': { 'compute-0.example.com': 'compute-0.example.com', 'compute-1.example.com': 'compute-1.example.com', 'overcloud-controller-0': 'controller-X.example.com', 'overcloud-controller-1': 'node-0', } }, environment['parameter_defaults']) def test_count_with_instances(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Compute', 'count': 2, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'compute', }, 'hostname_format': 'compute-%index%.example.com' }, { 'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'profile': 'control', }, 'count': 3, 'instances': [{ 'hostname': 'controller-X.example.com', 'profile': 'control-X' }, { 'name': 'node-0', 'traits': ['CUSTOM_FOO'], 'nics': [{'subnet': 'leaf-2'}]}, ]}, ] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'compute-0.example.com', 'profile': 'compute', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'compute-1.example.com', 'profile': 'compute', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'controller-X.example.com', 'profile': 'control-X', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'node-0', 'name': 'node-0', 'nics': [{'subnet': 'leaf-2'}], 'profile': 'control', 'traits': ['CUSTOM_FOO'], 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-2', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({ 'ComputeCount': 2, 'ComputeHostnameFormat': 'compute-%index%.example.com', 'ControllerCount': 3, 'ControllerHostnameFormat': '%stackname%-controller-%index%', 'HostnameMap': { 'compute-0.example.com': 'compute-0.example.com', 'compute-1.example.com': 'compute-1.example.com', 'overcloud-controller-0': 'controller-X.example.com', 'overcloud-controller-1': 'node-0', 'overcloud-controller-2': 'overcloud-controller-2'} }, environment['parameter_defaults']) def test_unprovisioned(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'profile': 'control', }, 'count': 2, 'instances': [{ 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-1', 'provisioned': False }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-2', 'provisioned': False }] }] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-3', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({ 'ControllerCount': 2, 'ControllerRemovalPolicies': [ {'resource_list': [1, 2]} ], 'ControllerHostnameFormat': '%stackname%-controller-%index%', 'HostnameMap': { 'overcloud-controller-0': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'overcloud-controller-1': 'overcloud-controller-1', 'overcloud-controller-2': 'overcloud-controller-2', 'overcloud-controller-3': 'overcloud-controller-3'} }, environment['parameter_defaults']) instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', False, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-1', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-2', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({}, environment) def test_reprovisioned(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'profile': 'control', }, 'count': 4, 'instances': [{ 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-1', 'provisioned': False }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-2', 'provisioned': False }] }] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-3', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-4', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-5', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({ 'ControllerCount': 4, 'ControllerRemovalPolicies': [ {'resource_list': [1, 2]} ], 'ControllerHostnameFormat': '%stackname%-controller-%index%', 'HostnameMap': { 'overcloud-controller-0': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'overcloud-controller-1': 'overcloud-controller-1', 'overcloud-controller-2': 'overcloud-controller-2', 'overcloud-controller-3': 'overcloud-controller-3', 'overcloud-controller-4': 'overcloud-controller-4', 'overcloud-controller-5': 'overcloud-controller-5'} }, environment['parameter_defaults']) instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', False, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-1', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-2', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({}, environment) def test_unprovisioned_instances(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'profile': 'control', }, 'count': 2, 'instances': [{ 'name': 'node-0', 'hostname': 'controller-0' }, { 'name': 'node-1', 'hostname': 'controller-1', 'provisioned': False }, { 'name': 'node-2', 'hostname': 'controller-2', 'provisioned': False }, { 'name': 'node-3', 'hostname': 'controller-3', 'provisioned': True }] }] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'controller-0', 'name': 'node-0', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'controller-3', 'name': 'node-3', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({ 'ControllerCount': 2, 'ControllerRemovalPolicies': [ {'resource_list': [1, 2]} ], 'ControllerHostnameFormat': '%stackname%-controller-%index%', 'HostnameMap': { 'overcloud-controller-0': 'controller-0', 'overcloud-controller-1': 'controller-1', 'overcloud-controller-2': 'controller-2', 'overcloud-controller-3': 'controller-3'} }, environment['parameter_defaults']) instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', False, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'controller-1', 'name': 'node-1', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'controller-2', 'name': 'node-2', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({}, environment) def test_unprovisioned_no_hostname(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Controller', 'defaults': { 'profile': 'control', }, 'count': 2, 'instances': [{ 'name': 'node-0', }, { 'name': 'node-1', 'provisioned': False }, { 'name': 'node-2', 'provisioned': False }, { 'name': 'node-3', 'provisioned': True }] }] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'node-0', 'name': 'node-0', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'node-3', 'name': 'node-3', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({ 'ControllerCount': 2, 'ControllerRemovalPolicies': [ {'resource_list': [1, 2]} ], 'ControllerHostnameFormat': '%stackname%-controller-%index%', 'HostnameMap': { 'overcloud-controller-0': 'node-0', 'overcloud-controller-1': 'node-1', 'overcloud-controller-2': 'node-2', 'overcloud-controller-3': 'node-3'} }, environment['parameter_defaults']) instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', False, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual([ { 'hostname': 'node-1', 'name': 'node-1', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }, { 'hostname': 'node-2', 'name': 'node-2', 'profile': 'control', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'} }], instances) self.assertEqual({}, environment) def test_name_in_defaults(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Compute', 'count': 2, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'compute', 'name': 'compute-0' } }] exc = self.assertRaises( ValueError, bd.expand, roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertIn('Compute: cannot specify name in defaults', str(exc)) def test_hostname_in_defaults(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Compute', 'count': 2, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'compute', 'hostname': 'compute-0' } }] exc = self.assertRaises( ValueError, bd.expand, roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertIn('Compute: cannot specify hostname in defaults', str(exc)) def test_instances_without_hostname(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Compute', 'count': 2, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'compute' }, 'hostname_format': 'compute-%index%.example.com' }, { 'name': 'Controller', 'count': 2, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'control' }, 'instances': [{ 'profile': 'control-X' # missing hostname here }, { 'name': 'node-0', 'traits': ['CUSTOM_FOO'], 'nics': [{'subnet': 'leaf-2'}]}, ]}, ] instances, environment, role_net_map = bd.expand( roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertEqual( [ {'hostname': 'compute-0.example.com', 'profile': 'compute', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, {'hostname': 'compute-1.example.com', 'profile': 'compute', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, {'hostname': 'overcloud-controller-0', 'profile': 'control-X', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, # Name provides the default for hostname {'name': 'node-0', 'profile': 'control', 'hostname': 'node-0', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'traits': ['CUSTOM_FOO'], 'nics': [{'subnet': 'leaf-2'}]}, ], instances) def test_more_instances_than_count(self): roles = [{ 'name': 'Compute', 'count': 3, 'defaults': { 'profile': 'compute', 'name': 'compute-0' }, 'instances': [{ 'name': 'node-0' }, { 'name': 'node-1' }, { 'name': 'node-2' }, { 'name': 'node-3' }] }] exc = self.assertRaises( ValueError, bd.expand, roles, 'overcloud', True, self.default_image ) self.assertIn('Compute: number of instance entries 4 ' 'cannot be greater than count 3', str(exc)) class TestCheckExistingInstances(base.TestCase): def test_success(self): pr = mock.Mock() baremetal = mock.Mock() instances = [ {'hostname': 'host1', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, {'hostname': 'host3', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, {'hostname': 'host2', 'resource_class': 'compute', 'capabilities': {'answer': '42'}, 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}} ] existing = mock.MagicMock(hostname='host2', allocation=None) existing.uuid = 'aaaa' pr.show_instance.side_effect = [ sdk_exc.ResourceNotFound(""), metalsmith.exceptions.Error(""), existing, ] found, not_found = bd.check_existing(instances, pr, baremetal) self.assertEqual([existing], found) self.assertEqual([{ 'hostname': 'host1', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, }, { 'hostname': 'host3', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, }], not_found) pr.show_instance.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(host) for host in ['host1', 'host3', 'host2'] ]) def test_existing_no_allocation(self): pr = mock.Mock() baremetal = mock.Mock() instances = [ {'name': 'server2', 'resource_class': 'compute', 'hostname': 'host2', 'capabilities': {'answer': '42'}, 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}} ] existing = mock.MagicMock( hostname='host2', allocation=None, state=metalsmith.InstanceState.ACTIVE) existing.uuid = 'aaaa' pr.show_instance.return_value = existing found, not_found = bd.check_existing(instances, pr, baremetal) baremetal.create_allocation.assert_called_once_with( name='host2', node='server2', resource_class='compute') self.assertEqual([], not_found) self.assertEqual([existing], found) pr.show_instance.assert_called_once_with('server2') def test_hostname_mismatch(self): pr = mock.Mock() instances = [ {'hostname': 'host1', 'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}}, ] pr.show_instance.return_value.hostname = 'host2' exc = self.assertRaises( bd.BaremetalDeployException, bd.check_existing, instances, pr, mock.Mock()) self.assertIn("hostname host1 was not found", str(exc)) pr.show_instance.assert_called_once_with('host1') def test_unexpected_error(self): pr = mock.Mock() instances = [ {'image': {'href': 'overcloud-full'}, 'hostname': 'host%d' % i} for i in range(3) ] pr.show_instance.side_effect = RuntimeError('boom') exc = self.assertRaises( bd.BaremetalDeployException, bd.check_existing, instances, pr, mock.Mock()) self.assertIn("for host0", str(exc)) self.assertIn("RuntimeError: boom", str(exc)) pr.show_instance.assert_called_once_with('host0')