#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2019 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # flake8: noqa: E501 __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: os_baremetal_clean_node short_description: Clean baremetal nodes of Ironic extends_documentation_fragment: openstack author: - "Sagi Shnaidman (@sshnaidm)" version_added: "2.10" description: - Clean Ironic nodes. options: node_uuid: description: - globally unique identifier (UUID) to identify the host. type: list required: False default: [] node_name: description: - unique name identifier to identify the host in Ironic. type: list required: False default: [] clean_steps: description: - The clean steps as a list of clean-step dictionaries; each dictionary should have keys 'interface' and 'step', and optional key 'args'. This must be specified for node cleaning. type: list required: True timeout: description: - Timeout to wait for each node to clean in seconds. type: int required: False default: 1800 quiet: description: - Don't provide cleaned nodes info in output of the module type: bool default: False max_retries: description: - Number of attempts before failing. type: int required: False default: 0 concurrency: description: - Max level of concurrency. type: int required: False default: 20 raid_config: description: - Sets the raid configuration for a given node. type: dict required: False requirements: ["openstacksdk"] ''' RETURN = ''' baremetal_nodes: description: Dictionary of new facts representing discovered properties of the node. returned: changed type: dict sample: { "baremetal_data": [ { "af7e758c-d5d0-4cd6-9f60-efbabf5a7788": { "allocation_id": null, "bios_interface": null, "boot_interface": null, "chassis_id": null, "clean_step": null, "conductor": null, "conductor_group": null, "console_interface": null, "created_at": null, "deploy_interface": null, "deploy_step": null, "driver": null, "driver_info": null, "driver_internal_info": null, "extra": null, "fault": null, "id": "af7e758c-d5d0-4cd6-9f60-efbabf5a7788", "inspect_interface": null, "instance_id": null, "instance_info": null, "is_automated_clean_enabled": null, "is_console_enabled": null, "is_maintenance": null, "is_protected": null, "last_error": null, "links": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "location": { "cloud": "undercloud", "project": { "domain_id": null, "domain_name": "Default", "id": "09c0706606d04ca5a57b3894ad6e915a", "name": "admin" }, "region_name": "regionOne", "zone": null }, "maintenance_reason": null, "management_interface": null, "name": null, "network_interface": null, "owner": null, "port_groups": null, "ports": null, "power_interface": null, "power_state": null, "properties": null, "protected_reason": null, "provision_state": "manageable", "raid_config": null, "raid_interface": null, "rescue_interface": null, "reservation": null, "resource_class": null, "states": null, "storage_interface": null, "target_power_state": null, "target_provision_state": null, "target_raid_config": null, "traits": null, "updated_at": null, "vendor_interface": null } }, { "c0a4aa96-742d-40be-b594-f940856dfae7": { "allocation_id": null, "bios_interface": null, "boot_interface": null, "chassis_id": null, "clean_step": null, "conductor": null, "conductor_group": null, "console_interface": null, "created_at": null, "deploy_interface": null, "deploy_step": null, "driver": null, "driver_info": null, "driver_internal_info": null, "extra": null, "fault": null, "id": "c0a4aa96-742d-40be-b594-f940856dfae7", "inspect_interface": null, "instance_id": null, "instance_info": null, "is_automated_clean_enabled": null, "is_console_enabled": null, "is_maintenance": null, "is_protected": null, "last_error": null, "links": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "location": { "cloud": "undercloud", "project": { "domain_id": null, "domain_name": "Default", "id": "09c0706606d04ca5a57b3894ad6e915a", "name": "admin" }, "region_name": "regionOne", "zone": null }, "maintenance_reason": null, "management_interface": null, "name": null, "network_interface": null, "owner": null, "port_groups": null, "ports": null, "power_interface": null, "power_state": null, "properties": null, "protected_reason": null, "provision_state": "manageable", "raid_config": null, "raid_interface": null, "rescue_interface": null, "reservation": null, "resource_class": null, "states": null, "storage_interface": null, "target_power_state": null, "target_provision_state": null, "target_raid_config": null, "traits": null, "updated_at": null, "vendor_interface": null } }, { "72176c3a-cfcb-4d82-927d-92b1d3f46716": { "allocation_id": null, "bios_interface": null, "boot_interface": null, "chassis_id": null, "clean_step": null, "conductor": null, "conductor_group": null, "console_interface": null, "created_at": null, "deploy_interface": null, "deploy_step": null, "driver": null, "driver_info": null, "driver_internal_info": null, "extra": null, "fault": null, "id": "72176c3a-cfcb-4d82-927d-92b1d3f46716", "inspect_interface": null, "instance_id": null, "instance_info": null, "is_automated_clean_enabled": null, "is_console_enabled": null, "is_maintenance": null, "is_protected": null, "last_error": null, "links": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "location": { "cloud": "undercloud", "project": { "domain_id": null, "domain_name": "Default", "id": "09c0706606d04ca5a57b3894ad6e915a", "name": "admin" }, "region_name": "regionOne", "zone": null }, "maintenance_reason": null, "management_interface": null, "name": null, "network_interface": null, "owner": null, "port_groups": null, "ports": null, "power_interface": null, "power_state": null, "properties": null, "protected_reason": null, "provision_state": "manageable", "raid_config": null, "raid_interface": null, "rescue_interface": null, "reservation": null, "resource_class": null, "states": null, "storage_interface": null, "target_power_state": null, "target_provision_state": null, "target_raid_config": null, "traits": null, "updated_at": null, "vendor_interface": null } } ], "changed": true, "failed_nodes": [], "passed_nodes": [ "af7e758c-d5d0-4cd6-9f60-efbabf5a7788", "c0a4aa96-742d-40be-b594-f940856dfae7", "72176c3a-cfcb-4d82-927d-92b1d3f46716" ] } ''' # noqa EXAMPLES = ''' # Invoke node inspection - os_baremetal_clean_node: cloud: undercloud node_uuid: - 0593c323-ad62-4ce9-b431-3c322827a428 clean_steps: - interface: deploy step: erase_devices_metadata - os_baremetal_clean_node: cloud: undercloud node_uuid: - 0593c323-ad62-4ce9-b431-3c322827a428 raid_config: logical_disks: - "size_gb": 100 "raid_level": "1" "controller": "software" clean_steps: - interface: raid step: delete_configuration - interface: raid step: create_configuration - os_baremetal_clean_node: cloud: undercloud node_uuid: - 0593c323-ad62-4ce9-b431-3c322827a428 clean_steps: - interface: bios step: apply_configuration priority: 150 args: settings: - name: "LogicalProc" value: "Disabled" - os_baremetal_clean_node: cloud: undercloud node_name: - baremetal-85-3 clean_steps: - interface: management step: activate_license args: ilo_license_key: "ABC12-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-YZ345" - interface: management step: update_firmware args: firmware_update_mode: "ilo" firmware_images: - url: "file:///firmware_images/ilo/1.5/CP024444.scexe" checksum: "a94e683ea16d9ae44768f0a65942234d" component: "ilo" ''' import yaml from concurrent import futures from openstack import exceptions from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.openstack import (openstack_full_argument_spec, openstack_module_kwargs, openstack_cloud_from_module) def parallel_nodes_cleaning(conn, module): client = conn.baremetal node_timeout = module.params['timeout'] nodes = module.params['node_uuid'] + module.params['node_name'] clean_steps = module.params['clean_steps'] result = {} if module.params['raid_config']: for node in nodes: try: node_info = client.update_node( node, target_raid_config=module.params['raid_config'] ) result.update({node: { 'msg': 'Setting the raid configuration' ' for node {} succeeded.'.format(node), 'failed': False, 'info': node_info, }}) except exceptions.BadRequestException as e: result.update({node: { 'msg': 'Setting raid configuration' ' for node {} failed. Error: {}'.format( node, str(e) ), 'failed': True, 'error': str(e), 'info': {}, }}) nodes.pop(nodes.index(node)) workers = min(len(nodes), module.params['concurrency']) or 1 with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor: future_to_build = { executor.submit( client.set_node_provision_state, node, "clean", clean_steps=clean_steps, wait=True ): node for node in nodes } done, not_done = futures.wait( future_to_build, timeout=node_timeout, return_when=futures.ALL_COMPLETED ) nodes_wait = list() for job in done: if job._exception: result.update( { future_to_build[job]: { 'msg': 'Cleaning failed for node {}: {}'.format( future_to_build[job], str(job._exception) ), 'failed': True, 'info': {} } } ) else: nodes_wait.append(future_to_build[job]) else: if not_done: for job in not_done: result.update( { future_to_build[job]: { 'msg': 'Cleaning incomplete for node {}'.format( future_to_build[job], ), 'failed': True, 'info': {} } } ) nodes_to_delete = [] for node in nodes_wait: node_info = client.get_node( node, fields=['provision_state', 'last_error'] ).to_dict() state = node_info['provision_state'] if state == 'manageable': nodes_to_delete.append(node) result.update({node: { 'msg': 'Successful cleaning for node %s' % node, 'failed': False, 'error': '', 'info': node_info, }}) elif state not in [ 'manageable', 'cleaning', 'clean wait', 'available']: nodes_to_delete.append(node) result.update({node: { 'msg': 'Failed cleaning for node %s: %s' % ( node, node_info['last_error'] or 'state %s' % state), 'failed': True, 'info': node_info, }}) for node in nodes_to_delete: nodes_wait.remove(node) if nodes_wait: for node in nodes_wait: node_info = client.get_node( node, fields=['provision_state', 'last_error'] ).to_dict() state = node_info['provision_state'] result.update({node: { 'msg': 'Timeout exceeded for node %s: ' 'node is in state %s' % (node, state), 'failed': True, 'info': node_info, }}) return result def main(): argument_spec = openstack_full_argument_spec( **yaml.safe_load(DOCUMENTATION)['options'] ) module_kwargs = openstack_module_kwargs() module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, **module_kwargs ) if not module.params['node_uuid'] and not module.params['node_name']: module.fail_json(msg="Provide either UUID or names of nodes!") sdk, cloud = openstack_cloud_from_module(module) try: result = parallel_nodes_cleaning(cloud, module) module_results = {"changed": True} failed_nodes = [k for k, v in result.items() if v['failed']] passed_nodes = [k for k, v in result.items() if not v['failed']] infos = [{k: v['info']} for k, v in result.items()] all_errors = "\n".join( [v['msg'] for k, v in result.items() if v['failed']]) failed = len(failed_nodes) if failed > 0: message = ("Cleaning completed with failures. %s node(s) failed." "Errors: %s" % (failed, all_errors)) module_results.update({'failed': True}) else: message = "Cleaning completed successfully: %s nodes" % len( module.params["node_uuid"]) module_results.update({ "baremetal_data": infos if not module.params['quiet'] else {}, "failed_nodes": failed_nodes, "passed_nodes": passed_nodes, "msg": message }) module.exit_json(**module_results) except sdk.exceptions.OpenStackCloudException as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()