#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type import copy import os import tenacity import yaml from ansible.errors import AnsibleActionFail from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase from ansible.utils.display import Display DISPLAY = Display() DOCUMENTATION = """ module: container_systemd author: - "TripleO team" version_added: '2.9' short_description: Create systemd files and manage services to run containers notes: [] description: - Manage the systemd unit files for containers with a restart policy and then make sure the services are started so the containers are running. It takes the container config data in entry to figure out how the unit files will be configured. It returns a list of services that were restarted. requirements: - None options: container_config: description: - List of container configurations type: list elements: dict systemd_healthchecks: default: true description: - Whether or not we cleanup the old healthchecks with SystemD. type: boolean restart_containers: description: - List of container names to be restarted default: [] type: list debug: default: false description: - Whether or not debug is enabled. type: boolean """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Manage container systemd services container_systemd: container_config: - keystone: image: quay.io/tripleo/keystone restart: always - mysql: image: quay.io/tripleo/mysql stop_grace_period: 25 restart: always """ RETURN = """ restarted: description: List of services that were restarted returned: always type: list sample: - tripleo_keystone.service - tripleo_mysql.service """ class ActionModule(ActionBase): """Class for the container_systemd action plugin. """ _VALID_ARGS = yaml.safe_load(DOCUMENTATION)['options'] def _get_args(self): missing = [] args = {} for option, vals in self._VALID_ARGS.items(): if 'default' not in vals: if self._task.args.get(option, None) is None: missing.append(option) continue args[option] = self._task.args.get(option) else: args[option] = self._task.args.get(option, vals['default']) if missing: raise AnsibleActionFail('Missing required parameters: {}'.format( ', '.join(missing))) return args def _cleanup_requires(self, container_names, task_vars): """Cleanup systemd requires files. :param container_names: List of container names. :param task_vars: Dictionary of Ansible task variables. """ for name in container_names: path = "/etc/systemd/system/tripleo_{}.requires".format(name) if self.debug: DISPLAY.display('Removing {} file'.format(path)) results = self._execute_module( module_name='file', module_args=dict(path=path, state='absent'), task_vars=task_vars ) if results.get('changed', False): self.changed = True def _delete_service(self, name, task_vars): """Stop and disable a systemd service. :param name: String for service name to stop and disable. :param task_vars: Dictionary of Ansible task variables. """ tvars = copy.deepcopy(task_vars) results = self._execute_module( module_name='systemd', module_args=dict(state='stopped', name='tripleo_{}_healthcheck.timer'.format(name), enabled=False, daemon_reload=False), task_vars=tvars ) return results def _cleanup_healthchecks(self, container_names, task_vars): """Cleanup systemd healthcheck files. :param container_names: List of container names. :param task_vars: Dictionary of Ansible task variables. """ systemd_reload = False for cname in container_names: h_path = os.path.join('/etc/systemd/system', 'tripleo_{}_healthcheck.timer'.format(cname)) healthcheck_stat = self._execute_module( module_name='stat', module_args=dict(path=h_path), task_vars=task_vars ) if healthcheck_stat.get('stat', {}).get('exists', False): if self.debug: DISPLAY.display('Cleaning-up systemd healthcheck for ' '{}'.format(cname)) self._delete_service(cname, task_vars) files_ext = ['service', 'timer'] for ext in files_ext: sysd_base = '/etc/systemd/system' file_path = 'tripleo_{}_healthcheck.{}'.format(cname, ext) full_path = os.path.join(sysd_base, file_path) results = self._execute_module( module_name='file', module_args=dict(path=full_path, state='absent'), task_vars=task_vars ) if results.get('changed', False): self.changed = True systemd_reload = True if systemd_reload: self._systemd_reload(task_vars) def _get_unit_template(self): """Return systemd unit template data :returns data: Template data. """ if self._task._role: file_path = self._task._role._role_path else: file_path = self._loader.get_basedir() # NOTE: if templates doesn't exist, it'll always return # file_path/systemd-service.j2 # This file is required to exist from the # tripleo_container_manage role, as there is no # parameter to override it now. source = self._loader.path_dwim_relative( file_path, 'templates', 'systemd-service.j2' ) if not os.path.exists(source): raise AnsibleActionFail('Template {} was ' 'not found'.format(source)) with open(source) as template_file: data = template_file.read() return data def _create_units(self, container_config, task_vars): """Create system units and get list of changed services :param container_config: List of dictionaries for container configs. :param task_vars: Dictionary of Ansible task variables. :returns changed_containers: List of containers which has a new unit. """ try: remote_user = self._get_remote_user() except Exception: remote_user = task_vars.get('ansible_user') if not remote_user: remote_user = self._play_context.remote_user tmp = self._make_tmp_path(remote_user) unit_template = self._get_unit_template() changed_containers = [] for container in container_config: for name, config in container.items(): dest = '/etc/systemd/system/tripleo_{}.service'.format(name) task_vars['container_data_unit'] = container unit = (self._templar.template(unit_template, preserve_trailing_newlines=True, escape_backslashes=False, convert_data=False)) del task_vars['container_data_unit'] remote_data = self._transfer_data( self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, 'source'), unit) results = self._execute_module( module_name='copy', module_args=dict(src=remote_data, dest=dest, mode='0644', owner='root', group='root'), task_vars=task_vars) if results.get('changed', False): changed_containers.append(name) if self.debug: DISPLAY.display('Systemd unit files were created or updated for: ' '{}'.format(changed_containers)) return changed_containers def _systemd_reload(self, task_vars): """Reload systemd to load new units. :param task_vars: Dictionary of Ansible task variables. """ if self.debug: DISPLAY.display('Running systemd daemon reload') results = self._execute_module( module_name='systemd', module_args=dict(daemon_reload=True), task_vars=task_vars ) if results.get('changed', False): self.changed = True @tenacity.retry( reraise=True, stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(5) ) def _restart_service(self, name, task_vars): """Restart a systemd service with retries and delay. :param name: String for service name to restart. :param task_vars: Dictionary of Ansible task variables. """ tvars = copy.deepcopy(task_vars) results = self._execute_module( module_name='systemd', module_args=dict(state='restarted', name='tripleo_{}.service'.format(name), enabled=True, daemon_reload=False), task_vars=tvars ) if 'Result' in results['status']: if results['status']['Result'] == 'success': if results.get('changed', False): self.changed = True self.restarted.append('tripleo_{}.service'.format(name)) return raise AnsibleActionFail('Service {} has not started yet'.format(name)) def _restart_services(self, service_names, task_vars): """Restart systemd services. :param service_names: List of services to restart. :param task_vars: Dictionary of Ansible task variables. """ for name in service_names: if self.debug: DISPLAY.display('Restarting systemd service for ' '{}'.format(name)) self._restart_service(name, task_vars) def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): self.changed = False self.restarted = [] if task_vars is None: task_vars = dict() result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars) del tmp # parse args args = self._get_args() container_config = args['container_config'] systemd_healthchecks = args['systemd_healthchecks'] restart_containers = args['restart_containers'] self.debug = args['debug'] extra_restarts = [] for c in restart_containers: s_path = os.path.join('/etc/systemd/system', 'tripleo_{}.service'.format(c)) service_stat = self._execute_module( module_name='stat', module_args=dict(path=s_path), task_vars=task_vars ) if service_stat.get('stat', {}).get('exists', False): if self.debug: DISPLAY.display('This container will be ' 'restarted: {}'.format(c)) extra_restarts.append(c) container_names = [] for container in container_config: for name, config in container.items(): container_names.append(name) self._cleanup_requires(container_names, task_vars) if systemd_healthchecks: self._cleanup_healthchecks(container_names, task_vars) changed_services = self._create_units(container_config, task_vars) if len(changed_services) > 0: self._systemd_reload(task_vars) service_names = set(changed_services + extra_restarts) self._restart_services(service_names, task_vars) result['changed'] = self.changed result['restarted'] = self.restarted return result